Nick Anderson for April 15, 2021

  1. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 3 years ago

    If cops are that bad at identifying threats, they should not carry guns.

    It is known that many police are trained to see the people they SERVE as “the enemy,” and to treat daily life as a battlefield. Conveniently, the Pentagon sells military equipment to police departments, which means they have become “militarized.”

    There are some obvious fixes for this.

    1. Hire better. Look for people who want to serve the community, not tote a gun or fight the enemy. Look for people with strong emotional intelligence and the ability to engage with people. Previous law enforcement experience is not helping here; people kicked out of police departments for poor behavior just move on to others.

    2. Train better. Teach de-escalation techniques instead of combat. Most police departments only have one way to respond. Give them a better one. Furthermore, they must have burned into their brain that they are NOT the judge, jury, or especially the executioner.

    3. Use the right people for the right job. Move funds from paying for weapons to paying for social services and social workers, so police do not have to deal with issues of mental illness or domestic conflict for which they are not prepared or trained. Check the incidence of different cases, and change the hiring balance, so you don’t hire police to do someone else’s job badly. (This is what is actually meant by “defund the police” in many cases.)

    4. Make guns earned, not assumed. Guns should not be the default weapon of police. No one should be carrying one with out good reason, and they should be certified not just in accuracy and deadliness, but the ability to NOT shoot under stress.

    5. Limit the firepower. If a police officer does have to shoot a gun at someone, why are they aiming to kill the person immediately? Provide less deadly weapons. Train them in martial arts, sticks, even tasers (which are dangerous in their own right, but not as much as guns).

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  2. Wtp
    superposition  about 3 years ago

    The politically inspired paranoia that has replaced trust/respect is making normal life impossible. It was better when our representatives worked all for us instead of the parties who compete for sole control.

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  3. Fighting irish hood auto decal 2000x
    ndblackirish97  about 3 years ago

    Morning news radio was wondering why no one is protesting the death of Ashli Babbitt. Well she was part of a mob storming a federal government building and clearly all those that supported the movement don’t see an injustice from that shooting. Otherwise they would be demanding justice, right? Just a thought as experts try and compare what happened to Duane Wright to Ashli Babbitt as equal injustices.

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    JenSolo02  about 3 years ago

    Windsor, VA is a notorious speed trap between the heavily populated Hampton Roads area in Southeast coastal Virginia. And an area with quite a few state and private universities that many of our kids attend, including Virginia Tech and Liberty University (yes, Jerry Falwell). Also, in the coastal area, there are State and private colleges, including Pat Robertson’s Regent University, Virginia Wesleyan, Old Dominion University, etc. Many families choose to travel on the state roads to take their children back and forth, and they learn quickly that the small police force will stop you for speeding in a heart beat! Now, the better academic universities (ahem, she says with absolutely NO BIAS) UVA and The College of William & Mary, are both accessed via the interstate highway, I 64, no small town bully-cops to deal with. The one time I went, as a school viewing parent to Va. Tech, we went via the interstate. ;-)

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    ferddo  about 3 years ago

    All of those are offenses that earn the death penalty without being tried in court, if you’re a cop with some racial bias and an itchy trigger finger…

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    svcman98  about 3 years ago

    She was a traitor. Traitors die!

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    BuckFuster Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Why are American police officers so scared that they immediately go to guns drawn at the first sign of “Non-complaint” behaviour?

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  8. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  about 3 years ago

    For a huge proportion of cops, “all lives DO matter”. Unfortunately, when you encounter one of the others, well, they take your life into their hands, and for them, your life doesn’t really matter in heat of the moment.

    My spouse, a long time supporter of “most police are caring, expert and good” has started to talk about feeling safer (we’re white and over 65) if maybe patrol cops weren’t armed AT ALL.

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  9. Anger
    grumpypophobart  about 3 years ago

    I can hear the bigots mulling this over while they watch Hannity scream about police being killed in the line of duty, yet never equating this to the fact that the country is overrun with guns, causing people to be fearful and buying guns, which in turn makes cops fearful of anyone they interact with may be armed, which in turn makes the killing of citizens by police much more likely. Get a grip folks and have the b***s to enact some decent gun laws.

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  10. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member about 3 years ago

    In all cases, resisting arrest and/or failure to comply with basic instructions. Yes, it is tragic, yes, it is avoidable.

    You can argue in court. Do NOT argue on the street. Comply with instructions. If you get arrested you WILL have the opportunity to fully present your side of the situation. You may even have a justified civil case against the arresting officer(s). And will be alive to spend the settlement.

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    Zebrastripes  about 3 years ago

    Will someone please explain to me WHY BLM condones terrorizing, burning and rioting? Its NOT ok to tear a city apart and clash with police! Instead of adding to the SOLUTION, they add to the PROBLEM! When will this insanity stop? Theres got to be a breaking point where civil solutions come into play! Enough already!

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    Zebrastripes  about 3 years ago

    This is awful and I have NEVER lived through times like this…ever!

    What does anyone suggest about gun control? About people who have a disregard for authority? About cops who are trigger happy?

    I am so overwhelmed with grief for all that’s been happening in America and it seems to be getting worse instead of better! The pandemic adds to the mix.

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    JeanMeslier  about 3 years ago

    I just saw figures that showed that the leading cause of death of all young men in the US was cop shootings. With Blacks leading the tally. I remember a cop made a traffic stop on a 17 year old white honor student. The cop shot and killed him. The reason for the initial stop?The cop “didn’t like the way he looked at me”.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 3 years ago

    It is the media, once again, trying to dictate their versions of what should be believed?

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