Nick Anderson for December 10, 2019

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    sipsienwa Premium Member over 4 years ago

    He has talked more about toilets than these murders, commander in what?

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 4 years ago

    Back in my day, we were training Turkish helicopter pilots, we’ve trained folks from all over for a long time. It would do to remember bin Laden, where he was from, and why he was ticked at American military being in Saudi Arabia, one of his main complaints.

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  3. Mel and linda 013
    Melki Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I seem to recall a time when Trump had no trouble uttering the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism.”

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 4 years ago
    Saudi pilots flew into the 911 buildings and now we’re teaching them to fly?
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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 4 years ago

    The Saudi’s own the 45th floor of president 45’s Trump Tower.

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    Zebrastripes  over 4 years ago

    How Ignorant…..saudis are NOT our friends, and besides, it’s the oil that’s keeping our ties with the murderous bastards.

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    Zebrastripes  over 4 years ago

    Saudies have the worst Humane treatment in the world.

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  8. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Hair Groppenfuror ha$ many rea$on$ to tread lightly with the $audi$.

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    john_chubb  over 4 years ago

    Curiously, the Governor of Florida just stated that the 2nd Amendment only applies to US citizens. It seems that the Republican Governor is advocating for a stringent citizenry test as a prerequisite for obtaining firearms.

    I wonder what the National Russian Association . . . excuse me, National Rifle Association, I forgot for a moment there . . . thinks about that!

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  10. Coexist
    Bookworm  over 4 years ago

    “Trump went on to say that King Salman ‘will be involved in taking care of families and loved ones. He feels very strongly. He’s very, very devastated by what happened and what took place. Likewise, the Crown Prince. They are devastated by what took place in Pensacola. And I think they’re going to help out the families very greatly.’ "

    I’m sure the Saudis will be just as thorough in “taking care of” anyone with the same thoroughness and efficiency as when they “took care of” the World Trade Center or Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi.

    Now that’s a favor!

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  11. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Don’t be harsh on trump.. he is more than willing to look the other way when there are deals to be made

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    ncorgbl  over 4 years ago

    The Saudi Royals, likely about 1,500 of them, are Sunni Muslim, while the Saudi people are Wahhabi-Sunni, extremists founded in the late 1800s. The Wahhabi accept the rule of the Royals by one line in the Qur’an. Most of the Royals could care less about anyone but themselves, but the higher ups to the King do recognize the need for U.S. friendship.

    The Saudi people, the extremist Wahhabi, do not like the U.S. It has been since their beginnings, as religious extremists would, but in earnest since ‘Desert Shield’. The Royals gave the U.S. permission to deploy on Saudi land, but the Wahhabi, who view all of Saudi Arabia, not just Mecca and Medina, as Holy land, blame the U.S. for desecrating their Holy Land. This is where bin Laden, a Wahhabi, who had gone to the King to protest the U.S. then asked that he be allowed to raise an army to fight instead. He was refused, and went on to be a founder of al Qaeda. The Wahhabi supported al Qaeda and later ISIL with men and money. The Saudi people are not friends of the U.S.

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    Ally2005  over 4 years ago

    The Washington Post: "President Trump has long held a double standard when it comes to terrorist attacks: When the perpetrator is a white supremacist, he offers anodyne expressions of sympathy for the victims (often “thoughts and prayers”), while typically failing to label the attack an act of terrorism. When the perpetrator is a Muslim, however, he is vitriolic in his denunciations and his calls for a massive response, such as stopping all Muslims from entering the United States. After a car plowed into pedestrians in London on Aug. 14, 2018, for example, he tweeted: “Another terrorist attack in London… These animals are crazy and must be dealt with through toughness and strength!”It turns out that Trump actually has a triple standard, because he treats attacks by Saudis differently than those from other Muslim nations. On Friday, a Saudi air force officer studying at the Naval Air Station Pensacola shot dead three Americans and wounded eight others. Instead of expressing outrage or vowing vengeance, or even waiting for all the facts to come in, Trump sounded as if he were auditioning for the job of press secretary at the Saudi Embassy. He conveyed King Salman’s “sincere condolences” and his (highly questionable) assurances “that this person in no way shape or form represents the feelings of the Saudi people who love the American people.” Trump then told reporters that the king “will take care of the families and loved ones of the victims.” Trump pledged his personal allegiance to Saudi Arabia some time ago.

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  14. Great view up here
    comixbomix  over 4 years ago

    It’s part of his philosophy: keep your friends close, and your enemies well-armed…

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  15. Thegrelber
    SylviSterling  over 4 years ago

    Here we go again… training Saudi pilots.

    What were we THINKING?!

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  16. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 4 years ago

    Was he acting alone? I can’t stand to watch the news any more, so I’ve only a little bit of a clue here.

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  17. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member over 4 years ago

    It seems most of the people that live in the Sahara Desert region are a little bit tribal. Remember the movie “Lawrence of Arabia” and how he tried to unite the desert people? Didn’t work then and it doesn’t seem that it will work now. Maybe, the US and other countries that want oil, should just buy it and stop trying to own the damn wells. Sooner or later that oil has to run out and then what?

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    Bonita Voigt  over 4 years ago

    tRump has a blind spot when it comes to the Saudis. Probably due to the $$$$ he gets from that county.

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