Prickly City by Scott Stantis for January 01, 2021

  1. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 3 years ago

    Welcome to 32-Dec-20!

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  2. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   over 3 years ago

    Stantis is a polytheist?

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    cdcoventry  over 3 years ago

    Don’t Count on strains are “surging” everywhere, Jan 3rd and 6th loom large, and Biden is still Biden. O ye trolls and rabid Dems, look on the future and despair at least till ’22 when Science-Lord Fauci tells you to get a personal safety bubble.

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  4. Aurora
    KLSeering  over 3 years ago

    “The Gods”?!?!?! One true God, the LORD and Father.

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  5. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 3 years ago

    Have to chuckle at folks gawking at Scott’s use of “gods.”

    While I have no doubt that Scott is a Christian, as are many readers here, myself included, nevertheless,

    one, there are religions out there other than ours, and we need to learn to be more tolerant of others, and

    two, it is so obviously a “throw-away” phrase.

    Lighten up, folks!

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  6. Bleach 170
    KenseidenXL  over 3 years ago

    Cheeto Bandito still remains in charge of things for 20 more days….

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  7. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Once more, Scott, it ain’t the year, it’s the term.

    After January 20, the President of the United States will no longer want them infected.

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  8. 1djojn
    RobinHood  over 3 years ago

    New Years Day Is April 1st.

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  9. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   over 3 years ago

    On Jan. 6, when Congress meets to certify the presidential election results, some Republicans are planning to object to the results.

    It’s a last-ditch attempt to overturn Biden’s win, after multiple recounts proved it was legitimate and dozens of court challenges failed to change the results.

    But despite all the pressure from his own party, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) wrote in a lengthy Facebook post Thursday that he won’t be joining their “dangerous ploy.”

    Sasse went on on to break down what he thinks is the “truth” about the Jan. 6 certification, as well as voter fraud in the 2020 election.

    For starters, it’s not only “unwise” for Congress to oppose the results; there are no state election results “in doubt” either, Sasse wrote.

    And after analyzing several court battles and fraud allegations, he came to the same conclusion as former Attorney General William Barr: There was no large-scale fraud that could’ve changed the election results.

    Privately, Sasse said his fellow Republicans agree. “I haven’t heard a single Congressional Republican allege that the election results were fraudulent —not one,” Sasse wrote. “Instead, I hear them talk about their worries about how they will ‘look’ to President Trump’s most ardent supporters.”

    But while these “ambitious politicians” see their opposition efforts as “a quick way to tap into the president’s populist base without doing any real, long-term damage,” they’re wrong, Sasse continued.

    And if they don’t start working with Democrats to “rebuild trust” in self-government, “we’re going to turn American politics into a Hatfields and McCoys endless blood feud — a house hopelessly divided,” Sasse finished.


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  10. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   over 3 years ago

    In 2021, GOPers will continue to GOP….


    Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R ) signed a bill Wednesday that will require any aborted tissue to be either buried or cremated, leaving the decision to either the female patient or the clinic and penalizing whoever fails to decide.

    The bill signed on Wednesday also states, “the pregnant woman is responsible for the costs related to the final disposition of the fetal remains at the chosen location.”

    Those who are found to have failed to meet the requirements defined in the bill are subject to face, “a misdemeanor of the first degree.” If cremation is chosen as the form of disposal then the remains must either be placed in a “grave, crypt, or niche” or scattered in a “dignified manner.”

    Laurel Powell of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio told local ABC-affiliate News 5 the law was not necessary.

    “This is honestly just a familiar ploy by these lawmakers who use the chaos of the end of year session to try and pass these unpopular bills,” Powell told the news station. “Studies have repeatedly shown that the majority of Ohioans support access to safe and legal abortion care.”

    News 5 Cleveland reports that another abortion-related bill is waiting on DeWine’s desk to be signed. The bill, if signed, would ban doctors and women from using telemedicine when conducting a medical abortion. Doctors who violate this law would face criminal charges.


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  11. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   over 3 years ago

    Vice President Mike Pence has asked a federal judge to reject a lawsuit filed by a group of Republicans who want to put the authority to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s election win in the hands of the vice president.

    Mike Pence asks judge to toss Gohmert’s lawsuit that seeks to overturn election results

    WASHINGTON — Vice President Mike Pence has asked a federal judge to reject a lawsuit filed by a group of Republicans who want to put the authority to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s election win in the hands of the vice president.

    Pence, in a 14-page filing by Justice Department attorneys Thursday evening, claimed the lawsuit should be brought against Congress.

    “[T]hese plaintiffs’ suit is not a proper vehicle for addressing those issues because plaintiffs have sued the wrong defendant,” the response states, continuing that Pence “is ironically the very person whose power they seek to promote.”

    Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and a group of other Republicans filed the suit against Pence this week, arguing that the vice president has the constitutional authority to decide which states’ Electoral College votes to count.

    Pence is set to oversee Congress when it officially counts the votes cast by the Electoral College on Jan. 6, and the suit argues that Pence has the constitutional authority to ignore votes cast for Biden in states where Republicans have tried to cast doubt on the results, where there is virtually no evidence to support Trump’s claims of election fraud.


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    William Robbins Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Actual, audible, involuntary chuckle… despite expecting this exact gag.

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  13. Tonto crop
    Tonto & Redd Panda  over 3 years ago

    cdcoventry is a bit of a dick-head, isn’t he?

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    ricochetbing  over 3 years ago

    @cdcoventry…who’s the troll now?!

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    Bruce1253  over 3 years ago

    The new year begins at noon on Jan 20th, when to quote President Ford, “Our long national nightmare is over.”

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  16. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   over 3 years ago

    Ryan Grim, The Intercept’s bureau chief in Washington, D.C., said Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) position on stimulus checks show he “was quite fine” with President Trump losing the election.

    In an interview on Hill.TV’s “Rising,” Grim cited reports that McConnell told fellow Republicans he was willing to accept stimulus payments in the bill after Georgia GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler were “getting hammered” by their Senate runoff opponents, Jon Ossoff and the Rev. Raphael Warnock, for not backing direct payments.

    McConnell in the preceding months had resisted such a move, even while Trump pushed for increased payments ahead of the Nov. 3 election.

    “Donald Trump was itching for that same kind of lifeline in September and October, but McConnell’s idea at the time was different,” Grim said.

    “That comment that he made in that call with Republican senators was sort of the last data point that you really needed to take your intuition and everything you felt you understood about McConnell’s approach to the general election and to Trump and take it to a place where you can say, ‘OK, now I’m confident that I can conclude that Mitch McConnell was quite fine with Donald Trump losing the presidential election,’” Grim added.


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  17. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 3 years ago

    It’ll be awhile before the horrors of 2020 are sorted out. I’m sick of this “2020 bad” meme. There’s still a lot of work to do—but there was a certain event that happened in November that made me clap and cheer.

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  18. Pc240007
    edreajr  over 3 years ago

    As some wise man or wise woman once said: “Anytime things appear to be going better you have overlooked something.”

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