Jeff Danziger for July 17, 2019

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    DrDon1  almost 5 years ago

    An objection — The GOP seems to have willingly drunk the ‘Kool-Aid!’

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    jack666 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    I have no objection. The GOP had rotted before Trump came along; if he can kill it that would be the only good to come from his “presidency”.

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    Ontman  almost 5 years ago

    One can hope.

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    Motivemagus  almost 5 years ago

    I do think that if we have to have a party system, we should more of them. The GOP has become wholly the party of doing whatever #45 wants, with no core at all other than “looking out for #1.”

    The people who ostentatiously left the GOP (rather than standing up and fighting from within or taking real action) are now haranguing the Democratic Party, but all they want is for them to become the old GOP, the racist, pro-business, pro-billionaire party that was at least polite and pretended otherwise. They did that: they were called “neo-liberal” Democrats (they were neither new nor liberal), and they collaborated in creating a country with higher income inequality than many banana republics, and helped set us up for #45.

    I could see the “moderate Republicans” team up with the yellow-dog Democrats and form that party; meanwhile, we could get a genuinely progressive party back into play with the next generation of Democrats. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Bernie Sanders is NOT a leftist or socialist. He is a center-left at best, a social democrat, which used to be the center of the Democratic Party from FDR through LBJ. Meanwhile, the GOP has moved completely away from anything but the most far-right we have ever seen in this country since the 1920s (when the KKK openly ran someone for President). It’s a fringe group that controls disproportionate numbers of votes through gerrymandering that locks in extremists – it’s practically apartheid, and it will be if the Democratic Party doesn’t get over itself and get moving.

    It is possible that the GOP will collapse under demographic weight (the decreasing numbers of old, white, racist, men) and the Democratic Party will break into Progressives and “moderate GOP” Democrats, but it’s going to take more vision and leadership than I’ve seen thus far. And FIRST we have to break the domination of the crazy right-wingers over the courts and the gerrymandering…

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  5. Sjacket
    phredturner  almost 5 years ago

    The cowardly GOP will just stand still and take the Trump bullet

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  6. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 5 years ago

    Racist coward Trump doesn’t have the guts to pull the trigger,

    no matter how much the sick elephant needs to be put down.

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  7. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 5 years ago

    The GOP isn’t dead, it is just being shown for what it always was. A bunch of racist woman hating dummies who want to give all the money to the rich. They hate their fellow Americans and will punish them for their sexual orientation, skin color and ethnicity.

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  8. Calvin   hobbes   playtime in snow avatar flipped
    Andrew Sleeth  almost 5 years ago

    Perhaps there’s hope yet. Doesn’t the RNC still have time to nominate someone else?

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  9. Marx.
    DeepState  almost 5 years ago

    Demographics are not on their side. The elephant will go the way of the Whigs. In any generational battle, the youngsters always win.

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  10. Flatfootcopper
    masterchip  almost 5 years ago

    Mitch McConnell created this mess. The people of Kentucky are aiding and abetting the fall of our “democracy”. Ditch Mitch!

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    DrDon1  almost 5 years ago

    @Motivemagus — Thank you for your commentary!

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    Concretionist  almost 5 years ago

    If the GOP survives this episode I will weep for what our nation once was (or at least seemed to be).

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 5 years ago

    Just putting it out of it’s misery.

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    wolfiiig  almost 5 years ago

    What do you expect when the GOP has devolved into the hands of McConnell, the tin pot Talleyrand?

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    Zebrastripes  almost 5 years ago

    Gasp! I always pictured an elephant gun to be bigger…..

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    Zebrastripes  almost 5 years ago

    The Grand Old Party…..better known today as Garbage on Parade. Trump loves tanks, so get on one and go off the cliff and do us all a favor…

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