Chip Bok for December 21, 2023

  1. Xf8u 3
    XF8U-3  5 months ago

    What part of insurrectionist are you missing here?

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  2. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  5 months ago

    Are you really sure you want Trump on any ballot considering his past actions, threats and future threats?

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    Quixotic1  5 months ago

    The 14th amendment is very clear on preventing insurrectionists from holding public office.

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    braindead Premium Member 5 months ago

    Trump Disciples like Bok absolutely revere the Constitution, whenever it’s convenient.

    When it’s not convenient, not so much.


    Same as with the Bible.

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  5. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  5 months ago

    The only problem with the heroic action of the CO Supreme Court is that SCOTUS will likely intervene in some fashion to keep the narcissistic maniac on the ballot.


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    gordon.f.brown Premium Member 5 months ago

    Yeah, what he said.

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    Sprarklin  5 months ago

    I believe the dems did the same thing to Lincoln.

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    Pogostiks Premium Member 5 months ago

    The difference is that the Ayatolla is an authoritarian leader with NO Constitution. The Colorado judge was simply following the well-defined laws of his country and Constitution. DUH! Of course MAGA supporters (are you listening Mr Bok ) have major problems with logic… but if Trump ’s lock-step Republican Supreme Court members put Party before Country, and allow him to continue on to the Presidency – then Mr Bok will never have to learn about logic, as it will have been thrown out with the Constitution.

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    Al Fresco  5 months ago

    Dems: Beware what you ask for. Who are the fascists? Who is the greatest threat to democracy?

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    Denver Reader Premium Member 5 months ago

    It was Republicans who sued to remove Trump and Democrats who fought to keep him on.

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    FJB  Premium Member 5 months ago

    One tiny, little problem with this. Trump was neither charged nor convicted of Insurrection, so expect the Supreme Court to quickly knock this down. BTW – way to incite people to come to Trumps side dumbocrats. The more he is persecuted the more support he gets. You’re actually helping him, and he is already winning in the polls, especially in the 7 swing states, so thank you.

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    aristoclesplato9  5 months ago

    This is bigger than CO. This is a national strategy. Brought to you by the fascists of the left.

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    WestNYC Premium Member 5 months ago

    Wok wok wok . . .

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  14. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 5 months ago

    Let’s talk about the Office of the President.

    According to the Constitution the requirements, the qualifications needed to be Vice-President of the United States are the same as to be President. Anything that disqualifies ONE, also disqualifies the other.

    There are those who claim that the 14th Amendment has never been applied to the President, and that is true. At least, not yet.

    However, it HAS been applied to the Vice President.

    The 14th Vice President of the United States was a Kentucky Democrat by the name of John C. Breckinridge. He was a popular man and was nominated by Southern Democrats as their candidate for the presidency in 1861. Of course we know how that worked out.

    However, what some might not know is that Breckinridge joined the insurrection. He commanded troops that fought and killed American Soldiers. By the end of the war former Vice-President John Breckinridge was serving as the Confederate Sec. of War.

    After the war Breckinridge was a hunted man. He fled south, then into Cuba. He spent the next several years touring Europe before traveling to Niagara, Canada. He remained there, unable to return to the United States for fear of being held accountable for his crimes. After President Johnson declared amnesty for all former Confederates.

    Breckinridge was asked, and refused to return to politics. He knew that under the 14th Amendment he would need a 2/3rd’s vote to be eligible for office.

    Disgraced former Vice President John C. Breckinridge is the precedent which excludes disgraced former President Donald J. Trump from holding federal office under the 14th Amendment.

    Bok needs to go back to 8th grade and retake the social studies class he clearly did not master.

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    The Dem Veteran   5 months ago

    We need a second amendment person to solve our Trump problem. Because once he gets in there is nothing you can do.

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 5 months ago

    Colorado is following the Constitution.

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    Rabies65  5 months ago

    Only one candidate (singular) and for a very narrow set of reasons. There are literally millions of other Republicans who can run in Colorado without question.

