Jeff Danziger for January 09, 2011

  1. U19239825
    sidl  over 13 years ago

    I believe that it is WAY PAST TIME for God to repossess the “talent” on loan to this self-proclaimed prophet of the correct, Yea Right!

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  2. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 13 years ago

    How do Rush Limbaugh listeners not think for themselves? Rush is not the best pundit in the world, but let’s face it, he is contrary to almost all of the news put out by the MSM, and a good number of Americans are, as well.

    “Thinking for yourself” does not lead one automatically to the conclusions of Leftist orthodoxy….I know it’s hard to believe. You would make an excellent argument that the people who are conservatives despite having grown up with the public school system and the state of the media are, by definition, free-thinkers.

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  3. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 13 years ago

    You just defined normal people as those who believe and fall in line with the gruel served them by the MSM. I shouldn’t be surprised.

    As we now type and read this, the MSM is making out the assassination attempt on the life of the Arizona representative into an act perpetrated because of the rhetoric of those on the Right, particularly Sarah Palin. ALL EVIDENCE points to the shooter being an extremely unstable leftist who had a general difficulty with all authority in his life, not just political.

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  4. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  over 13 years ago

    Human, late one night on the public access station there was a rather amateurish program that questioned the collapse of the towers. The contention of this program was that the towers collapsed in a manner consistent with the demolition of buildings, not from impact. I do not understand how this is allowed. It sounds like another conspiracy theory going around. As for the test suggested by Fairportfan2, try Jenga.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    Rush is simply excrement. Tucson represents his fans “mentality”. I had to stop listening to him, even to “keep track” he’s so psycho. Now Beck is “toning it down” and becoming a preacher- move over Robertson.

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  6. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 13 years ago


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  7. Missing large
    feverjr Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Rush works for Clear Channel, which is owned by Bain Capital, which was founded by Mitt Romney… guess who tells Rush what to say, while hiding behind the curtain….hmmm

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  8. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 13 years ago

    Habanero: Rush might deserve more respect if he weren’t caught lying so often and so shamelessly. It’s not even a question of liberal versus conservative, it’s a question of truth versus fiction. The fiction happens to be aimed to support right-wing views, but so what?

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  9. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member over 13 years ago

    & LBJ told the CIA to have the Corsican mafia kill JFK & frame Oswald. Couldn’t let the Kennedy’s expose the alien overlords. (They pushed Teddy off the bridge, too.)

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  10. Missing large
    hancel  over 13 years ago

    A study by the Univ. of Maryland backed up a survey by NBC/WSJ that 71% of voters that follow Rash Lardball and Fox News were totally misinformed on major issues. They also concluded the misinformation was intentional.

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  11. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 13 years ago

    I though he’d pray that Obama fails to help the country get back on its feet. He said it publicly on live broadcast radio, why wouldn’t he pray for it?

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  12. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Just imagine what would happen to Limbaugh’s ratings if he choosed to tone his speech down.

    There’s a market for that kind of speecch. If Limbaugh died of a heart attack tomorrow, somebody would replace him.

    That’s the direct consequence of media that are not there to inform, but to make money.

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  13. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 13 years ago

    hancel, you can go to for a video posted by a very well informed economist demonstrating the complete dishonesty of the Maryland study. “Totally misinformed” is a gross misstatement. They had about the same level of knowledge of the issues that the rest of the electorate did, and in many cases, the questions were written in such a manner as to confuse the issue. Just a shoddy questionnaire in my opinion, certainly not worthy of being called “research”.

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  14. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 13 years ago

    I really can’t blame Rush for profiting from the ignorance and gullibility of the right-wingers.

    If I didn’t have a conscience, I would do something similar, lots of money in feeding red meat to the ignorant.

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  15. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 13 years ago

    Rush is going to be on the Golf Channel, of all places.

    They are going to try to teach him golf the way they did Charles Barkley and Ray Ramono. (sp?)

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  16. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    “dtroutma said, about 14 hours ago Rush is simply excrement. Tucson represents his fans “mentality”. I had to stop listening to him, even to “keep track” he’s so psycho. Now Beck is “toning it down” and becoming a preacher- move over Robertson.”

    Jared Loughner is a Bill Ayres clone. Ayres, if you do not know, is a leftist (as Loughner is), he was responsible for killing four people from bombings over 40 years ago, AND he was a mentor to our PRESIDENT.

