Endtown by Aaron Neathery for October 27, 2014

  1. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 10 years ago

    Oh Poor Jim! He really didn’t believe she would This heartless! he is very upset so there is no real prediction of his behavior. If they were in Endtown I could imagine him jumping into the canal!Maybe he will will join Wally in the ring.Imagine 2 mad strong little beings full of teeth and claws! They could do serious damage to more than one lizard!

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  2. P1030210
    ckcsmum Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Well that escalated quickly…

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  3. Helm08g1f01t
    Melkior  almost 10 years ago

    Major freak-out time. Poor Jim. And you can’t really blame him.

    Sarah, on the other hand, you can certainly blame.

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    trantor0815  almost 10 years ago

    I say now Jim is only a few panels before he get his big show where he dies.

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  5. Idano
    Ida No  almost 10 years ago

    Schism syndrome.I’m not the me that I know I am.

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    Space_cat  almost 10 years ago

    It’s almost “comic”-al to see Jims reaction. One might expect a woman to act this way if one was inclined to believe in such old stereotypes. I would say old Jim is acting like a teenage girl, if he runs to his room and starts crying on the bed face down we will certainly know who wore the pants on this no failed relationship.Seriously though, it seems Jim is overwhelmed emotionally. What exactly did he give up other that his human form and a relatively safe place to live. what he did, he did for love. There may be a few here who have made a huge change in their lives and careers for someone special only to have it all go to crap in a short time. So there you are, alone, angry, no job and far from home, and you cannot even go home if you wanted.One could even be forgiven for panicking like Jim just has. He’s burned his bridges and when you have done that you can only move ahead, which he seems to have done with haste. A “rabid” Raccoon running around screaming works both ways, yes the cover of secrecy has been blown, the focus on catching Jim gives Holly a chance to grab Wally and get out of there if she acts fast enough.Jim’s emotional state makes him a detriment to the group, even if he could leave his “condition” would make him a danger to himself and possibly others. In this situation it is best to let him go and hope he gets out on his own.There ought be a Motown song dedicated to this whole bit by David Ruffin.

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    TheCheryl  almost 10 years ago

    Sorry Jim, but she doesn’t owe you shit. If you do a ton for somebody, that’s nice and all but in the end they don’t have to give you anything. It was his choice to do those things for her, she shouldn’t have to stick with him if she doesn’t want to. She just doesn’t see them as compatible anymore and I can’t blame her. That isn’t heartless, that’s life.

    Don’t do permanent shit to yourself, especially if you can’t handle the potential results. That applies to any and everything. People are harsh as hell on Sarah, but come on, the woman went through a whole lot of stuff all at once and finally has a place she live relatively happy and stable. Yeah it sucks for Jim, he might have saved her life, but he doesn’t own it.

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  8. Idano
    Ida No  almost 10 years ago

    New auction up! Please bid and help keep Endtown running.Moonlight on the Great Water

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    Twonky  almost 10 years ago

    Well, Jim does have his faults. Look how he has treated Wally, Holly and the brain in stasis.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Sorry doesn’t feed eggs to the raccoons.

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  11. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  almost 10 years ago

    Well, that went better than I expected. And yet somehow it feels worst.

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  12. Lizardavatar
    MattStriker  almost 10 years ago

    I wonder if he’ll somehow signal our favorite gas mask goons to wipe the colony out now…

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  13. Tamandua walkies
    crookedwolf Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I hate to see a grown raccoon cry!

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  14. Version 2
    dwandelt Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    well, one good thing for sure…once our fearless intrepids finally break loose of this reptilian colony, they won’t have to deal with the heartless, self-absorbed bee-eye-itch.

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  15. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  almost 10 years ago

    This went as well as I could expect. I mean, I half expected him to jump on Piotr who might suddenly learn that his large size is not the advantage he might have expected. I’m just heartless enough to understand Sarah’s position. Their mutation has made them less than compatible. Still, this was the worst way to break that to a guy. Not that there was any way this could have ended well.

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  16. Slogo3avatar
    scyphi26  almost 10 years ago

    It’s going to take a heck of a lot more than a “sorry” to smooth this over.In unrelated news, I’ve got a hunch on where Aaron plans to take Jim with all of this, but we’ll see if I’m right.

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    zorro456  almost 10 years ago

    She always was a reptile.

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    Vet Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    My popcorn is holding up well.Too bad Piotr was cowering behind the door. Brave man. This was a Kodak moment and he missed it.