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    DC Swamp  5 months ago

    Leftists: eliminating democracy in order to preserve democracy.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 5 months ago

    So, the Court should ignore the law when it comes to trump? Are you saying that trump is above the law? Why do republicans want us to shred the Constitution?

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    Donaldo Premium Member 5 months ago

    Look how the left tries to destroy democracy, while simultaneously accusing Trump of doing it

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    Ontman  5 months ago

    Bok has no idea what (or why) the 14th Amendment means or exists.

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    JoeBabbs  5 months ago

    Chip likes authoritarians, like the Ayatollah and Trump.

    He doesn’t like the Constitution, especially icky bits requiring well regulated militias, and prohibiting aid and comfort to insurrectionists.

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    mac04416  5 months ago

    The pivotal word is “engaged” and its intended definition at the time the document was created. That will be decided by the SCOTUS.

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    davidthoms1  5 months ago

    Come on Chip! Even you must believe in following the Constitution! Amendment 14 section 3!

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    ncorgbl  5 months ago

    There are 7 justices on the Colorado Supreme Court. Not one dictator. conservatives have so much trouble grasping the concept of no dictatorship.

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  26. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    It was republicans who brought the suit against Trump, Bok lies as usual.

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    BB71  5 months ago

    Has Mr. Trump been convicted of insurrection? NO

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  28. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    ‘What a joke’: Morning Joe shreds conservative legal complaints about Colorado ruling

    MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough flatly rejected conservative arguments against the Colorado Supreme Court ruling that disqualified Donald Trump from holding political office.Former attorney general Bill Barr claimed the ruling would help Trump politically, and many others have argued that his political fate should be decided at the ballot box, but the “Morning Joe” host laughed off claims that the decision was anti-democratic.

    “I understand the political impact of this,” Scarborough said. “A couple laughable arguments, though, that if you hear somebody saying today, feel free to mock them. Don’t mock them, I’m just joking – it’s the Christmas season. Be sweet, maybe just gently correct them. The No. 1 thing is that this is some kind of leftist plot. This is not a leftist plot. This idea, this law review paper, this approach was actually framed by two highly respected members of the Federalist Society, people that the new members of the [U.S.] Supreme Court that were appointed by Donald Trump know all too well and have read all too often. To just simply dismiss this as some sort of left-wing, legal conspiracy.”

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  29. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    ‘Trump engaged in insurrection’: Former GOP AG sides with Colorado courtAppearing on CNN on Thursday morning, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was asked about the Colorado Supreme Court ruling Donald Trump should not appear on the 20204 ballot and replied that he agreed with it.

    Speaking with host Erica Hill, the attorney who served under President George W. Bush said he rather go to court using the case presented by the court than the defense offered by Trump’s legal team.

    Asked why he leans toward the Colorado ruling, he explained that he feels there is ample evidence Trump helped to incite the Jan. 6 insurrection.

    “I think on the merits, yes, one consideration, one argument will be the due process one, but putting that aside, which is not insignificant, I think it’s fairly clear to me that former president Trump engaged in insurrection,” he stated.DON’T MISS: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Jan. 6 anniversary plans: rally with Capitol infiltrator

    “The language of the Constitution is engaged in insurrection, and I think he meets that standard based on the findings of the trial court judge in Colorado based on the excellent work of the January 6th Congressional committee,” he continued. “I think, in my mind, that threshold has been met.”

    “This is a difficult position for the court,” he elaborated. “I think the chief [Justice John Roberts] is already wrestling with concerns about the politics, the way that the public more and more views the court as a political institution. Whatever the outcome is here … those views will simply be amplified. So it’s an interesting conundrum. I don’t envy the chief, and other members of the court, quite frankly, so we will have to wait and see. It’s a difficult issue.”