    The ignorance on display here (from the comic on-down) is breathtaking. All of you call Limbaugh a liar and his listeners as mind-numbed robots, but there is not one shred of evidence for your insistences. Perception is everything to you. You listen to YOUR leftist propagators say that Limbaugh and Beck are what they wish to project upon them, and you go merrily on your way parroting their propaganda.

    All of you project the very ignorance that inflicts your own minds. You k now NOTHING, apart what you are told by third parties, who have no scruples in repeating things that he says out-of-context. With regard to Beck, he encourages his listeners NOT to take what he says at face value, but tells them to check things out themselves.

    As to MY “mentality” (and I think that I speak for a lot of folks who are unhappy with the course our government has taken over the past seven or eight decades), I believe that there are truths that are indisputable. One is that we USED to be a great country, and a second one is that we are in a irrefutable decline. If you dispute these facts, then you are a fool. If you do not, then use your brain (without jumping to partisan-fueled conclusions) to arrive as to why this is.

    I conclude that we have been headed toward the abyss for a long time, Obama is headed down the SAME direction as Bush had (so much for “change”), and we must TURN AROUND, and head back towards the direction that we took when we USED to be great.

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  17. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    BTW, after re-thinking this comic over, it’s obvious that this knee-jerk reactionary is pinning the blame for the Tuscon shooting on people like Limbaugh, and according to him, Limbaugh hopes that his listeners don’t start connecting the dots.

    Only a non-thinking tool would arrive at Danziger’s conclusion.

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  18. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 13 years ago

    The only time I have Heard Rush was back when I had to visit a dept. where the guy was listening to “Hate Radio” and every time, even if I was there for 30 seconds, I heard hatred spewing from the radio.

    Wonder why we had the Arizona shooting?

    Besides that Ronald Reagan closed most of the mental hospitals so now the mentally ill have no place to go?

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  19. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    Rockngolfer, WHAT sort of “hate” did you hear? Was it actually something that you LISTENED TO, or were you simply hearing tones of supposed “hate”?

    Please be specific. The thing is, you cannot go find this supposed “hate” recorded anywhere, other than what you are told to think about him. It’s either that, or you immediately assume that it is “hate” if it opposes your political leanings.

    If you want to see REAL hate and violence, go find messages from lefties who wanted to kill Bush. You cannot find it anymore (because they scrubbed it from their website), but the Daily KOS published a map that showed which politicians that THEY wanted “targeted” (and Congresswoman Giffords was one of them).

    And, I think it is VERY interesting that when that Army doctor went on a murder spree at Fort Hood, the media were VERY careful not to identify the man as a Muslim, even though he shouted “Allah Akbar” as he went. However, this guy shoots a Democrat, and so much of the media (Danzinger included) jumps knee-jerk-like to the conclusion that it MUST have been because of conservative opposition to Obama, even though Jared Loughner is (as evidence is being shown) a LEFTIST. The man (as investigations have found) has been stalking Giffords since 2007.

    This comic, and people like Keith Olbermann are irresponsible, politically motivated goons. They have USED this tragedy as an opportunity to attack others for political reasons, in order to silence opposition to their feudalistic and moronic policies.

    As for mental hospitals, as far as I know, Jared Loughner would FIRST have to be diagnosed as needing to be placed in a hospital for the mentally deranged. If you can tell us that he was so diagnosed, and was denied such health service, then you will have a point. Apart from knowing that, you have no case whatsoever.

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  20. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 13 years ago

    See, Rock, you aren’t even using your brain at all. This listener is as far from a typical Rush listener as you can get, yet you have asserted that the airwaves had something to do with the shooting. Get the facts and be honest…IF ANYTHING this shooter was mentally scarred from his secular atheistic upbringing. It is absolutely undeniable to anyone reading about his past. He WORKED FOR this woman in 2007. He was a disruption in his classes at community college. He despised all government and authority in his life. He was a pot-smoking “lefty” who had occultic symbols in his front yard.

    How does the Left connect those dots to Palin and Limbaugh?

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  21. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    “DrCanuck said, about 18 hours ago ^ “Rush Limbaugh…is contrary to almost all of the news put out by the MSM.” Rather makes the point, doesn’t it? If Rush’s followers accept his train of thought in the face of all reason and evidence to the contrary as accepted by normal people, it suggests non-self-thought. Don’t you think?”

