Kevin Necessary Editorial Cartoons by Kevin Necessary for May 25, 2022

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Nothing will be done.

    In five days, it’ll be talking points for both sides.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Nice. But ineffective against the piles of cash the GQP takes from the NRA.

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    …if the Congress does what’s right, they lose all that gun lobby and NRA money….

    The NRA is a 501©4 organization, tax free, but contributions are not tax deductible, “promoting the social welfare and common good of the community…”

    “In 2016 the NRA raised a record $366 million and spent $412 million for political activities…” “the organization donated to Congressional races, Republicans (213) and Democrats (9)” WIKI

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  4. American gothic  from art institute
    MatthewJB  almost 2 years ago

    All patriotic Americans need to focus on these few issues when voting this fall:

    1. Stronger gun regulations

    2. The right to an abortion, as outlined in Roe v. Wade

    3. Restoring voting rights & accessibility.

    Any candidate or incumbent who doesn’t respond well to all three of these should be rejected.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 2 years ago

    Guns don’t kill kids; Republicans let them get killed.

    Republicans are killing people, and we need to stop it. We need to say it out loud: Republicans are killing people. Kids are dying because of Republicans. Republicans don’t get to call pro-choice Democrats “baby killers” and not be called “kid killers” when they are pro-choice… about guns.

    Republicans are against universal background checks that would prevent criminals and mentally ill people from obtaining guns legally.

    Republicans have promoted the idea that AR-15’s and other assault weapons are for self-defense and sport, when they were specifically invented to proactively kill people- lots of them.

    Republicans have created the mindset that any American can own any type of gun, even military and police weapons that are capable of killing law enforcement officials.

    Republicans have promoted the oxymoron that the more guns we all have, the safer we’ll be.

    Republicans have put the onus on schools to protect children from mass murderers instead of trying to prevent potential mass murderers from arming themselves to the teeth, buying body armor and other accoutrements of war online, and going into a school to shoot people. Note to Republicans: schools are places where children go to learn how to read and write from people who love kids, not guns.

    Republicans have normalized open carry and concealed carry laws that make it impossible to know if someone with a gun is a mass murderer or an idiot trying to prove a point. Like the guy who came into the polling place, where I was working as an election official in April, with an open-carry pistol on his hip. Good thing I decided he was just an idiot with a gun; otherwise, I would have had to call the police and report a potential mass murderer inside a polling place. P.S. It’s legal in Wisconsin for an idiot to carry a gun into a polling place.

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  6. Pine marten3
    martens  almost 2 years ago

    Nobody’s going to do anything, right? I’m betting you already know, in the wake of the deaths of 19 children at an elementary school in Texas, that nobody is going to do a single thing.

    Oh, yes, for a while, people will stand behind microphones. Some will be sincere. There will be a vigil, maybe many vigils. Perhaps some balloons will be released into the air. But no one will do anything substantial about the reality that, in the United States, you can pick up a gun and mow down people for no reason.

    The fact of the matter is that nobody has done anything since Columbine in 1999, or Virginia Tech in 2007, or Sandy Hook in 2012, or Parkland in 2018, and there’s virtually no chance that anyone is going to do anything now. It doesn’t matter that it’s children we’re talking about again. Nothing happened after innocent children were slaughtered the last time, or the time before that, and nothing is going to be done now. Nothing happens after it occurs in elementary schools, or grocery stores, college campuses or churches. Instead, we always defer to those whose fears outweigh others’ right to continue living.

    The gun is a holy relic in America. A sacred talisman. More important than life itself.

    We are living in a twisted version of “The Lottery,” the classic short story by Shirley Jackson. In the story, the residents of a small fictional town hurry about their day preparing for a big ceremony, which is slowly revealed to be a ritual human sacrifice. Death by stoning. Each year, someone is chosen at random to die, for the good of the town. So that the rest of the townspeople can feel safe. Perhaps so that their god can be appeased, or good crops can be enjoyed.

    That’s where we live now. We live in a culture where human beings are randomly chosen to die so that those who feel unseen or who fear the unknown or just love guns don’t have to feel afraid.(cont’d)

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  7. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Thanks, N.R.A. Say Hello to The Velveeta Voldemort when he shows up to shmooze at your convention IN TEXASS in 2 days…

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  8. 3 stooges
    tee929  almost 2 years ago

    Unfortunately, the misguided 2nd Admendmentites will have their version out to their minions and will blame the leftists liberals for the innocent deaths.

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    dalton9529  almost 2 years ago

    Honesty and truth are the most important tools to solve any problems. Investigate the environment where the problem is.

    A key feature of the American environment is that the greatest value to attain is profit. Profits are even more valuable than human lives.

    That has been true since before the founding of the nation. This nation was built on a macro-business model that needed race base slavery and ethnic cleansing of the natives.

    As a nation, we need to start being honest with each other and follow the truth wherever it leads. So far, killing people is just good business for some people.

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    TCA1799 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    So a handful of Senators (elected to represent their constituents, who consistently say in overwhelming majority [like 90%] that they want better and more background checks) can’t ween themselves from the NRA teat, and just say no to everything that is in front of them re guns, registration and the like. Keep your guns, no problem, BUT you have a moral obligation to present workable solutions to this slaughter of humankind with guns. If you can’t or won’t present solutions that work, then fess up and say that this slaughter “is the cost of doing business.” Changing the subject to the media and the left want your guns is just that changing the subject. Stay focused and do something to fix it or declare that this loss of innocent lives is the cost of freedom to own guns. Then we can vote knowing exactly where you stand.

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  11. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    It would be helpful if the electorate voted the Democrats in a comfortable majority, and then and only then, will change be made to benefit the people of the United States. It would be helpful if that voting process started 11/8/2022.

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