Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for August 22, 2023

  1. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  10 months ago

    Quite aside from this: folks, what are the politics of the star players of your favorite teams? How about of your favorite actors? Your favorite authors? Your favorite musicians?

    No, I didn’t think you had the faintest idea.

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  2. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member 10 months ago

    Tank is about the closest I get to sports.

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  3. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  10 months ago

    I don’t really care for politics at all.

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    artegal  10 months ago

    I used to root for them, until they started to crap all over the country they were hypocritical enough to take money from.

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  5. Pirate63
    Linguist  10 months ago

    Since I prefer not to listen to the talking heads, and I rarely read sports commentary, I sat back and enjoyed watching a truly exciting Women’s World Cup tournament. I have no idea what political statements the U.S. team did or did not make – and I could care less about it.

    I will tell you that the reason they lost was because of hubris and taking other teams for granted. Their own laziness and complacency came back to bite them in the posterior. This went for the coaching staff, as well!

    Congratulations to the Ladies of Spain!

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    Lord King Wazmo Premium Member 10 months ago

    I started hating them when they refused to wrap the flag—oh, sorry, the Flag!—around their heads and sing “camp town ladies doo dah.” You know, American things, like supporting a mental midget who incites riots when things don’t go his way. That’s the Murcan way, bay-bee, now go out and endorse Hummers and Chick-Fil-A, ladies—oh sorry, “ladies”—and we’ll talk about earning my support. And oh yeah, after your genital tests. God bless AMERICA and our REAL PRESIDENT, and CAPITAL LETTERS, and thank you for your service, (except you stupid soccer turncoats.) #KidRockDrinksSissyBeer

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    ncorgbl  10 months ago

    Likely the caller is someone who can’t mind his own business, tells others not to do as he does but instead how they should live their lives when he can’t live his own. Then he will unknowingly get on the lifetime donor list, and vote for someone who is indicted and out on bail. P.T. Barnum under estimated.

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  8. Furious dancing
    drbethdance  10 months ago

    I’ve posted this before, I’ll do it again here:

    The negative comments toward the USWNT are almost all coming from a certain faction of so-called “patriots” who think these women should only behave a certain way when the national anthem is played. Funny that these folks who constantly scream about “freedom” don’t seem to understand that the freedom to protest is enshrined in the First Amendment.

    And that when the day comes that we are ORDERED to salute a flag or sing an anthem a certain way (no exceptions) is the day that our democracy becomes a dictatorship. The textbook definition of “patriotism” is “love for or devotion to one’s country.” It does NOT state that you have to express that love/devotion in only one way or by following one political ideology. PERIOD.

    You want to wrap yourself in the flag for your own smug satisfaction and delusion that you’re better than those players? Have at it – just don’t tell the rest of us Americans that we have to follow your “brand” of patriotism. That’s freedom, baby.

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    phoenixnyc  10 months ago

    I don’t watch men’s or women’s soccer. There are faster ways to fall asleep.

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    kjnrun  10 months ago

    Funny how people get all upset over people who protest when all the protesters only want is to be treated the same way you are treated. Empathy folks. Try it.

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    tpcox928  10 months ago

    Most conservatives, and all MAGA-types, do not like women and especially do not like smart or opinionated women.

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