Tom Toles for October 10, 2014

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    ajnotales  over 9 years ago

    War is sexy and infrastructure isn’t, to a politician…

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    Doughfoot  over 9 years ago

    “Be afraid. Be very afraid.” The motto, platform, and program of the GOP, in five words or twenty letters. There is however, and a much longer and more complete version, adding who you should be afraid of, and why: Asians, Africans, Hispanics, Europeans, Democrats, Liberals, Muslims, Atheists, Foreigners, Gays, etc. If fact, you should be afraid of just about everyone except the GOP. Because all the rest of them will take your money, take your job, take your gun, infect you with diseases, break into you house, rape your women folk and kill you, strengthen and enlarge your government, spend your taxes, use your resources, raise your prices, insult your God, hurt your feelings (e.g. by saying ‘Happy Holidays’ instead of ‘Merry Christmas’), corrupt your children, impoverish your descendants, enlarge your government, make life in your suburb or your condo no better than that of a slave on a plantation, … and make the future different from the past as you imagine it was. If the above makes sense to you; if you live in fear of the world, of your country, and of your neighbor (not THAT neighbor, the Other one): then vote the Republican ticket in November. The GOP won’t accomplish anything, but they will validate your paranoia, and won’t that feel good? NB: The above is satire, and only applies to some Republicans, though too many. But if the shoe fits … I should also like to note that anger and hatred are essentially manifestations of fear: when you see them, when they are not feigned, it is good to remember that they are always grounded in fear.

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  3. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 9 years ago

    One of your best, Mr. Toles.

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    magicwalnut Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Well, whomever the GOP nominates for prez next time, the Dems should proclaim him secretly black and transgender, born on Mars, a Satanist Ebola carrier who crossed the border illegally, and shout it to the rooftops. Two can play that game…

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    Doughfoot  over 9 years ago

    You are often kind, Martens, and I love your portrait. Nice to know that someone notices. Would you mind sharing where “Martens Misses All Her Friends” comes from? My nom-de-plume comes from my interest in WWI, and the fact that “Doughboy” was taken; Doughfoot is a rarer alternative version of that nickname.

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    ARodney  over 9 years ago

    Love the cartoon. The Republcan party has surpassed it’s “post-policy” phase, where it can’t propose or pass any laws, to a “post truth” phase, where you can spout whatever nonsense you want and the base will never hold you accountable. In fact, they’ll love you more the more you leave reality behind. Because Obama.

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  7. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 9 years ago

    Can you imagine the contempt Mark Twain would have for (and the fun he could have WITH) some of the politicians running around loose these days? Chris Christie, the cowardly bully. Sarah Palin, the imbecile quitter. John Boehner the alcoholic crybaby. Ron Paul, the old crackpot bigot. Rand Paul, the young crackpot bigot. Jeb Bush, as dishonest as big George, little George, and Neil. Ted Cruz, Canada’s worst export. Paul Ryan, the trickle down con artist. And tea party lunatics far too numerous to mention!

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    There’s absolutely nothing to worry about.“ISIS is a JV team and Ebola is highly unlikely to come to the US”.Oh and we have a Community Organizer making sure we’re safe!

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  9. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Barney Frank summed it up perfectly:

    “Vote Democratic, we’re not perfect, but they’re nuts.”
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    Johnny472  over 9 years ago

    I would not be surprised that it’s happening. The amount of illegals caught entering and passing thru Central America is great. They come from all nations. But our do nothing and selectively discriminatory government, goes after the Latinos, not the Chinese, Indian, or African illegals; much less the Europeans. The Ebola threat is as of now, does not come from Central America, but from Africa. Let’s put a stop to their entrance to our country.

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    Kip W  over 9 years ago

    Obviously one of those free-thinking independents who hates all Democrats and loves 99% of Republicans.

    Brought to you by the GOP: “The Only Thing We Have… is Fear.”

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  12. 2192946 misterfantastica
    eugene57  over 9 years ago


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    edward thomas Premium Member over 9 years ago

    So by the time they get a visa, get on the plane, fly to Central America, secretly steal into Mexico in order to find a coyote to get across the border, they will have died.But then they will have infected THOUSANDS, who in their diseased state will walk zombie-like across our border impervious to any weapon because they will already be the WALKING DEAD!Great call Rush!

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  14. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 9 years ago

    yesterday Lukovich had a similar sentiment. What edinbaltimore says is spot on. What part of their anatomy do they pull this ridiculous type “headline” from?

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  15. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  over 9 years ago

    It’s easily understandable. The corporate state loves war, so it can profit from more Pentagon waste! Welfare for the wealthy does not hold much profit with infrastructure. It’s harder to overrun costs, and everyone knows when it’s finished.

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  16. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Wait, wait…You forgot the “birther” thing too! Come on folks! Get with the program!

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    ModerationInAllThings Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I love it when I see the ultra Conservaives on this site continue to blame our current president for pulling out of Iraq too early. That is truly funny when you consider the truth that he actaully opposed pulling out so completely, but the Iraqi government insisted that the US do exactly just what it contracted to do between the government of the US (under presdient GW Bush) and the then Iraqi government. And further that same Iraqi government then insisted that if we did not pull out that our troops would then be liable to not only the Iraqi government, but even smaller more local governments as well. Something that the US government (regardless of just who was in power at that time) has NEVER done under any circumstances!!! This left president Obama with no other choice but to agree and pull us out of Iraq.

    And now, as this ISIS groups is continually attacking Iraq, not only that same Iraqi Goverment, but the ultra Conservatives as well (who oppose ANYTHING that president Obama does or does not do anyway) are mad about just what they all asked for in the first place. Heck, Shakephere himself could not have come up with a more rediculous scenario!!!

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