    Actually, from what we have gotten from so many “news reporters” on CNN and especially MSNBC is lots of fingers of BLAME for what happened, even before any of these people knew ANYTHING about who Jared Loughner is, and what is crazed motivations were. They simply jumped to conclusions, and said (irresponsibly) that it isn’t surprising that this happened, because of “right-wing ‘violent’ rhetoric pushed him to do it.”

    As more is being know about this monster, we’re finding out that there is NOTHING WHATSOEVER to connect Loughner to anyone on “the right,” that he’s a Democrat himself, and if anything, he should be spoken of as a deranged psychopath, rather than as a political hot potato, which YOUR “responsible” mainstreamed media have made him.

    On the other hand, the purported “Faux News” have treated this entire tragedy as a NEWS story, they’ve reported the FACTS as they’ve encountered them, and have NOT jumped to any such conclusions (on either side of the political spectrum) whatsoever. So much for your perceptions of who reports the “news,” and who doesn’t!

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  22. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 13 years ago

    My initial point is proven. Isn’t it interesting how a Pakistani who assassinates his boss is the “direct result” of those whacky Muslims preaching hate and intolerance, but a guy who did exactly what Sarah Palin, LImbaugh, Coulter, and many other right wing instigators tempted the nut cases to do, is “just crazy and acting independent of all outside influence.”

    I long sought the impeachment, through totally legal and Constitutional means of George W. Bush based on the lies he propagated and promoted to get the United States into a totally illegal war, that we KNEW MANY MONTHS BEFORE the invasion, ALL the rationales the proclaimed were false. Post-war “investigations” have PROVEN the evidence of those against the war were TRUE, and the “administration” and “right wing” in Congress and elsewhere for the war were lying.

    Impeachment is the rational and Constitutional means to investigate in the House, then if facts confirmed- try in the Senate- the President or other high officers, such as Justices on the Supreme and inferior courts.

    This is the rule of LAW– not the “jungle” that has become public discourse. Even predators in the jungle have the courage to hunt for themselves, and take risks, unlike those who foment hate, then stand back, prepared to run if the blood splashes back toward them. But they will eventually step forward to feed on the kill.

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  23. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 13 years ago

    Loughner was identified as having paranoid schizophrenia, and was told not to come back to his college until he had a mental health evaluation. Frankly, he is evidence of no party. What he IS evidence of is the pervasive culture of violence in this country. And yohannbiimu, Habanero, your hate-filled assertions of Loughner’s politics are no better than those on the left who want to assume he is a card-carrying Palin supporter without evidence. The question for me is why it is so acceptable to use shooting metaphors vis-a-vis legitimately elected representatives with whom we happen to disagree. In my view it is more commonly used on the right (e.g., “Second Amendment remedies), but it is not limited to that. It is in US society. I like what Olbermann said, and his willingness to step up and claim his own share of blame.

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  24. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    dtroutma, everything that you have stated as fact about this assassination are PERCEPTIONS. You do not know anything about who Jared Loughner is, or why he did what he did. IF you are so concerned with the truth, then you really ought to search out the facts ABOUT THIS TERRIBLE EVENT before you respond in knee-jerk-fashion about it. If you will decide to seek that truth, rather than be a tool for your political party, then you will find that there isn’t anything whatsoever that ties this lunatic with Palin, Limbaugh, Coulter, or ANYONE on the “right wing.”

    You yourself are incapable of citing ANY of the “hate” which you project upon anyone on “the right,” and indeed, in your mind anything that is the opposite of what you believe is “hate.” As this story continues to unfold, it will become common knowledge that Jared Loughner is a Democrat, he was disenchanted with GIffords’ “moderate” stances, and there will be nothing whatsoever to pin this on except for Jared Loughner.

    Regarding the rule of law, YOUR president has stated the following in 2001:

    “If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court. I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order as long as I could pay for it I’d be o.k. But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendancy to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.”

    In other words, Barack Obama does not like the fact that our constitution gives citizens of the United States protection against what the Federal government can “do to you.” He calls that protection “negative rights,” because it limits what the Federal government can do, in order that it does NOT become a centralized oligarchy. Obama WANTS to be able to do whatever he feels is “necessary” to us, the Constitution be damned.

    That is not respectful of the RULE OF LAW. It is the attitude of a anarchistic despot.

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  25. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    motivemagus, this became a political matter BECAUSE of the finger-pointing by knee-jerk reactionaries like Olbermann and Danziger. Where is the outcry about the REAL violence spoken and sung in today’s music, and in our movies, television programs, and video games. What about the violent rhetoric by president Obama himself, and by those who have called for violence against Limbaugh and Palin?

