Clay Jones for September 27, 2020

  1. Rick and morty 91d86486 2737 4e8f a1ca 8e1b1ed1070d
    sevaar777  over 3 years ago

    Which, tragically, likely has more value than black women to many whites.

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  2. Img 20230721 103439220 hdr
    kaffekup   over 3 years ago

    I heard, don’t know if it’s true, that he was charged with wanton endangerment for the shots that went into a white-occupied apartment, but not the shots that went into black-occupied apartments.

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  3. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 3 years ago

    No officer was charged with “wanton endangerment” in the killing of an innocent human being, who just happened to be a Black woman, who did no shooting and was an innocent bystander. Well, actually, innocent bySLEEPer — in her own apartment, asleep, at an address given by an ex-boyfriend with no verification by the police, who also did not take the simple step of checking to find out that HE WAS ALREADY IN CUSTODY.

    No officer was charged with “wanton endangerment” for bullets fired into the apartment of a neighbor upstairs who was also Black.

    One officer was charged with “wanton endangerment” for bullets fired into the apartment of a neighbor next door who was WHITE.

    Police claim they announced themselves and cite one witness, but multiple witnesses testified that there was no such announcement.

    Police officers had body cameras. There is video footage from those body cams from immediately after the shooting. Where is the video DURING the incident, when it happened. They had the technology. They had the cameras. If they do not have the footage that would exonerate them, it is because evidence does not exonerate the guilty.

    We already know that the police lied about this innocent.

    The original report said there were NO INJURIES, even though an INNOCENT BYSLEEPER was KILLED.

    The racism, the lying, the corruption stink.

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  4. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 3 years ago

    Geez. Well I guess Clay is so prolific that he’s bound to slip in a bad pun every once in awhile.

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  5. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  over 3 years ago

    That raid was so fouled, any competent law enforcement should have dropped it. The search warrant was sloppy, the object of the search wasn’t even there. The search was months after the warrant. It’s no wonder the protests are going on. Since the Nixon-Burger Court, the coddling of incompetent and crooked cops has worsened.

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  6. Screenshot 20180802 120401 samsung internet
    Kurtass Premium Member over 3 years ago

    It is smear the victim time. “She was a drug dealer, because her ex-boyfriend was a drug dealer”. Nevermind that no drugs were found in the apartment. Nevermind that she has no prior criminal record. “But she is bkack, she must be guilty”.

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  7. Img 0668b
    Coopersdad  over 3 years ago

    …….and we wonder why blacks don’t trust the police and the justice system!

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  8. A60d9b88 42df 4176 9e19 58ff3adf5129
    Cpeckbourlioux  over 3 years ago

    Brilliant hat, Mr. Jones.

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  9. Scout 3a
    Redd Panda  over 3 years ago

    First rule of a weapon, never fire unless you are sure of your target.

    Firing blind thru a door in a residential area? Murdering clowns.

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  10. Missing large
    brwydave Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Finding wontons in the apartment proves they were guilty of having take-out Chinese for dinner before bed time.

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  11. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 3 years ago

    This whole problem could be resolved by giving all police single shot guns. When you know you only have one shot.. you make it count.

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  12. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Weeding the bullies out the police department and putting in a psychological test for their replacements should be required. My brother in law was a cop in a small Texas town. He was a bully in high school to the point of exhibiting psychological issues in the stuff that he did, and he was able to turn that hobby into a profession by joining the local police department.

    Our police should be carefully chosen, required to wear cameras, and any complaints should be reviewed by a citizen’s committee, elected by the citizens of the community. Yes, people who pass those requirements will cost more, and they would be worth it. I can assure you my brother in law would have never been a cop, because he would never have applied for the job under those rules. I said he was evil, I didn’t say he was stupid.

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  13. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  over 3 years ago

    Someting is wong here…there’s no need to antagonize Asians and Daniel Cameron.

