Rob Rogers for August 20, 2012

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    ANY shooting incident is deplorable, even against such hate groups who attack millions, daily. The incident didn’t get as much coverage, because, thankfully, nobody was killed, only one brave man was wounded. (BTW, was this an ARMED guard who did NOT see the need to shoot back?)

    But, maybe if they guy had an additional clip of ammunition, instead of 15 Chick – fli- a sandwiches, or not been as incompetent a “nut”, things might have been worse.

    The murders at the Sikh temple WERE religious based, and driven by a hatred obviously more aggressive than this guy “upset” by the groups attacks (constant) on “gays”, and any “non-Christian” group.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 12 years ago

    Rob Rogers has published a HATE CARTOON against an organization representing Christians and churches that never publish “hate” against others. They defend biblical standards without expressing “hate” against sinners….we are all sinners, and Christians are sinners forgiven by God in the name of Jesus, who taught LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, and we try to do that by telling the truth about issues facing Americans.-from the FRC website=Since 1983, Family Research Council (FRC) has advanced faith, family and freedom in public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview. FRC’s team of seasoned experts promotes these core values through policy research, public education on Capitol Hill and in the media, and grassroots mobilization. We review legislation, meet with policymakers, publish books and pamphlets, build coalitions, testify before Congress, and maintain a powerful presence online and in the print and broadcast media. Through our outreach to pastors, we equip churches to transform the culture.

    Strategically located in Washington, D.C., FRC is the leading voice for the family in our nation’s halls of power. FRC is a 501©(3) non-profit organization whose vision is a culture in which human life is valued, families flourish and religious liberty thrives.-shame on Rogers and his anti-FRC work.

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  3. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  almost 12 years ago

    Speaking of evil and distorted, ol’ IrishEddie is his own hate group.Setting aside the irony of a hate group member being a victim of a hate crime, I do hope the shooter is found guilty. He was mistaken if he thought what he did was right. Going around shooting people is wrong no matter how big of a despicable, hateful dirt bag that person is. To stoop to their level is to become as bad as them.

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  4. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  almost 12 years ago

    “Rob Rogers has published a HATE CARTOON against an organization representing Christians and churches that never publish “hate” against others. They defend biblical standards without expressing “hate” against sinners”If you believe that, you’re willfully ignorant of their actions and words. If you don’t believe it, you’re a liar.

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  5. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 12 years ago

    disgustedtaxpayer said, less than a minute ago

    If you believe that, you’re willfully ignorant of their actions and words. If you don’t believe it, you’re a liar. (so posted Jase99)-Jase, I am age 80, Christian since 1963 (49 years) and I have known and supported FRC since they began in 1983. Tony Perkins is prez and chief spokesman and neither he nor FRC uses “hate” in any way. ….Jase, you have a right to your own opinion, but sadly, this opinion you posted today is rude, ignorant and uncivil false accusation against Christians exercising their first amendment rights to promote a better society in the USA…a better culture.Christians try to obey God’s command to be “salt” to preserve America, and Satan, the enemy of mankind since Adam wascreated, leads the ignorant and gullible to attack God and His people….not the side I chose….I chose God’s side and wish posters on this website would chose God’s side, also.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 12 years ago

    FRC would burn Article Six, and the key element of the Second Amendment, and establish under government mandate a radical religious view on the nation, IN LAW. They ARE a radical, and yes, “hate” group, as are many “good Christians”, like the Phelps family, which is only slightly more vocal in their efforts than FRC.

    It IS IMPORTANT to realize that “hate groups” do not always demand abject violence against others they abhor based on their own superstition, or teachings of intolerance.

    Twisted as the shooter in this case was, it’s important to realize in his mind, he was seeking revenge for actions, and verbiage from FRC attacking people HE cared about.

    Simply put, “Christians” are the LAST PEOPLE who should persecute, anyone. “Crucifixion” does not have to be “physical” to be morally wrong, and “lethal”.

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  7. Missing large
    joe vignone  almost 12 years ago

    …should say “Republicant National Headquarters”

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    ARodney  almost 12 years ago

    Wow, the hate here from the right is getting scary. Calm down, people. No one on the left condoned the shooting, and plenty of people disowned the shooter. If you never watch anything but Fox you won’t hear it, because there are no leftists, or even centrists on Fox. But that doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen outside the bubble. And Irish, don’t hold out things as “fact” that are really just ancient bigotry based on hatred. It’s an opinion, and a disgusting one (that’s an opinion too). Not fact.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 12 years ago

    disgustedtaxpayer said, 11 minutes ago

    Good posts Irish Eddie. God bless you.-troutma, Article 6, I suppose you mean the last phrase about no religious test for candidates for election….document any Conservative Religious organization that has publicly called for that test to be made federal law! You cannot document your claim.the Phelps family is not a part of Conservative Christian action organizations. I know of no one that approves Phelps.-Christianity is not "superstition"… is the leading religion on earth. Christianity, the biblical faith, led the Western world out of the Dark Ages, created the best institutions for education, medical care and research, etc.-to say the truth that sodomy is what God said in scriptures is “abomination” of the sexul sins…including fornication,adultery, and beastiality….to name it what God names it…“SIN”…is not any type of “crucifixion”….what Koolaid are you drinking, trout? Are you claiming sodomy is “moral”????

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  10. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 12 years ago

    There is no excuse for violence because you don’t agree with a group’s ideology.

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  11. St655
    Stormrider2112  almost 12 years ago

    Too bad there are plenty of examples of homosexual behaviors in wild animals (especially in dolphins, monkeys, and giraffes), and there are plenty of studies that show that lesbian couples are by far the most successful parents.-Also, I have no sympathy for what happens to people who promote, directly, or indirectly, bullying anyone as many on the religious right have advocated as “religious expression.” My life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness is by far more important than your PUBLIC religious expression. I don’t have sex with my girlfriend on the front lawn, the religious right can shut the hell up about their ability to public express their religious beliefs when there are plenty of churches and private homes for exactly that.-What you believe isn’t grounds for legality. Also, it’s impossible to practice the entirety of the Bible without violating the majority of the Constitution (what with being able to sell your children into slavery being rather gauche in this day and age [Exodus 21:7]). Why don’t Christians get upset when female politicians clearly violate 1 Timothy 2:11-12 (“Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”)?-Stealing and killing are issues because those acts infringe on others’ rights. Just because you think Ellen DeGeneres and Portia DeRossi are Satanic abominations hellbent on destroying what little moral fiber we still have in this world doesn’t amount to much more than a grain of sand being washed away with the tide. Two happy consenting adults doing what makes them happy? DAMN THEM!

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  12. Darwin fish
    DenverMosaic  almost 12 years ago

    Stephen, Storm, you are wasting your time reasoning with these Christian Talibans. They live in their own closed mind universe.

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  13. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  almost 12 years ago

    As I’ve said Eddie. you’re a hateful individual. The very words you choose shows just how hateful you are. I don’t care what your beliefs are. It’s you’re right to have them no matter how filled with hate. What I care about is that you and your ilk are trying to push your religious views on everyone else.

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    SClark55 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Disagreeing with morals isn’t hate. The left would like to equate these things with lynchings, but reasonable people see thru this.

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  15. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    “Starting wars based on lies is evil and despicable. Does that statement make me a hater?”-Well, that should mean you a hater of George W. Bush. Unless, of course, you give him a pass on that.

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