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  19. 560977
    ThomasKDye  almost 10 years ago

    “Yeah, but what have you done for me LATELY?”

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  20. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Yeah…. you are one sorry slut.

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  21. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 10 years ago

    What was it, three weeks ago? We seemed to be promised some action – beginning with Fearless Leader slapping his wife. Not that I’m a fan of domestic abuse, but it was a ripple in an otherwise steadily dreary tale of mammals trapped in a reptile’s world..There’s also the boxing match coming up with Wally and Phil in a likely phixed phight. But who knows how far down the road that’s going to be?.In the meantime, this whole thing seems to be turning into a soap opera..Granted, due to illness, Aaron has been running only three installments a week..But this storyline, which was already moving at a crawl, looks like it’s coming to a stall!

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  22. Frekko token
    Strider Keninginne Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I don’t blame Piotr for staying away from Jim, facing an out-of-his-mind humanoid raccoon would be a scary deal indeed, yet he could’ve put up enough of a presence to keep his man-card intact.

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  23. Rocket thumbnail
    4lbatross  almost 10 years ago

    Don’t kill yourself over this Jim! You’ll find someone else :)

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    mr_sherman Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    To those who commented schism, that was my first thought also.

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    yangeldf  almost 10 years ago

    he went mutant to save HER from cancer, now she’s using the fact that they turned into different animals as an excuse to leave him. Kinda hard to spin this lady…

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  26. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 10 years ago

    Poor Jim. He’s realizing some sacrifices just weren’t worth making……I pity any lizard who gets in Jim’s way now… But only to a certain degree.

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  27. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 10 years ago

    Pity. If they were back in Endtown, he could be introduced to Linda…After he calms down, of course…

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    Vet Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    The look on Jim’s face remind me of back when Sparkplug was flashing back (with the dittos help) in Hillside as the virus ravaged the town just before the whole world changed. All those folks running around confused, scared, monstered.But his Schism is powered not only by the mutation but by rejection and abandonment.An unwanted mutant in a mutant world……sounds like Chic don’t it.

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  29. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  almost 10 years ago

    Veteran,Thanks for taking the time to respond.In this case the invasion in question was called for by the civilian government for economic reasons. The story is a sci-fi “space opera” in which a group of colonists from a group of colonies secretly colonized a group of worlds outside of the original group’s “territory”. The leaders of the original colonial group decided they wanted to control the newcomers and ordered their police force (the only troops they had under their control) to attack.The troops, in this case were a sort of space faring highway patrol with 20 meter long gunships. Their normal work involves dealing with pirates and smugglers and this is the first time any of them have been called upon for open warfare.To all the other members of this forum. I hope this diversion from writing about “Endtown” isn’t bothering you too much. This is the only way I knew to contact Veteran.Darwinskeeper

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  30. Emma on her wheel
    coffeemugman  almost 10 years ago

    Well, he didn’t go quietly, but he did go away without starting trouble.

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  31. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Sarah did nothing wrong. She is more adaptable than Jim. After that first encounter where their incompatibility was first realized she moved on, as should Jim. Find a nice fluffy raccoon.-

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Me neither, but I’ve been told the police really don’t act like they do on TV—-firing their guns in every episode and driving fast cars. Mostly it’s a matter of dealing with domestic disputes, filing (or not filing) paperwork on their cases, and waiting for retirement. (It’s the “Barney Miller” influence on me—-though most cops aren’t as funny.)

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  33. Smaug
    the other ghost girl  almost 10 years ago

    I’ve got a feelin’ (badum dum) that jim’s going to call the topsiders to kill off the colony. He’ll likely be turned into a brain in a box and those don’t really feel

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  34. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  almost 10 years ago

    While I do understand that they mutated apart. She should have really discussed this with Jim before running off with the next guy. Especially considering that before they mutated, she asked him.“I just want you to promise that, whatever the… OUTCOME… you’ll stick by me, Jim…”Jim lived up to his promise. Sarah should have been aware of the fact that asking for a promise like this suggests that she was making a similar promise. I can understand why she felt the need to break this promise, but she needed a better way to do it.http://www.gocomics.com/endtown/2014/02/25