    This all came out of the cesspool of the MSM only moments after this tragedy, before anyone knew ANYTHING about it, and you expect someone like ME to just sit back and not respond? There are things that we NOW know about Loughner, that he is NOT a fan of Sarah Palin, he has leftist/Democratic Party connections, and that he’s a pot-head. There is NO evidence whatsoever that he’s ever heard a single syllable from Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh, and yet, the political bile spewed forth from the MSM as if it were gospel.

    FACTS are trumping all of this irrational political finger-pointing, and once THEY have made any more such blame utterly ridiculous, then we can go back to talking about what this IS–a tragedy borne out of the demented mind of a young man whose brain was fried on dope.

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  26. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 13 years ago

    I gave my opinion on what I heard when I went to the art dept and the radio was on. If I was only there a minute each time 3 times a week and I disagreed with everything I heard, I have to figure that was what most of the programming was about.

    When I would talk back to the radio and say something like, “That’s a crock,” he would turn the radio off until I left.

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  27. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 13 years ago

    Motive, I agree with everything that yohann wrote. You and the Left are incapable of admitting basic facts. I did not write one single opinion about Loughner’s politics. The entire discussion in the media has been about the “culture of hate speech”, Palin’s “map” with targets, her admonition to “reload”, etc…etc…yes, these are charges that could get misinterpreted by some as a call to violence.

    However, why is this discussion brought up in light of the AZ shooting? It is an absolute turning of all truth on its head….without any regard to politics, these are some of the already established facts:

    Loughner listed “Mein Kampf”, “Communist Manifesto”, “One Flew Over the Kuckoo’s Nest” and a litany of HS-level reading assignments as his favorite books.

    He worked for Rep. Giffords in her re-election campaign of 2007.

    He was deemed unacceptable for military service for an undisclosed reason.

    He was known to be a “pot-smoking liberal” by some of his peers.

    His MySpace page once contained this nugget of inspired logic: “If there’s no flag in the Constitution, then the flag in the film is unknown. There’s no flag in the Constitution. Therefore, the flag in the film is unknown. Burn every new and old flag that you see. Burn your flag!”

    He had some sort of altar set up on his property containing a skull and some old oranges and ceremonial candles.

    Why is the media mentioning Sarah Palin and the voices of the Right AT ALL after this massacre? Why aren’t they indicting our failed school systems? They would seem to have played more of a role in his life than right-wingers. Why should Palin have to comment at all about the shootings? The shootings, if anything, illustrate the contention of the Right. We are losing our moral grounding in America and the future does not bode well!

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  28. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 13 years ago

    The latest I heard about the shooter is that he will likely be kept the way Hinckley still is kept, not in prison, but in a psychiatric hospital.

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  29. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    The MSM have treated this entire tragedy like a flock of buzzards, feeding upon the dead and dying. Treating this as something that the left can USE to silence opposition to them (and political opposition is the whole REASON for the Free Speech portion of the first amendment to the Constitution), rather than being respective of what actually HAPPENED, and who it affected.

    Everyone here should be appalled by the irrational and irresponsible MSM reaction to this, but so many of you have fallen into line, and are parroting the same irrationality and irresponsible nonsense. Who are the non-thinking political pawns here?

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  30. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    Rockngolfer, all you’ve told me is that you disagree with Limbaugh, but have no real reason why you’d call his speech “hateful.” You simply say so because you disagree with him, which is irrational.

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  31. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    jkshaw, where are you getting this nonsense you are spewing?

    If you want to KNOW anything about this monster, read this:

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  32. Kitten has a happy
    jkshaw  over 13 years ago

    Loughner is a typical news hog, a fifteen-minutes-of-fame kid. He is responsible for his own acts. It would be a travesty if this kid got off by reason of insanity. Besides, insanity is almost impossible to prove in court in the case of murder.

    And Sarah Palin cannot be absolved. The kid admired Sarah Palin. “Look at me Sarah, I’m one of your foot soldiers. Look at me!” She may be a little smarter than this kid, but she is nevertheless his partner in crime.

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  33. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    For those of you so hot for making this tragedy a political matter, please watch this…

    …and, if you are still so hot about pointing fingers at others for what happened after watching this, then you are as senseless and heartless a monster as Loughner is.