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  14. Front sword at ready
    shamest Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Just so you know I am a white male before I tell this. I have two encounters with parole officers coming yo my address in error. The first the previous renter was on parole at the apartment I rented. the second the I bought a house where someone was previously on parole. Let’s go with the second. The parole officer walks up asking if I knew so and so who lived there. I explained I just bought the house and did not know anyone from before. I got a thank and sorry to bother you and he left. The first one The parole officer asked If I knew so and so I said I did not I just moved in three months ago. He said the guy was there a year and a half ago I was lying and he was coming in to search. Not without a warrant, I said. After a few yes and no he starts to draw his weapon go to arrest me. I am like wtf because I have no record other than a few traffic citations . I explain I will take legal action after all is done. He said don’t give s**t turnaround. At that point, an older officer runs up and says stop before you get yourself to the officer. It was clear to this officer I did not know who they were looking for. He apologized for the other one, I even offered to allow him to look around. He said no reason and thanked me for my time. I did make a report about the first officer. He came by s week later to threaten and complain and I reported him for that His superior called and assured me that I would not be harassed by that officer again. I never saw that officer around town. My point is this It can be you mistreated by law enforcement. We all need to stand up. That said the second parole officer was a professional. Also, most other encounters with law enforcement were good.This is not the first person to die from police going to the wrong place. The represent the law they are to be held to a higher standard. If they can’t handle it they can quit.

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    dipierro Premium Member over 3 years ago

    As a lifelong progressive, in Civ Rts marches in the ’60’s where it wasn’t safe, arrested in demonstrations, prosecuted state & federal, I cannot get on board with the Left on this. The police had much reason, very well documented, to believe that there were large amounts of drugs &/or drug money there, & that it might be flushed or burnt, etc., if they didn’t raid by surprise. Simultaneous raids on other related sites yielded big findings. And the no-knock warrant wasn’t the field officers’ decision. It was the decision of their superiors &/or the judge. Even so, they yelled “Police!” before break in— and as soon as they did, a cop got shot and fell. Now, they had to either run away from their fallen comrade, or try to pick him up while someone was shooting at them. (Perhaps either one would be better than having BLM after them for the rest of their lives, but it shouldn’t be that way.)

    So, one of the cops fired into the part of the apartment where the shooter obviously had run — and from where the shooter could have kept shooting, while being hidden from sight by the window curtains. And the cops should be perfectly okay with this?

    It’s written that Ms Taylor is a completely innocent victim. BUT It’s well documented that she had plenty to do with the guy the cops were going for — who was really bad, bad news. They say this was a past period of her life, because she had broken up with him — a WHOLE WEEK AGO!??? Of course, she’d had been going with both guys for many months, & the 2d boyfriend thought the 1st boyfriend was there — but the police should have known the 1st boyfriend couldn’t possibly be there? That makes no sense at all.

    When you let a drug gang leader do his business from your apartment, things might go wrong — Duh! Should being Black make you exempt from that? If a white person had been shot under those circumstances, it would be headlines only because of her wrongdoings and the sad ending; cities would not be burned.

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  16. Missing large
    dipierro Premium Member over 3 years ago

    As a lifelong progressive, in Civ Rts marches in the ’60’s where it wasn’t safe, arrested in demonstrations, prosecuted state & federal, I can’t get on board with the Left on this. The police had much reason, very well documented, to believe there were large amounts of drugs &/or drug money there, & that it might be flushed or burnt, etc., if they didn’t raid by surprise. Simultaneous raids on other related sites yielded big findings. And the no-knock warrant wasn’t the field officers’ decision: It was the decision of their superiors &/or the judge. Even so, they yelled “Police!” before break in— and as soon as they did, a cop got shot and fell. Now, they had to either run away from their fallen comrade, or try to pick him up while someone was shooting at them.

    So, one of the cops fired into the part of the apartment where the shooter obviously had run — and from where the shooter could have kept shooting, while hidden from sight by the window curtains. Should the cops have been perfectly o.k. with being exposed in this way??

    It’s written that Ms Taylor is a completely innocent victim. BUT It’s well documented that she had plenty to do with the guy the cops were going for — who was bad, bad news. They say that the relationship was a past period of her life, because she had broken up with him — a WHOLE WEEK AGO!!! Of course, she’d had been going with both guys for many months, & the 2d boyfriend thought the 1st boyfriend was there — but the police should have known the 1st boyfriend couldn’t possibly be there? That makes no sense at all.

    When you let a drug gang leader do his business from your apartment, things might go wrong — Duh! Should being Black make you exempt from that? If a white person had been shot under those circumstances, it would be headlines only because of her wrongdoings and the sad ending; cities would not burn.

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