Prickly City by Scott Stantis for July 10, 2019

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    kaffekup   almost 5 years ago

    trump owns the republican party. Anyone with principles has become at least an Independent.

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    Cheapskate0  almost 5 years ago

    From the news this morning:

    Talk about a proposed boycott of Home Depot prompted Donald Trump to say the following:

    That anybody who opposes Trump is “vicious and crazed,” with the additional threat that “two can play that game.”

    The truly sad thing is, not only do we see that kind of behavior on this, the Prickly City comments page, but this has happened to me at church, the one place where I would hope to escape this craze. And, crazily enough, those who have accosted me at church have used that same argument against me: That they come to church to escape people with my point of view!

    I’m glad that I have a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have withstood the temptation and urge to withdraw from my place of worship.

    But I am saddened, nonetheless.

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  3. Oceandriftwood
    Phrosty 12Oaks  almost 5 years ago

    I can see that Mr. Stantis hasn’t hit the really hot buttons yet as the comments section is slow lately. You’re slacking off Mr. Stantis. :)

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    Bruce1253  almost 5 years ago

    It is interesting to me that Trump has cause two supposedly principled groups to completely abandon their fundamental beliefs: The Republican Party and the Christian Right. I think we will look back on the Trump Experience and draw two lessons from it, what happens when a society goes too far in trying to correct a problem. Secondly, how a charismatic, totally amoral person with power can corrupt even principled groups.

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    dogday Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Y’all: Trump doesn’t own the RP nor did he cause anyone to abandon fundamental beliefs. Those who follow this nightmare are doing so for their own aggrandizement, of their own volition. They must not be covered over by any HINT of victimhood, hoodwinkery or deception. Those who know right from wrong and are determined to follow it above their own agenda see this pathetic, utterly corrupt person for who and what he is. His followers do, too, and they use his corruption for their own purposes.

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  6. 23 asterix with sword
    up2trixx  almost 5 years ago

    Here’s the worst thing: The Republican Party is dead and has been taken over by the Trump party. Stalwart Republicans who actually stand by the Republican party values and who have come out against Trump know this, and many have acknowledged this publicly. Unfortunately, the election in 2020 is going to be “Trump or whoever the Democrats run”, and those Republicans who fully acknowledge how much of a mistake Trump was, and how much damage he has done and is doing to the US, will vote for him again rather than vote for a Democrat. They will literally sell their country out just to prevent a democrat from getting in, even though the democrats could run a blind monkey and it would still make a better president than the one occupying the Oval Office when he isn’t off playing golf and getting richer on your dime.

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