Michael Ramirez for July 28, 2023

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    DC Swamp  10 months ago

    Another fine piece of work by Ramirez. Watch all the political enmity that spews forth to prove the point.

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  2. Triumph
    Daeder  10 months ago

    Thanks a lot, Newt.

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    baroden Premium Member 10 months ago

    Get rid of Trump, the MAGAts, and the Freedom Party and it’ll largely go away.

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  4. Shakes
    shakeswilly  10 months ago

    We have a regular political party, and one that appeals to the worst instincts of human nature to keep itself in power. It seeks and keeps political power solely for the sake of power itself and for catering to the interests of a small group of ultra wealthy people who fund it. It has no coherent political ideology except indulging in culture wars and slashing taxes for the ultra wealthy.

    This is the root cause of the so called enmity – there is only one normal political party facing a cult driven by ignorance and insanity.

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    old1953  10 months ago

    Well, Ramirez, what would you do if the guy in charge kept cutting off your microphone whenever you tried to speak to the state assembly?

    That’s how your guys, the ones you vote for, run things when they’re in charge. Are you proud of that?

    Legally elected state representatives COMMONLY have microphones cut off when addressing the assembled representatives. Is that how you think government should be run? Is this the exemplar of how DEMOCRATS should do it when they’re in charge?

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    JackReecher  10 months ago

    You just described the Democratic Party perfectly!

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    Civitas Libertas  10 months ago

    Says the cartoonist who by and large supports the political party (Republican Party) that is constantly sowing the seeds of division and hate and have it as their actual party platform. And no, the Republican Party is not, and truth be told, never really was the party of Lincoln. Read the actual history of the party (Foner) read the actual history of the Abolitionist Movement (SInha) and you will see that the what we are seeing in the part now has been their since the party’s inception in 1856.

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    gopher gofer  10 months ago

    this from a guy who devotes most of his talents to promoting division and hate…

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  9. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 10 months ago

    “Yes, THOSE guys are wrong!”

    “Perfect description of THOSE guys!”

    “THOSE guys will say things to prove your point!”

    “What would YOU do if THOSE guys did this!”

    Listen up friends, Mike is talking to all of US guys.

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    shstuart Premium Member 10 months ago

    Well done.

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  11. Bbb
    NeoconMan  10 months ago

    Lincoln said the USA is so strong and powerful that no country nor coalition of countries could, through force of arms, take so much as a drink of water from the Potomac or beat a trail through the Adirondacks. If America is to fall, it will be when Americans turn against Americans.

    And Fox News said, “We’ll get right on that.”

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    mourdac Premium Member 10 months ago

    There has always been political enmity. People working for their own self-interests to the point of keeping others in slavery, preventing all fromsharing in the rich fesources of this nation. But it does seem like things have reached fever pitch now.

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  13. Marx lennon
    charliekane  10 months ago

    It gets hard when one side loses its tether to reality.

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    casonia2  10 months ago

    There are 147 Trumpublicans in our Federal legislature. They all voted against accepting Biden’s win. These people are either stupid, crazy, cynical opportunists, or some combination. Throw in some greed and arrogance, and you have a group that should not be running a popsicle stand, much less holding high office. Vote for them and their Orange Hero at you and your country’s risk.

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    mac04416  10 months ago

    IF fair, and accountable elections was wanted, there would be a photo registered ID presented at the time of voting. There is 14 months to do it before the next election. Tie it with driver’s license. That can be completed in 4 months.For those with no driver’s license, you’ve got 10 months to get to city hall. As a U.S. citizen, voting is more than a right, it is a responsibility. It will probably take another 3 years to get all the ‘bugs’ out. By 2028 there would be no questions.

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    StackableContainers  10 months ago

    Is this a reference to the research company?

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  17. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 10 months ago

    Newt’s list of words to use when referring to Democrats and embraced by all Republicans, including Ramirez:

    abuse of power anti- (issue): flag, family, child, jobs

    betray bizarre bosses bureaucracy cheat coercion

    collapse(ing) consequences corrupt corruption

    criminal rights crisis cynicism decay deeper destroy

    destructive devour disgrace endanger excuses

    failure (fail) greed hypocrisy ideological impose

    incompetent insecure insensitive intolerant

    liberal lie limit(s) machine mandate(s) obsolete

    pathetic patronage permissive attitude pessimistic

    punish (poor …) radical red tape self-serving selfish

    sensationalists shallow shame sick spend(ing) stagnation

    status quo steal taxes they/them threaten traitors

    unionized urgent (cy) waste welfare”
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  18. Sparrow
    kennnyp  10 months ago

    wow Michael… we have now agreed on a comic thought three times in the last two years… maybe there is hope for all of us…

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    FJB  Premium Member 10 months ago

    Liberals be like…Milk and eggs are $7 dollars, It cost $90 to fill up my car, Crime is surging, I’ve had 19 boosters but still got covid, but hey, at least my president isn’t Trump.

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