Mike Lester for August 06, 2020

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    DrDon1  over 3 years ago

    Mr Lester must think that the average American identifies with his ‘VILLAGES’ couple … Naught!

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    braindead Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Another distraction by Lester.


    160,000 deaths.

    And counting.


    Thanks to The Messiah.

    And, let’s not forget the contributions of the Trump Disciple cartoonists.

    Because hydroxychloroquine.

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    Judge Magney  over 3 years ago

    In Lesterland, asking the well-heeled to pay something closer to their fair share is a crime.

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    DangerBunny  over 3 years ago

    “The wealthy” have multiple residences. Their main places are usually near enough to the city to be able to go in / get out for the cultural amenities, but with social class distancing so their lawns don’t get mussed by unruly neighbors. Then there are the country houses, the apts abroad, and the mailboxes in the Caymans because taxes are for the little people. Lester and his kind seem to think city streets, services-including the courts that protect their property rights- run on air, and municipal taxes, like all taxes; are theft.

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    kentmarx36  over 3 years ago

    If the wealthy have to pay anything in taxes, they feel abused. They just want the benefits before any of the middle class or poor have a shot at them.

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    Kurtass Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Republicans say democrats want “free stuff”. Republicans are the real freeloaders, they want services and defense with paying for them.

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    Concretionist  over 3 years ago

    One of the standard right wing memes is the idea of rich people fleeing from taxes. It’s got a teeny tiny basis in reality (some of them do). But in fact most don’t. You have to picture yourself as rich to get this, which isn’t easy; but I usually try an analogy such as this: Where I live, I can drive 20 minutes to a grocery store and buy my soda pop for about $7/12-pack. Or I can drive about 35 minutes to a store where I can get it for half that price. I’m always tempted  to make that longer drive, but if I actually run the numbers, I find that if I value my time at $30/hour (which is about what I was being paid when I retired) and add in the cost of gasoline, it costs an extra half hour ($15) plus an extra gallon of gas ($2.50). So to BREAK EVEN, I have to save $17.50 from the trip. If I have nothing else to do, I can make the extra drive and come out okay by buying 5 12-packs (or some other combo of things that are less expensive there). But if I’d really rather be hiking, working on the yard, reading a good book etc. then I’m better off just spending money instead of time.

    OK. Now imagine that your investments are returning $250,000 per year (instead of my $30/hour). And that you enjoy the situation where you are living: Friends, art shows, museums (or friends, stock car races, football… whatever YOU enjoy). You could move and save many thousands of dollars. Or you could spend a noticeable but unimportant amount of money instead of moving. And of course, they can also spend that kind of money lobbying for a better tax situation…

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  8. Schrodingers cat
    genome_project Premium Member over 3 years ago

    So now we all know the reason Trump left NYC.

    It was just for the lower taxes.

    Makes you wonder why he lived there in the first place, since he’s such a stable genius.

    Maybe Lester can explain that for us.

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    T Smith  over 3 years ago

    No, we were about to be indicted, and needed to change jurisdictions quickly.

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  10. Triumph
    Daeder  over 3 years ago

    I wonder if Mike realizes he’s criticizing his own team here. If so, well done. If not, still well done, but maybe less so.

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    RAGs  over 3 years ago

    The wealthy try to avoid paying taxes any way they can, and then demand that government services be directed their benefit first (and, if there is anything left over, give it to the peons, maybe).

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    VadimUzdensky1  over 3 years ago

    Funnily enough, the rich mostly do not leave places with high taxes, like NY or CA. This is because those taxes pay for infrastructure and vital services that are necessary for business. Low taxes are nice, but they aren’t a necessity.

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    Patjade  over 3 years ago

    Who needs roads, fire department, police, water, sewer, or any other infrastructure?

    I guess this is Mike’s petty grievance of the day.

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  14. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Let’s see, Mr. Wealthy is supposed to have walked away from a lifetime he’s built into the city. Contacts. His practice. His property. Family. Church. Friends. Club memberships. He walked away from everything he’s spent his entire life building.

    Because of taxes.


    First off, screw any of the wealthy who thinks that it’s ok to dodge taxes. They’re nothing but leeches, sucking our nation dry. They’ll donate tons of money to their church, not because of faith, but because they can still control how their money is used. But they won’t pay taxes because someone might spend it on the undeserving poor. They want to say who gets the money and how it is spent. And that is wrong

    Second, shut up. You’re not gonna leave and you know it. Because you don’t want to walk away from everything and start over.

    Quit your crying and pay your damn taxes. You still have more money than god.

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    The Love of Money is . . .  over 3 years ago

    On This Day In History – August 6th

    Four years can seem like an eternity sometimes. Congress had to declare war in WWII.We had old aircraft and old ships. The USS Arizona, for example, was built about 1914. Our Democratic President who brought us thru the Great Depression died in 1945 before the war ended. America built an unbelievable amount of aircraft and ships. People bought Liberty bonds, Victory bonds, etc. Few complained about rationing. People raised Victory Gardens in their yards. Contributed to scrap metal drives. It took four years to defeat the Axis. People weren’t able to know, for the most part, where their loves were. Letters to home were censored. Loose lips sank ships. The public was told they had nothing to fear but fear itself.

    Now compare that to about the four years with our Republican President with less than three months to go to Election. Now we do have something to fear and the next three months has become an eternity, but it will arrive. The President says we’re WINNING and knows HE’S LOSING. What he does now is what I FEAR.

    Today Trump said, “Joe Biden hates God” . . .on August 6, 2020 The United States dropped the first Atomic Bomb on Japan – August 6, 1945 Seventy-Five Years ago today.

    Trump once inquired about dropping an Atomic Bomb on a hurricane approaching Florida. It would have Mar-A-Largo and all of the South for sure. He had his black Sharpie to mark on the map though. God is Love, right?

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    FJB  Premium Member over 3 years ago

    People are leaving the liberal run big cities because democratic policies have produced…High Taxes, Crime, Shootings, Looting, No bail for repeat offenders, Arson, Should we go on? People say it’s not safe to out after the sun goes down, but where I live, it’s like Nirvana. Polar opposite of what’s described above. Flee the big city and enjoy life in a red state. It’s everything you want!

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  17. So long charlie brown copy
    mlester101 creator over 3 years ago

    Today’s DAILY MAIL.com:


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    jader3rd  over 3 years ago

    This is one of those arguments that doesn’t match reality. There has never been a noticeable migration of wealthy people because of taxes.

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    hooglah  over 3 years ago

    They need to start shooting them and be done with it. We slap their hands and give them a time out. Worked so well so far …..huh?

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    Addled Brain  over 3 years ago

    Mike, if not the wealthy, who’s going to pay off our huge National debt ?

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  21. Abraxascircle
    abraxas  over 3 years ago

    When you live in a city with all its amenities and needs, it costs more.

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