Clay Jones for June 08, 2019

  1. Tf 117
    RAGs  almost 5 years ago

    I would not be surprised if Trump and many of his backers DID think it was "entertaining.

    Thoughts and prayers only work if you work VERY hard at correcting the problems while thinking and praying.

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  2. Mate1 9
    imagenesis  almost 5 years ago

    ♫ This is America -Don’t catch you slippin’ up -Don’t catch you slippin’ up -Look what I’m whippin’ up…

    This is America (skrrt, skrrt, woo) -Don’t catch you slippin’ up (ayy) -Look at how I’m livin’ now -Police be trippin’ now (woo) -Yeah, this is America (woo, ayy) -Guns in my area (word, my area)… ♬

    Yeah, yeah, this is guerilla (woo) -Yeah, yeah, I’ma go get the bag -Yeah, yeah, or I’ma get the pad -Yeah, yeah, I’m so cold like yeah (yeah) -I’m so dope like yeah (woo) -We gon’ blow like yeah (straight up, uh)…

    This is America (yeah, yeah) -Don’t catch you slippin’ up (woah, ayy) -Don’t catch you slippin’ up (ayy, woo) -Look what I’m whippin’ up (ayy)… ♪

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  3. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    As far as Trump is concerned, getting shot at in school is just part of growing up.

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  4. Desron14
    Masterskrain Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Well, they CAN’T do anything without specific permission from the NRA!

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  5. The brain
    ArtyD2 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Very late term abortion.

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    Gen.Flashman  almost 5 years ago

    I have always been puzzled by “thoughts and prayers” who/what are you suppose to pray for; for God to let the dead into Heaven and not Hell? To heal the injured? Comfort the families? Besides was Jim Morrison wrong and you can petition the Lord with prayer? Does God keep a prayer tally sheet and if not enough people prayer for some one he lets them die?

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    Zebrastripes  almost 5 years ago

    MONEY !!! NRA and GOP are ruthless greedy bastards……what values to show the world…..VOTES!! …..America stands alone with so many shootings…….shameless!

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    lonecat  almost 5 years ago

    God, if there is a god, makes no difference to what happens; a god that makes no difference is no different from a not-god.

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  9. Covid
    Librarylady  almost 5 years ago

    None of the students are their “unique” DNA carriers so that’s good.

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    There’s no difference between Scott Peterson and the GOP….. afraid to do anything that might jeopardize their position

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    Ally2005  almost 5 years ago

    Trump must believe that their are good people on both sides of the bullet. He knows he can’t upset the NRA. 2020 election is approaching fast. Since Trump has no moral compass his choice is easy.

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  12. Img 0668b
    Coopersdad  almost 5 years ago

    tRump and his backers only have “thoughts and prayers” and in the sense of “they are thinking how they can use this disaster for their advantage” and “praying to win total control of Congress and the Courts” so that they can rule forever.

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  13. Bbb
    NeoconMan  almost 5 years ago

    Who cares if school kids get shot? It’s not like they’re fetuses any more.

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 5 years ago

    He needs an NRA approved silencer.

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  15. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 5 years ago

    I am risking a controversial comment here, and certainly do not suggest or advocate any such act, but if a top NRA official or current high-level administration official lost a son or daughter in another school shooting, would he change his stance on reasonable gun-control/ownership/purchasing regulation?

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  16. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 5 years ago

    The only thoughts that make a difference are the ones about how to make things better. And the only prayers that are reliably answered are the ones asking for assistance in doing what needs to be done next.

    It’s kind of a joke about “the lord helps those who help themselves” (while reaching for a beer), but it’s also absolutely true. Because the only help the lord can give comes to us through human hands.

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