Ted Rall for January 14, 2019

  1. Zh7uxue
    GreggW Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Working class Democrats, the ones that the party establishment essentially abandoned, would probably have liked it. Those middle class suburbanites said establishment thought that they could win with, probably not. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez shows progressive Dems can be kick-ass minus blatant dishonesty and slurs. The key speculation Mr. Rall ( and no doubt, many, many, others) has rightly raised is, imagine a Dem president who fought as hard for the left as Trump does for the right.

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  2. Quill pen
    Yontrop  over 5 years ago

    I for one don’t want a race to the bottom. I sincerely hope that voters on the left would not respond to the tactics that Ted seems to be endorsing. I wish Democrats would stop pandering to corporate interests (even though they don’t do it as much as Republicans) and then work harder to communicate clearly and effectively with voters. Concentrate on the parts of what we believe in that can generate a majority. Republicans don’t seem to believe in democracy any more. That’s why they use the tactics they use. Do we really want to go down that road?

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  3. Dillo
    mommadillo  over 5 years ago

    Didn’t Trump and the GOP completely control the government the last couple of years? You’d think if they were really serious about getting that wall built, they’d have already done it, wouldn’t you?

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  4. Michaelparksjimbronson
    well-i-never  over 5 years ago

    Isn’t this by the “The Worst Thing I’ve Ever Done” guy?

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    mattro65  over 5 years ago

    Heaven forfend the Democrats do what Rall shows in panels 2 & 3. We’d see the right wing snowflakes melting in a puddle of their tears while waggling their fingers at us and saying, "Why are you ‘effin’ libtards so uncivil. Why can’t we all get along you a__holes! " . As for panel 1, just refer to what the woman in panel 4 is saying.

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  6. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 5 years ago

    You know what the difference between Trump and a flying pig is? An f.

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  7. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 5 years ago

    Panel One – I’d love it if this were reality — up to a point. As much as I’d love to see Democrats find their spines and actually fight for a progressive agenda, there’s still room for some compromise.

    Panel Two – This wouldn’t work as well as you might think. Some studies have shown that most people who support conservative ideals respond to fear mongering differently than those who support progressive ideals. BTW, this is also why trying to fear monger a progressive into voting for a terrible candidate as the lesser of two evils won’t likely get you very far.

    Panel Three – This wouldn’t work very well for similar reasons stated for Panel Two. I know it would seriously turn me off to the party. Negative campaigning generally means the party/candidate has nothing positive to say about their own policy positions, so they have to focus on belittling their opponents. That’s a big red flag for me.

    Panel Four – I don’t have to imagine why Trump supporters love him. I’ve had experience with some of ’em and in my experience, the supporters who aren’t racist/supremacists either have problems feeling empathy towards others, or seem to have anti-social personality disorders that cause them to enjoy acting like @$$holes to other people. Two examples that really stand out for me are two former coworkers. One is a Fox News watching right wing highly conservative Catholic who wholeheartedly supported W. Her reaction to Trump was more negative than mine. The other person, also a Fox News watching conservative Catholic, clearly has anti-social issues and there’s at least some racism in his family. He’s a big Trump supporter.

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  8. Home winter 001  2
    gmadoll789 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Slurs? Accurate facts.

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  9. 1968 avatar 1
    pamela welch Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Spot on, Ted!

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  10. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 5 years ago

    The wall is a smoke screen. Means nothing to him or he would have passed any of the 3 bills that had Wall funding as part of them during the 2 years that THE REPUBLICANS CONTROLLED THE ENTIRE GOVT. Up to $21 billion dollars! What he wants to do is to declare a national emergency but he is timid for a would be dictator. Right now his minion Mitch McConnell is the guard dog keeping the bills bottled up so Trump won’t have to do anything.

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  11. Triumph
    Daeder  over 5 years ago

    Yeah, it sure would be nice to not have Democrats held to a double-standard of civility.

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