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  34. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member over 13 years ago

    yohann, your interpretation of Barry’s statement is interesting, but I think inaccurate. They are “negative rights” because they are what government is not allowed to do, & that part starts with the Bill of Rights. The body of the Constitution is mostly structural. Your argument would be stronger if you focus on the socialist implications of the “positive rights” that he wants, to “bring about redistributive change.” The shooting was political to start with because he shot a member of Congress & a judge. The left targeted her for being moderate, the right targeted her because she was a Democrat in a crossover district. Whichever side his hinges were on, both sides like the noise it makes when they slam doors, In an honest moment, a talk radio host (possibly Leykis) once said that his job was to hold your attention between commercials. Love’m, hate’m, if you’re listening, ratings drive revenue. I thought Limbaugh ran out of shtick around the time he got a TV show. Same for Beck. Palin’s never been more than window dressing. I miss Art Bell, except for the ABBA records. Saturday Night Live started the downhill slide when they hired Al Franken & Conan O’Brien

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  35. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    ChukLitl: I thought it was obvious what I was talking about with regard to what Obama wants to “do to us.” Redistribution of wealth is monstrous and destructive. The crushing of the private sector, which our Constitution was structured to defend is the obvious result of this radical philosophy of Obama (which he has embraced for decades), and it will only create more desperation, mindless action, and confused thinking within the public discourse.

    Also, I do not see how this can possibly be “political,” when the shooter’s motives are not clear, and may well have been simply “personal.” Certainly, there will be those who will jump to conclusions, due to the fact that a congresswoman had been the main target of this murder spree; however, it is a gross shame that so many have used this as an OPPORTUNITY to use their twisting of the opposition to the direction our government is going, and twisting logic itself in doing so.

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  36. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 13 years ago

    You can’t make this stuff up….I’m going to go ahead and say Bill Ayers and even (slightly) Barack Obama had more to do with this shooting than Sarah Palin!

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  37. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    I’m not going to hold ANYONE responsible for this, other than Jared Loughner. HE ALONE is responsible for this monstrous act, and HE ALONE will rightly suffer the consequences. Anyone stating otherwise is doing so because of a self-centered political agenda, and I for one am NOT going to go there.

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  38. 9715
    nerual53 Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I will go there… Sarah Palin can STRAFE wolves from her hellicopter…she is responsible for pulling the trigger in Arizona. She is one SICK female!

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  39. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    I will; however, ask a question that very few are asking, and this is WHERE were the law enforcement authorities while this event that Congresswoman Giffords was holding was going on, and how come it took unarmed bystanders to stop Loughner during his killing spree? I ask, because the Pima County, AZ sheriff Clarence Dupnik has joined-in (and insists even now to do so) with the blaming of EVERYONE ELSE for what happened (the so-called “poisoned public discourse on the right”).

    Why won’t anyone ask HIM where security was during this event, and whether there was a failure on HIS part to stop this monster before he had killed six people, and nearly killed Ms. Giffords? It very well may be that the man is utterly incompetent, and he’s merely trying to cover his own back-side.

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  40. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    nerual53, you cannot explain in an intelligent manner why you believe that. You do not know why what you believe is true, except that you disagree with Palin politically. You have decided to ignore what is now known about the killer, just so you can smear your excrement here.

    And, the mindless accusations continue, despite the FACTS. It proves to me that facts do not matter in the least to one who has devoted themselves as a minion to a party, rather than as a citizen of their country.

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  41. 9715
    nerual53 Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I will ask you yohann …because Congresswoman Giffords had already been threatened by Palin with gun crosshairs on her district and telling people to…RELOAD…How can you not think that Palin is capable of domestic Jihad! What is known here is that just another wacko has obtained a 21st. century gun under 18th. century law.

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  42. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 13 years ago

    Please! Just stop. This gunman killed a 9-year-old girl! He was a wack job, and no amount of speech from the Right had anything to do with his decision to end numerous lives WHATSOEVER. You are just as dangerous as he is for continuing to argue from your own prejudices rather than face the facts, much like this sheriff from AZ. It is pathetic….how can you continue to play connect the dots and be so blatantly oblivious?

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  43. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    The leftist website the Daily Kos ALSO used a map like that which ALSO targeted Ms. Giffords. The Democrats used a map like it back in 2008 to “target” republicans in weak districts. A democrat senatorial candidate actually SHOT the president’s health care bill in a campaign ad. This stuff is done ALL the time. When Palin did what SHE did, nobody was alarmed at all, because it was typical campaign rhetoric that EVERYBODY USES.

