Steve Benson for September 03, 2019

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    WaitingMan  almost 5 years ago

    Whenever someone suggests getting automatic weapons off of the street, the gun nuts start crying that the AR-15 isn’t automatic, but semi-automatic. Because it is more important to protect definitions than human life.

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  2. Little b
    Dani Rice  almost 5 years ago

    Texas passed a law – signed the day after the most recent massacre – that allows guns in churches and schools. “To make Texas safer” according to their State Senate. If it gets any more safe down there, there won’t be anybody left alive.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Collateral damage folk.. to keep the NRA and Republicans in power. Those pesky Democrats ever get elected all those guns will be confiscated and that sacred 2nd amendment will be re-interpreted.

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  4. Coexist
    Bookworm  almost 5 years ago

    Aw shucks, folks. This one didn’t even get into double-digit fatalities. Only a thought and a prayer needed here. Besides, the “Chosen One” cancelled a trip to Poland to “monitor” conditions and was playing golf to get his mind off the burdens of office. No doubt his caddy was briefing him on everything he needed to know. /s

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    thelordthygod666  almost 5 years ago

    Since no amendment is sacrosanct, we can simply replace the 2nd amendment with a more restrictive one (since the NRA never mentioned this possibility it makes gunnuts panic – watch)

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  6. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Yes, it’s FAR PAST TIME to Repeal the 2nd. Amendment.

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    We need LOVE. Love is the common theme amonst all religions. It may take on different forms, but certainly among the three central religions, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, love of all is a basic theme. LOVE IS ALL should be our theme to combat the evils of this world.

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  8. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 5 years ago

    Thoughts and prayers do not work against bullets and guns.

    The iron age killed the age of magic, some people have been slow to realize this.

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    ncorgbl  almost 5 years ago

    Automatic weapons are illegal, and have been illegal since 1933. The AR15 is semi-automatic, and any modifications to make it fire as an automatic is illegal.

    Semi-automatic weapons include pistols, rifles and shot guns. The AR15 is being targeted as an ‘assault rifle’ by dishonest politicians on both sides. The AR15 is NOT an assault rifle. It is not an automatic weapon and an assault rifle must be fully automatic to be an assault rifle. The AR15 functions the same as any other semi-automatic weapon, such as the M1 Garand, carbines, and a host of hunting rifles. In fact, some use the AR15 for hunting. It just looks different. It looks like the M16A1 or the M4 fully automatic assault rifle. It’s looks are based in contemporary/modern design versus the older wood stock weapons.

    Don’t be fooled by those whose agenda is to confuse people, rather than solve the issue. Know the facts and not the hype. We need to make smart decisions, not knee-jerk reaction to supposed ‘leaders’ who aren’t interested in doing the hard work to solve the issue.

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    braindead Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Well, gee, isn’t making automatic weapons illegal, you know, unconstitutional?

    A grievous, grievous infringement of the right to bear arms?

    How have we not been turned into a total tyranny with that, you know, unconstitutional law on the books since the 30’s?


    And always remember: OBAMA IS COMING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS!

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  11. 90pix beer gnome
    gnome  almost 5 years ago

    “Guns are NOT the problem”…That is always the refrain from the right…and it always will be, and that is because it is right, meaning correct. The “gun” is not the problem because there are millions of people who are highly trained and responsible. If you can pass the background check for full auto, I don’t see any reason to “ban” assault rifles from you. There exist a curio&relic collector category all ready, so no more “what about…” rabbit hole. We classify all firearms now….. The issue seems to be classifying, high capacity semi-autos, identical to a single shot .22lr. Assault rifles need to be titled, similar to cars. Making the title holder responsible will halt other wise unacceptable “private” gun sales. I witness this type of thing at flea markets in Florida, all the time. These “private” sellers will ask way over market value, and not ask questions. If you dress like they dress, and talk like they talk, anybody can buy a gun. Take away the unanimity , just like with full-auto, and it will leave them in the hands of responsible owners, just like full-auto. Let not anyone think I am anti-gun, or anti- 2nd amendment. But as someone who Knows both sides, reclassifying assault rifles will stop most shooter, a yellow sheet call-in does not. 1934 solutions for 2020. -gnome

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  12. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 5 years ago

    We’ve got a problem with crazy people in the USA. Other nations have that problem too, but they don’t arm them with assault weapons. So in other nations, mostly, the “schemer” type crazies use a vehicle (sometimes full of explosives, it’s true): Generally much less lethal than a weapon shooting high speed ammunition from a large clip. And the “plain old whacko” crazies use something like a machete: Much much less lethal.

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    mr_sherman Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    I could be wrong, but haven’t ALL mass killers been until they killed have been noncriminals?

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    lonecat  almost 5 years ago

    1. Fewer guns of all kinds would be a good idea. 2. A society which disapproves of guns would be a good idea.

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  15. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 5 years ago

    BTW; the AR just stands for “Armalight”, manufacturer.

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    “We need LOVE. Love is the common theme amonst all religions. It may take on different forms, but certainly among the three central religions, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, love of all is a basic theme. LOVE IS ALL should be our theme to combat the evils of this world.”

    So, I said, and the response was negative. A great big FAT CHANCE in the face. LOVE IS ALL. You’ve gotta be kidding. Sounds like a ’60s hippie, “Give love a chance.” But, why not give love a chance.

    Twain was right. We Christians killed each other over who Jesus was. We killed thousands trying to take back Jerusalem. We killed even more while forcing native tribes to convert. We didn’t use love then all the while claiming God is Love. In our own time, we protect the unborn by killing the born that do not believe as we do. We practice hate, while professing love.

    Except for rare instances and individuals, we haven’t used love at all. Then it’s high time we got started. The climate is calling out for mankind to love the earth more than it loves itself; to embrace planetary caring on a grand scale; to love the land as we love ourselves.

    We’ve tried everything but love, why not give love a chance? What have you got to lose? LOVE IS ALL!

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    buckman-j  almost 5 years ago

    How about them Walmarts restricting ammunition sales?. All it took was 3-4 shootings around their stores. Wonder what might happen if Machine Gun Mitch heard some pop-pops around his dwelling?

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  18. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Excellent drawing today, in fact I would say Brilliant.

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    sufamelico  almost 5 years ago

    @OLD, Definitely not!

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  20. 90pix beer gnome
    gnome  almost 5 years ago

    abridged version:

    civilian firearms – GOOD

    civilian firepower – BAD

    ’bout as simple as I can make it-gnome

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