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    Vet Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Oh you do have a point and that is an issue. Local police use to be seen as community oriented. Serving the needs of the community to protect and defend. This line has become blurred after 9-11. It took this long but now local agencies are getting their hands on some serious hardware all under Homeland Security needs. As a State guy I have the arms that are equal to military in everything but full auto modes. But some PD I know have M16A4 with full auto capabilities, modern night vision, armored Humvees and what not. They have drifted away from the community policing that they use to do. I have worked with some where I had the suspects at gun point with my hand gun and they show up sporting a SAW machine gun. I would be concerned about sending a pistol round down range…..much less them sending about 30 or 40 rounds down range.Now in their defense many cities have gangs with as much fire power as a small army. The locals will run across them much sooner than me in the long run so having more firepower to defend would be needed. Several shootouts in CA and FL proved that. You cant do much against a guy wearing several layers of body armor toting a modified AK firing full auto and all you have is a 9mm. But with tactics you can. The one thing none of them thought of was taking out his feet. That was done later in the shootout. The only part not covered by armor and exposed under the cars he was using for cover. That again is a difference in personal training. I am prepared to shoot at whatever presents itself if shooting is needed. That is the training we receive. Think outside the box, be adaptive.But yes sadly many groups see the police as the enemy. Things happen like Ferguson. Folks react with their emotions before the facts. I have heard that before….“I did not see what happened but here is what happened.” I mean really you did not see it but now you are going to tell me about it.“He was just a kid” Yes a very big “kid” on an adult crime spree using his size as a weapon of intimidation.“He was unarmed.” I personally can kill you bare handed as easily as if I had a guy. All I need is to get a hold of you.“He had his hands up.” But he was still advancing on the officer even after being shot not listening to the commands to stop.Now I hear advice is being given as to watch out what you post on Facebook and such. Don’t post your gangster shots holding an AK blogging about killing Police. Post your baby photo instead so that shows up making you look innocent when your reality is far from that if you are killed.Just remember this about the police……1. We are under no rule of law to run away from you.2. We are under no rule of law to use certain force only under certain conditions. What force we chose we have to justify, that is the only rule so if I can justify it I can use it.3. Arguing with the police at the scene is not a good thing to do. Let things calm down. Let them calm down. First things first….let them make the scene “safe”. Don’t add to it.4. If you don’t know what happened say so. Don’t speculate or spread what you heard to outsiders. Even if what you heard or saw was what really went on, give that info to the investigators don’t show up on Fox news so they can edit out parts and add to speculations.Rodney King….we all saw the beatings (I too believe they went over the top) but no one till later was shown his arrogant abusive behavior prior to the take down. It was there but not shown. As with Ferguson we only heard “He was shot with his hands up.” Not he was getting aggressive, pushing, refusing to cooperate, he was big, prior to the officer deciding to shoot. Now that is coming out in Grand Jury and investigation by outside agencies.Being a cop is not easy. You get to arm chair decide anything I do over tea. I have a millisecond to decide life or death. So far my decisions have been good. For others they live with the fact they killed someone. For others…..they are on memorials. But the one that gets the press is “He was unarmed with his hands up.”No offense is meant or taken. Soon personally I will give up the police mantel and return to society as a regular guy. Others come up behind me to take my spot. I just hope they do was well as I think I have.

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  36. Celtic knot1 th
    UBBM Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Murder-suicide coming up.

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  37. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  almost 10 years ago

    Jim gave up everything for her… And now, there may be nothing left of him.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I’m thinking Jim’s encounters with mutants since his own mutation have been, so far, Wally, Holly, Clive (I suppose), the dittoes, assorted Lizards, and Chick. One might say this isn’t exactly a representative sampling. (I can’t say anything about who he encountered before—-for all we know, he and Sarah were in some way responsible for what happened to that wrecked colony we found them in.)

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  39. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    @DarwinskeeperGood one btw! Someone was kind enough to give me the formula. When you find the comic you want to paste, you right click on it and select the option “Copy image url” Then paste it into the string below (which you should save somewhere) over the words between the quotes(including parenthesis). Then copy and paste that whole thing into a comment box. When you hit SUBMIT, it will come up as a comic. Good luck. Here it is for you:--

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  40. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  almost 10 years ago

    What did he expect? He is a two-foot raccoon and she is a 6 foot (not counting tail) Komodo Dragon. He’s lucky she doesn’t see him as a potential supper.

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  41. Merri profile winter
    MerriMagic  almost 10 years ago

    Don’t like Sarah anymore.

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  42. Ukiah
    Ukiah  almost 10 years ago

    So much Piotr hate. It makes sense to me he’d let them work it out alone, plus Sarah seems like the type to take offense from someone else fighting her battles.

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