    YOUR talk about a “domestic Jihad” is utterly irresponsible, and frankly stupid! Your imagination has gotten the best of you from listening to a lot of baseless propaganda. GET OVER IT. The shooter was a leftist himself, he had NO connection with “right wing” talk show hosts, OR Sarah Palin, he’s a dope fiend and is probably a paranoid schizophrenic.

    This isn’t about the right OR the left. It’s about a crazed maniac, and the more people like you SPECULATE about things that have NO basis in reality, the more dangerous YOU become to society, because you are losing your grip on reality. GET A GRIP BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE.

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  44. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 13 years ago

    yohann, you’ve missed my point. WHY IS EVERYONE USING THIS RHETORIC? We are considered the most gun-crazy culture in the world. As a matter of course we refer to things in violent terms. We censor naked breasts but not naked guns and knives. Go watch the Ken Olbermann clip I posted on one of the other cartoons. It’s obvious you haven’t.

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  45. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 13 years ago


    The mainstream media didn’t point out the Fort Hood shooter was muslim? How odd. i don’t listen to Fox news and yet I know he was muslim. They just didn’t say enough that he was a muslim to satisfy the far right.

    If the mainstream media didn’t call Muslim Guy Al-Muslimi every five seconds, maybe it was because they knew there were tensions in the country, anger against muslims. Maybe they didn’t want to feed that anger and trigger attacks against muslims who just walk around the nation, minding their own business (believe it or not, there are americans of muslim ancestry who have lives, families, jobs, and don’t have time for ihad, even if they agreed with it (and if every muslim on Earth was a potentional jihadist, things would be waaaay nastier than they are now. Just think they are more muslims on Earth than there were soldiers in WW2 and we just have a few thousand deads in Iraq and Afghanistan.)

    What the mainstream media did is called media responsability; it’s realiing that other people you don’t intend to hurt can suffer the indirect consequences of your words. You dont’ see that in many right-wing pundits.

    Just becasue you hate something, it doesn’t make it far-left. You have a reason to hate the Nazis, but to say their ideas are not related to at least certain parts of the american far right (I don’t say you must agree with those elements just because you identify as right wing), we should pretend that white supremacy, or aryan supremacism, wasn’t central a part of both far-right groups and nazis. How can someone see far-right white supremacist groups and not see their idealization of Hitler and their recuperation of symbols like the swastika?

    But…but…but they have the word “socialist” in their name! If you can be fooled by a name of expect others to be fooled by a name, i wouln’t like to have your IQ. Is New England in England just because it has the word “England” in it? Or is it even New? Is the World Wide Web really a web because it has the word in it? Is black ice really black because it has the word “black” in it? Are siamese twins from Siam (Thailand) just because of the way they’re called?

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  46. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    motive, you have missed the WHOLE point. RHETORIC did not kill those people and nearly killed Congresswoman Giffords. When will people like you realize that it was an insane maniac who did. There is ZERO evidence that politics had ANYTHING to do with what happened!

    What happened the other day was terrible, but people like YOU are making a “crisis” out of an anomaly. Keith Olbermann is PART of the problem, and I’ve heard enough of that partisan hack to know that he is not in the LEAST concerned about anything other than casting false aspersions at people who simply disagree with his political point of view.

    This “hate speech” that people like Olbermann and most of the people posting here talk about is nothing but saying things that are the opposite of what you believe in, you can’t figure out how to win the battle of ideas, so now you want the opposition to shut up.

    Going back to the what this topic is about (Danziger’s cartoon), it is utter foolishness, because if anything Rush’s audience is more well-read and up on world events than the folks who have come here and declared them to be illiterate numskulls. The mere fact that so many here have agreed with it is proof in and of itself that they do not have the slightest notion as to what Limbaugh actually says.

    Perception is everything to you. The facts mean nothing, and if anything, THAT is what is poisoning the public discourse–ignorant perceptions based upon lies by the likes of Olbermann, Matthews, and so many other “progressives” in the MSM.

    This terrible event is what it is–a raving lunatic who went berserk and killed six people, he wanted to kill a sitting congresswoman, and could have killed a dozen or so more. For people like you, Olbermann, and anyone else trying to make it into anything else is completely irresponsible and disgusting.

