Tom Toles for November 21, 2016

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    mdhutton1949  over 7 years ago

    And yet Mr. Trump has submitted a plan to build a sea wall to protect his County Clare (Eire) golf resort. The stated justification for this wall is protection against the effects of climate change – specifically rising sea levels and the extreme weather.Say one thing to the electorate and another to protect his business. Time for a blind trust.Obligatory italic and bold

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  2. Skrull
    avalon1  over 7 years ago

    And, all the spineless assholes that formerly touted Trump’s lunacy, are now groveling for positions. Nonexistent integrity.

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    Old_Curmudgeon   over 7 years ago

    That political liars so often succeed: This is in large part explained by social-science scholarship I’ve heeded for many decades, – much of which focuses on people’s non-rationality {which wicked politicians exploit}.

    FOLKS FALL for POLs’ FIBS {a limerick}

    Scholars have long since treated

    how people’s minds are defeated

    by pols who are ruthless

    in pronouncements truthless, -

    - such as those which Trump has tweeted.


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  4. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  over 7 years ago

    I think we are going to see Trump attempt to “fool all the people all the time”, with the subsequent failure predicted by Old Abe.

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    edward thomas Premium Member over 7 years ago

    And, speaking of tweets, isn’t it interesting that the GOP/Trump, which constantly complain about “playing the VICTIM card”, continually complain about being victimized?And then want apologies.

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    Kip W  over 7 years ago

    It’s not all noise from him. $25 million just bought him some silence.

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  7. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    Now that Trump is in control (because he is not black we can give him the country early) Climate control is no longer an issue. He has fixed it and made it great. Just take a look at the right-wing news sites (the only source of truth in Trump’s America) Government is now great, Climate-change does not exist, We have always been a Christian nation and whining is the new big boy response. Welcome to Trump’s America, let’s hope we are still allowed to vote in 2 years.

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  8. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    The republicons want to profit while they destroy the earth for everyone else. Koch coal anyone?

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    lonecat  over 7 years ago

    Your argument fails. There are many many many indications that the world is getting warmer. One clear indication is given by the ranges of plants and animals, and these ranges are rapidly changing. I have a friend who does research on the spread of diseases in Africa, particularly those which are spread by insects, and she tells me that many tropical diseases are rapidly spreading into new territories because insects can now live in those territories. In Canada, to take a different part of the world, we are seeing the range of Lyme disease spreading into parts of Quebec and Ontario where it was never seen even ten years ago, and the most likely explanation again is that the ticks that carry it are spreading their range north. There are innumerable other similar instances. The earth is its own thermometer, and it’s telling us that there has already been a big change with serious consequences.

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    Thomas & Tifffany Connolly  over 7 years ago

    Why are you clouding the issue with facts?

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  11. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 7 years ago

    Don’t worry, Trump has a “secret plan” to cool off the planet, after his “secret plan” destroys ISIS, and his “secret plan” proves that Ted Cruz’s father killed Kennedy……..

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    louieglutz  over 7 years ago

    hottest year ever? since when? and who was monitoring the thermometers back then?

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Global warming is real. Just look at all the vermin who’s natural habitat are the swamps of DC being sighted as far north as New York & New Jersey…

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    ForALaugh Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Climate Change A primer for the folks that are so confusedThe how and why

    a) On a sunny day a greenhouse gets warmer inside than the garden is outside. A car parked in the sun can get hot enough to kill your dog. The way glass traps the sun’s heat is called the “greenhouse effect.”

    b) There’s a layer in our atmosphere that acts like the glass in a greenhouse to keep the earth warmer than the space beyond. The gases that make up that layer are called “greenhouse gases.”

    c) Two important greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide and methane. We can measure them. We can also measure how much was in the atmosphere in the past, for example by analyzing air bubbles trapped in ancient ice. We know that greenhouse gases are increasing fast and we know why.

    d) Coal, gas, and oil (the “fossil fuels”) essentially contain a highly concentrated package of carbon and solar energy captured by ancient plants and condensed over geologic time. When fossil fuels burn, they release those eons of concentrated energy and carbon all at once. The energy fuels our civilization, but the carbon ends up increasing the greenhouse gases. Then the greenhouse effect makes the earth get warmer. That’s called “global warming.”

    e) Global warming results in climate change. Warmer land and oceans put more energy into climate systems, resulting in more extreme and chaotic weather. In spite of local fluctuations, worldwide temperature measurements clearly show rapid global warming is taking place.

    f) The basics physics behind all this is the same physics that brought you all of modern technology. We have the data. We understand the mechanism. There is no controversy about any of it, except one manufactured by the fossil fuel industry and spread by misinformed politicians or media.

    g) So why doesn’t your local cold weather disprove climate change? Climate only controls weather on a large scale. Local weather variation will always occur. When the tide comes in

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    ForALaugh Premium Member over 7 years ago

    , individual waves keep moving in and out in apparently random and unpredictable ways, but the beach still disappears under water. Being unable to predict individual waves doesn’t mean we can’t accurately predict the high tide. By definition, global warming is a trend measured over the entire planet, not in your backyard.

    h) But why believe human activity causes global warming? You’ve heard of other causes: stuff about the sun’s output, the earth’s axis, etc. Climate scientists have studied all of these. None of them can account for the amount of warming that’s been measured. Increased greenhouse gases from fossil fuels can clearly account for the warming climate. Once again, this is basic physics.

    i) Are scientists making it all up to make money or get grants (even though grants don’t work that way)? Are hundreds of individual researchers in every country all colluding to fool us, for no possible gain to themselves? No. Only the fossil fuel industry stands to lose money if we try to control carbon emissions.

    j) Our human civilizations and food production systems are dependent on the climate we have now, not one that’s a great deal warmer. We have the technology now to get energy from alternative sources. We either embrace them, or watch our civilization struggle to provide enough food and water, cope with more extreme weather events, deal with more displacement of people from drought or flood. Or we can indulge in denial until it’s too late. The choice is ours.

    You can watch Fox or listen to RW radio all you want, but reality is reality no matter how much you deny it!

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    More than just a “few billions” of dollars and not by just one country, but everyone. No more wars no more imperial exploits destroying countries that the US and other countries do.

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