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    Geezer  5 months ago

    “An insurrection is an armed rebellion.” https://en.wikipedia.Org/wiki/Rebellion

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  31. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    Majority of Americans support removing Trump from Colorado ballot

    A new YouGov poll finds the majority of Americans, 54%, support the Colorado Supreme Court’s Tuesday decision that Donald Trump is ineligible to appear on that state’s 2024 primary ballot, because he engaged in insurrection. In a further hit to the twice-impeached former president, the poll found barely more than one-third, just 35%, disagreed with that ruling.Participants were asked, “Do you approve or disapprove of the Colorado Supreme Court ruling that Donald Trump can’t appear on the state’s 2024 Republican presidential primary ballot because his actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021 takeover of the Capitol amount to insurrection or rebellion against the United States?”

    Ayatollah Bok will stick with his minority position.

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    elvisgirl3  5 months ago

    Ain’t No good men on the dim side. None can handle the truth! Your party is backing a RINO anyway, cause you got, Less than zero!

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  33. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 5 months ago

    Chip Bok, like his fellow cartoonist are having fun with this.. but the consequences are scary. America might as well give up voting if this continues. No matter the outcome of a vote, trump and his gang will not accept anything short of a win.

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    jader3rd  5 months ago

    There is a reason why the 14th amendment exists. The first reason is for the confederates, the second is for Donald Trump.

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  35. Minifig2
    Aliquid  5 months ago

    Ok… so for those that support Trump being banned from the state ballot… hear me out.

    Look at everything the alt-right does and says. They are utterly convinced that Biden should be impeached. There are endless conspiracies about him being evil, and about the Democrats “stealing” the election. Many people on the right honestly believe this.

    So, if Trump can be banned from a state ballot because people believe that he supported insurrectionists (without proof or a conviction), then all you are doing is setting a precedent for other states to ban Biden because they believe that Biden rebelled against the constitution.

    It doesn’t matter if the belief that Trump supported insurrection is based on reality, and the beliefs about Biden are based on fantasy… if you give States the power to ban someone from a ballot based on a belief, all hell will break loose. Because the what the alt-right honestly believe isn’t rooted in reality.

    Banning Trump needs to be backed up with endless proof and paperwork, otherwise we are shooting ourselves in the foot.

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    ferddo  5 months ago

    The once “law and order” GOP now openly hates laws that are inconvenient to them… even the Constitution…

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 5 months ago

    If a case arguing the 14th amendment disqualifying a Democratic Party was validated in a court, and anyone non-conservative stated that it should never have been brought in the first place, or it was the GOP trying to suppress freedom and install a totalitarian dictatorship, then Bok would lambaste that particular person/Democrats/non-conservatives, condemn them, and demand their citizenship be instantly revoked.

    Because bringing such a case based on the 14th amendment would be 100% absolutely OKIARDI.

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  38. Sparrow
    kennnyp  5 months ago

    yep… when chip and his koolaid friends like a judge’s ruling it’s all ‘justice has been when the don’ t like a ruling…it’s alllll politics…. never your sides fault right chippy…never your sides fault…everything is absolutely black and or no… my way or the hiway… just like the rest of your pu$$y grabbing hero’s cult……. hyp ….. o …. crits …..

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 5 months ago

    Does Bok forget that 45 was looking at ways to lock up Biden and keep him off the ballot in 2020 ? He couldn’t get his idea pushed thru but given the chance to be 47 I guarantee you he’ll be locking up his political enemies and he’ll be setting up large camps nationwide to lock up undesirables. Sounds a lot like concentration camps doesn’t it ?

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    shannon1352  5 months ago

    Ah…. Chip…. the lawsuit was brought forth by a group of Republican voters….

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    david_42  5 months ago

    Chip have you actually read the details? The petitioners were four Republicans and two independents, no Democrats.

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  42. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member 5 months ago

    Chip doesn’t believe in The Rule of Law. How does he salute his Dear Leader, with a closed or open fist?

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  43. Daffy duck
    walkingmancomics  5 months ago

    T’wasn’t democrats, but law that killed the beast.

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    Kevin Jacobs  5 months ago

    Because democrats voted for Boebert. Face it, the GOP wants Biden to win.

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    walfishj  5 months ago

    Well here ya go lying again Mr. Bok. The judges in Colorado were all Republicans. I’d te4ll ya to go put that in your pipe and smoke it, but it is obvious you and your rocky mountain high are already bosom buddies.

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