    I know that you have invested a lot of your personal feelings and indeed your intellectual integrity in believing in Olbermann’s ravings, so I probably won’t get through to you. In my mind THAT is far more of a problem than anything that I can think of, because you, like nerual53 are clinging to baseless speculation that has nothing whatsoever to do with reality. The gunman had lost his grip on reality, and sadly, so have many here who STILL point fingers of blame, for no other reason than they have petty political disagreements.

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  47. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    frenchmaid: the media certainly DID treat the fort Hood Killer with a lot of delicate talk, and you certainly did not hear folks like Keith Olbermann get all excited about it, as he is so at this moment. For such people to cast such poisoned aspersions and ugly labels at citizens of this country only shows that there are FAR too many people in this country who care more about their political affiliation than the people and future of our nation.

    With regard to your silly prattling about “media responsibility,” THAT is what I have been talking about throughout this. WHAT is “responsible” about the knee-jerk fashion in which the MSM has laid blame for this massacre in Tuscon, which isn’t based upon ANY facts? Everything you have said which did happen during the Ft. Hood massacre has gone to the wayside now (which was my point in the first place). They have clouded and confused the entire issue with lies and speculations with NO form or basis. If you seriously believe that this media is behaving in the same manner as it did back then, then you are seriously deranged.

    Regarding “hate,” I don’t “hate” anything. I do not spend my emotions on such things as politics. Political debate has nothing to do with what I FEEL.

    Regarding Nazis, I have MUCH more of an understanding as to what a Nazi is than you can imagine. If you had any idea what Nazis were, you wouldn’t even bring it up, because their form of government and economic policies are much closer to what THIS government currently is than what conservative Americans want.

    You are a confused person politically. Fascism, Communism, Nazism, Despotism, and ANY government that is run by a centralized elite class are oligarchies, which sadly is where our country is headed. You will undoubtedly disagree with me, but I am MUCH more in the political middle than you know. I believe that local and state governments should have far more impact on my life than what an oligarchy in Washington, DC thinks is best for me.

    The idea that Nazis were and in some cases ARE right-wingers is complete and utter nonsense. You cannot even explain why you believe it, only that you’ve been fed the lie for so long. There is little difference politically and with regard to economic policies between what happened in Nazi Germany and what is going on in the United States today. The very fact that I must come here and dispel the notion that conservatives are ignorant rubes, and that the media here is heaping lies upon this terrible event in order to CREATE a crisis in this country is proof of it.

    As far as race and skin color is concerned, I am colorblind, and moreover, I have no perception as to WHY people must make an issue of it. MLK had a dream of a nation where people could prosper and live justly on account of their individual character, NOT the color of their skin. WHO makes race and skin color an issue? Who wants to erase the individual, and would prefer to herd everyone into collectives? You will not find such attitudes on MY side of things.

    As for your last paragraph, it’s so filled with your perceived notions that I must be an imbecile, that you have made a fool of yourself. My understanding of how things are, and what things are (far beyond your simplistic labeling) are such that for you to even TRY to debate me on anything I’ve said here will only make you sound more foolish.

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  48. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 13 years ago

    yohann, I agree with most everything you said, but let’s be honest, you can’t say there is “zero evidence that politics had anything to do with” what happened in AZ. He had a skewed political bent and he targeted a national representative. It had quite a bit to do with politics.

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  49. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    Habanero: We do not know what politics had to do with a man who is obviously a lunatic. WE SIMPLY DO NOT KNOW, and there is NO EVIDENCE that it had anything to do with what he did. This disturbed individual probably had political leanings a few years ago, when he was involved in it, but look at what happened. He shot the person that he intended to shoot (for whatever reasons); HOWEVER, he went on from there to shoot EVERYONE IN SIGHT, even a sweet, innocent little girl.

    Was THAT political? Obviously not. That was EVIL. So, from what we actually know about it, we know that this guy is terribly disturbed, he’s a dope fiend, and he was hell-bent to kill practically ANYONE who was in his way. We also know that he has had this personal grudge against Ms. Giffords for the past three or so years, and we have no idea what fueled this grudge.

    Until we KNOW why he attacked this poor woman (and all of those other people), we cannot know to say whether this crazed maniac did it for “political reasons.” All that we know for sure is that he had petty personal reasons why he wanted Gabrielle Giffords dead (because she did not answer a question in a way that satisfied him), and he’s about as bonkers as Mr. Peanut.

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