Rob Rogers for November 16, 2018

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Facebook has been negligent, despite tons of credible evidence about Russian collusion and the use of stolen electronic documents (a digital Watergate). Even with Russian Facebook ads, the Russians paid for the ads in Rubles!

    Other aspects of collusion with Russia: Donald Junior provided the e-mails where he said they were going to meet in Trump Tower with a RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT ATTORNEY, Natalia Veselnitskaya, who has admitted she was a lawyer and government informant to provide dirt on Hillary Clinton. That is ILLEGAL and they should have gone straight to the FBI, as Al Gore did when offered stolen debate prep notes in 2000. If it is a “witch hunt,” Don Jr. provided the smoking broomstick.

    We have the extensive trail of evidence of Wikileaks working for Russia for an electronic break-in. Trump praised Wikileaks and even called on Russia in a speech to do more to steal Hillary e-mails “Russia, if you’re listening…”

    Trump’s second campaign manager, Paul Manafort, who got Trump to the nomination was a long-time Russian and Ukrainian foreign agent one of the crimes he is charged with because he never registered under the Foreign Agent Registration Act

    Steve Bannon, Trump’s third campaign manager, established Cambridge Analytica to coordinate with Russian hackers to illegally steal millions of personal social media profiles and plant FAKE NEWS articles and manipulate user data.

    Numerous direct encounters between Trump campaign staffers and Russians including numerous high-level meetings with top Russian officials during the campaign, transition and in the White House.

    High level campaign aides had frequent exchanges with Russian hackers (Roger Stone and George Papadopoulos with Guccifer 2.0 and the “Internet Research Agency” in St Petersburg, Russia.


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    JohnHarry Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Yes – hero of a lot of women CS turns out to be just another good ole boy covering their asses.

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  3. Triumph
    Daeder  over 5 years ago

    So glad I don’t use Facebook.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    I suspect that Mark is just FINALLY getting the scrutiny that he and his company so richly deserves.

    Understand this – Zuckerberg is no different than myriad other entrepreneurs that have, more or less, ’fallen ’ into a successful venture and come out smelling of roses. I, personally, am confident that had Mark more closely resembled a grizzled fortune 500 board member, rather than the tow-headed kid he presents himself to be to the world, we would be considerably LESS willing to tolerate his antics.

    His company, Facebook, has been shown itself to have been in open and blatant collusion with Russian Intelligence in an effort to subvert and influence the 2016 election for President. The truly pathetic saspect is that Mark and his company didn’t collude because of ideological similarities, they did it because the Russians were willing to PAY. In rubles, in some cases – you can’t get CLEARER than that.

    I no longer utilize “Facebook” once it was clearly shown they openly aided and abetted in defeating Clinton and getting Donald John Trump elected.

    I am a man of “principle” and my "principles’ will not allow me to associate in any way with an organization that actively colluded with a hostile foreign state to interfere with our elections. Now you may make any determination you care to about this open collusion, but I, personally, am of the opinion that “Facebook” and other social media companies desperately need federal governmental control AND oversight!

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    Daniel Jacobson  over 5 years ago

    I never hung around on Facebook and I do my own research on candidates (“favoring editorials” do not help their cases).

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    Argythree  over 5 years ago

    Although my family kept pestering me to get with the program, I’ve never used Fakebook because I figured I’d just end up with lots of unwanted ads cluttering the other webpages I tried to read (despite the adblock software I use.) Never thought that Fakebook’s hunger for ad revenue would lead them in the direction they followed, but it’s no surprise. They are far from the only corporation that hires shills to distract others from noticing what they do wrong…

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    DuhWeldr  over 5 years ago

    Russia has us by the golden hair of our golden haired boy. This melodrama was brought to us in the hopes of maintaining the present rule of law which are “more like guidelines” for the local wealthy. If we were to require the inheritors of wealth to invest only in America the antiquated pyramid scheme breaks down. Go ahead GOP; do away with the ACA and Social Security and minorities right to vote. How many hospitals, grocery stores, airports, shut down on day 1? We’re starving to death in a grocery store of a country, full of assets and stock because the wealthy are intoxicated on the power of their obscene disparate income without effort. Yet they want no one to have any income without effort. Either you change or face a terrible disaster.

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