Stone Soup by Jan Eliot for March 19, 2009

  1. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  about 15 years ago

    Oh for crying out loud! Once you’re out of your child-bearing years and your weight has settled down go ahead and get whatever you want!

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    greeneyedtxn  about 15 years ago

    Amen. My sister got an angel on her back for her 55th birthday. It is beautiful and she calls it her guardian protector.

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    sarge112751  about 15 years ago

    I’ve been thinking about one, JUST to tick-off my 30-plus year old kids! (Use the old “well, everyone ELSE is getting one!” ploy.) All 3 have a couple… the girls - ONE daughter has a small rose on her breast, the other has a dagger. I told ‘em as they get older, the rose will become ‘long-stem’ and the dagger, a sword!

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    alondra  about 15 years ago

    The point is (I guess) that mom seems a bit hypocritical to have told them not to get tattoos when she had one. But I might have done the same thing, not allowed them to get one til they were grown since it’s an irreversable decision.

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    Deezlebird  about 15 years ago

    I do not understand the tattoo craze. I wouldn’t want to wear the same shirt or piece of jewelry every day for the rest of my life. But that’s just me, I guess–to each his/her own.

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    prasrinivara  about 15 years ago

    Remember the laundry-markers Macush–ergo not irreversible.

    Good question if it was during Joan’s and Val’s teen years though.

    But, Gran’s forbidding Joan from getting tatoo is akin to Customs Officers confiscating foods/spices from passengers–and then taking them home and using them (which some of them actually do).

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    TruckerRon  about 15 years ago

    Over the last 40 years I’ve watched my uncle’s colorful roadrunner tattoo turn into a purple, unrecognizable blob. Do all tattoos do that?

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  8. Spkellie
    Krupsch  about 15 years ago

    Trucker Ron: No. If you take care of them (sunscreen in sun, lotion, etc) most will retain color and shape. Newer tattoo artistty also use different inks and advises people of good after care. It all depends on the the artist and you.

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    tabbylynn  about 15 years ago

    sarge112751 that was so funny, what you told your daughters.

    i dont want a tattoo anymore. at one time i did and then that want to faded, as i got a little older.

    love this one today is great.

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