Henry Payne for August 24, 2012

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    In fact, Willard has not released even one year’s complete return. Missing from his 2010 return is the form that provides information about his Swiss bank account, including how much was in it.-Of Willard’s returns that HAVE been investigated, he has been documented as a tax cheat and has retroactively revised them and paid the required additional taxes.-It’s okay if a Republican did it, though.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    We of course sttill do NOT have a complete return, for any year, and the real “secret” IS just how much he sent overseas and how low that 14% would be in reality if we knew..

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  3. Makotrans
    Ketira  almost 12 years ago

    I keep wondering what is he afraid of? It’s got to be something illegal if he’s not releasing any full tax returns. C’mon, Mittens. You’re keeping something hidden, you’re rich (like the Bushes are), and you lie.And you expect this Independent Voter to vote for you?

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  4. Infantry
    aguirra3  almost 12 years ago

    Let’s see…Democrats don’t file taxes, they become part of the cabinet like geithner. Democrats hide money in trusts, they can rule forever like the Kennedy’s. Pelosi & Reid are part of the rich elite…but that is okay, right? And of course there is your worthless President who had the arrogance to hide his birth certificate…and you are worried about tax returns? You 4 (I exclude you cjr53 since you admit your bias) are hippocrits!

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  5. 200
    Michael Peterson Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    At some point, we should know if the captain is actually competent to sail the ship. Easiest way is for him to present his credentials, like every other captain who has wanted to be in charge for the past 40 years. When the captain refuses this simple, obvious, reasonable and traditional request, well, we’re a little reluctant to let him take over the bridge. Particularly when the seas are rough and we need a competant hand on the wheel.

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    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    End of Clinton admin-$236 billion surplus.End of Bush admin-$11.9 TRILLION debt.And you’re gonna tell us Obama is worthless?Want some more reep wars to really finish us off?

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    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    The possibility has been raised that Daddy Big Bucks hasn’t been straight with the Mormon church, either, in tithing the 10% of his income to them that he says he has given., thus exposing him as a fraud here, as well.Also the possibility that all along, for God only knows how many years, he has been able to reduce his tax liability to 0% with loopholes, deductions, etc.This guy is a beaut.Also, note that he gave 23 years tax returns to hire on with McCain, and McCain rejected him in favor of Palin, another beaut.

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    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago

    @Ketira et al.

    Please do a search:“Tell Mitt Romney-Release your tax returns”.An on-line petition there requiring only name, e-mail address, and zip code.Barbara Boxer posted this for online signatures.She has 100,000 signed signatures,in writing, from California alone, to be delivered to Big Bucks campaign HQ in California.Let’s turn up the heat on this guy.

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  9. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  almost 12 years ago

    Jeez don’t these cartoonists look at one anothers’ work before making carbon copies?

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    Breeana  almost 12 years ago

    His taxes last two years were between 13 and 14%; however, the Mormon Church EXPECTS you to tithe 10% ….. What am I missing here?

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  11. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  almost 12 years ago

    How would Republican’ts react to a Democratic candidate who avoided the tax issue like Rmoney has? I bet they’d go ballistic.

    The RWNJs should get it through their heads that this ain’t some dood being hired to work the fry station – this is the presidensity.

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    TonyJoad  almost 12 years ago

    Keep talking, the ship is sinking.

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    oneoldhat  almost 12 years ago

    mitt should release tax returns and bho should release school records and pass port records and explain why he used a phony ssn

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    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago

    The iceberg is the Republicant Party.

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    And Phil Gramm heads Mitt’s economic team. He gave us the Enron Loophole, the Mortgage Crisis …… wonder what’s next.

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  16. Marx lennon
    charliekane  almost 12 years ago

    USS Romney w/ a load of tea partiers?

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  17. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    First, Geihtner screwed up his returns, but paid the taxes and any incurred penalties. Rangel had “foreign investments”, and “corrected” any errors to the satisfaction of IRS.

    The issue with “Birth baby” Romney, is, he’s RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, and demanded his opponent for governor, RELEASE HER HUSBAND’S RETURNS AS WELL AS HER OWN!!

    What’s good for the goose is good for the chickenhawk Francophile. It’s also, if he side-steps paying taxes to support THIS COUNTRY, how exactly will he expect his “friends” to support this country? Oh, right, by getting MORE defense contracts and sending MORE jobs overseas, and closing down MORE companies, for profit to themselves, while the “blue collars” go on unemployment til it runs out, then get cut off welfare because there AREN’T ANY JOBS FOR THEM TO TAKE TO RECEIVE WELFARE UNDER THE RYAN EMPHASIS AND PLAN!!

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  18. Comics pearlsbeforeswine ratangry
    Heavy B  almost 12 years ago

    If he’s not guilty, whats he hiding? Remember that line from the birthers?

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  19. Missing large
    stripseeker  almost 12 years ago


    Love you.Have signed myself, and would stuff the ballot box, if could get away with it, but can’t.Thank you for your devotion to fairness for all!(Please spread the word of the petition).©.reeps will wreck Social Security, Medicare, and God only knows what else they may come up with., that help the poor, minorities, and middle class, and continue to give tax breaks to those who have more money than they could possibly spend in 200 lifetimes,(if they tried REAL hard).And , for the ladies, the end of Roe v. Wadewith the completely idiotic notion of a “personhood amendment”.Personhood- declared at the moment a sperm meets the egg of a female.Therefore, a person happens at moment of fertilisation, so any woman desiring an abortion becomes guilty of MURDER.Therefore, no abortions under penalty of prosecution for murder.This, in the 21st century. And this, proposed by MEN, professing to tell a woman what SHE can do with her body.Bless you love for wishing to go against what these idiot reeps stand for!Not to mention all voter suppression reeps have been putting forth to prevent minority voters (those likely to vote Dem)in swing states (Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) and others.Am a guy,was in service, and we’ve always been told that part of what we were in service for was to protect the right of ALL Americans to vote.Am sickened by voter suppression efforts by reeps.Namaste, love.Roughy translated as “the God within me honors the God within you”. We are all ONE to God. Bless you, and love you at a distance.Namaste.

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    thebaldtexican  almost 12 years ago

    Mitt, give up your tax records, the same day Barry gives up his complete college transcript.

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