Michael Ramirez for October 18, 2023

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  8 months ago

    I ask you to name ANY Republican in the House who is: Sane (aka, not Trumpist), reasonably well liked by all (but no more than 5) Republicans, who understands how politics can be made to work FOR the people, who is willing to work FOR the people… and who’s not a figment of your imagination.

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    baroden Premium Member 8 months ago

    The modern GOP is a disaster of their own making. This is what they’ve sewn and what they’ll reap. Expel Jordan and the other Freedumb Party members and get back to doing your job.

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    ibFrank  8 months ago

    Has a secret vote and then you can put Jeffries in as speaker.

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    dotbup  8 months ago

    The DoJ is going to have to start bringing seditious conspiracy charges against members of Congress and the public sector if there is evidence that they were involved in Jan 6.

    It is hard to believe that no one has been charged considering the number of pos seeking pardons from trump yet we are closing in on the three year anniversary.

    Four Proud Boys leaders were convicted on seditious conspiracy charges. The DOJ has all of the messages that connect up to trump, stone, guilani, jordan, the war room & all of the other traitors.

    jacketoff jordan has been in contempt of Congress for two years and the cons still protect him.

    worthless scum all.

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    Zebrastripes  8 months ago

    Desperate Jordan …as all GOP, will do anything to get the gavel.

    Like McCarthy, gave $10,000.00 To MTG to vote for him.

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    JoeBabbs  8 months ago

    Perfect metaphor for the GOP, Mike!

    As useless as a high and dry boat on a parched lakebed.

    Your best cartoon!

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  7. Marx lennon
    charliekane  8 months ago

    Something to be said for secret ballots . . . and about courage.

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    piper_gilbert  8 months ago

    The Republicans will either wear down or offer deals to the holdouts. At this point there is only one road, and it leads to Jordan. Please, someone, for the love of God, prove that I’m wrong.

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  9. Pogo
    We has seen the enemy  8 months ago

    Why does the GOP still have a rudder?

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    Mainesailah Premium Member 8 months ago

    Clearly all those electronics on the roof are not working or simply not tuned the frequency indicating the best path for our country.

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  11. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 8 months ago

    Reps. David Joyce of Ohio, Young, Kim of California, Nancy Mace of South Carolina and probably lots of others I don’t know about are all moderate Republicans who would probably get a lot of Democratic votes, simply because someone has to do something, even if it’s not the best possible thing to do.

    The Republicans need the cooperation of a small right wing group in their party. That is not going to work because that group is more interested in creating chaos- and from appearances, staying in the spot light- than they are in getting the job done.

    Until the Republicans realize that they can not allow a minority group in their party to run the entire GOP and start trying to work with Democrats, or at least act like they are trying to, which could scare the MAGATS into cooperating, nothing is going to get done in the HOR.

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    olddude1953  8 months ago

    Ramirez, I’ll give you credit for being one of the very few conservative cartoonists who is willing to admit the GOP is in deep trouble.

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  13. Bun
    figuratively speaking  8 months ago

    One of the things the internet has accomplished is to bring us all together in our white-hot hatred for each other.

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  8 months ago

    That’s what republicans are turning the USA into.

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  15. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  8 months ago

    The republican party is where unwoke failed humans gather to hate others.

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    DrPawl  8 months ago

    I am a liberal and a democrat, but would support a republican speaker provided:

    1. S/He will continue the aid to Ukraine

    2. S/He did not cast doubt on the outcome of 2020 presidential election

    Such republicans exist.

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    ncorgbl  8 months ago

    conservatives are the enemy of the U.S. and have been since 1774.

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    AndrewSihler  8 months ago

    The cleverest put-down/commentary on what’s been going on in the House of Ill Repute is Michelle Cottle’s reference to “the Republican gong show”.

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  19. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 8 months ago

    Gym Jordan is a Republican hero.

    Trump wants him for Speaker, therefore almost all Republicans also want him.

    Including, of course all the cult members who comment here.


    Republican Family Values.

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    My First Premium Member 8 months ago

    All is NOT lost. Karl Rove, Todays WSJ – A Sept. 23 Gallup poll found 56% gave the GOP an unfavorable rating while 58% rated Democrats unfavorably. The saving grace for Republicans is that on big issues, Americans pick the GOP by a large margin.

    On which party “will do a better job of keeping the country prosperous,” Americans said Republicans by 53% to 39%, the GOP’s largest lead on this issue since mid-1991. When asked which party “will do a better job of protecting the country from international terrorism and military threats,” Republicans lead Democrats by an even wider margin, 57% to 35%.

    Even when voters were asked which party would do a better job “handling the problem you think is most important,” Republicans lead 44% to 36%. This suggests the GOP’s views on such issues as crime and immigration are winners and that the Democratic approach on abortion may not be the surefire hit they think.

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