Matt Wuerker for June 26, 2018

  1. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 6 years ago

    Lower? When they cage children – we “tut tut” them… is lower? When you say caging children is wrong, and the president tells his base to attack you… is lower? When you stop people coming into the country for their religion, taking people out of the country with no due process, and caging children – you may be asked to leave a restaurant… that is lower?

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  2. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 6 years ago

    Racist liar Trump became the president because he insulted everyone else into silence. Stop doing that.So you’re just gonna let the politically incorrect Trumpublicans insult you to death and not fight back?

    Don’t you care about how these tasteless fascists are destroying our culture?

    How did that, “When they go low, we go higher!” thing work out for Hillary?

    When you see their evil ways, point them out, when they lie, tell the truth, when they destroy the goodness of America, throw them out!

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 6 years ago

    Rep. Maxine Waters pushed back against President Donald Trump on Monday, saying she wasn’t calling for people to “harm” his supporters, as he tweeted earlier in the day, but to publicly protest his Cabinet members.

    “I believe in peaceful, very peaceful protests,” she told reporters on Capitol Hill. “I have not called for the harm of anybody. This President has lied again when he’s saying that I’ve called for harm.”

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 6 years ago

    Even jerks should be allowed their priacy when not in public appearances, and I don’t agree with Maxine on harrassing, ANYONE, celebrities (think paprazzi) or other “public” figures when only trying to lead their lives. If they’re in a public appearance, indeed, nail ‘em to the wall in front of crowds, don’t let ’em get away with the lies they live on. If you want an example of how NOT to behave, just look at almost anything Trump has said in about the last 30 years with regard to other people who disagree with him in any manner. Nobody has buried civility worse than Trump, and his supporters and staff.

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    john_chubb  almost 6 years ago

    The Trumpians tied Hillary to a supposed (and not existent) child pornography ring run out of some pizza joint in DC. One of the brain washed white supremacist terrorists went in with an assault rifle and shot up the place. The Reich wing never acknowledged their complicity in the outrage.

    How much lower can you get?

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    walfishj  almost 6 years ago

    Apparently Matty Wuerker didn’t notice that the other way wasn’t working. After all, it works for Trump.

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  7. Profilepic yellowwarbler
    Squoop  almost 6 years ago

    Thank you Maxine, for all you do and please keep speaking truth to power. As for this strip, unsubscribed, can’t stand false equivalencies.

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    Gary Williams Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Gandhi said it is very hard for 40 million people to rule over 250 million people when the 250 million people do not want to be ruled by the 40 million. the number are larger because it is 2018 America and not 1940 India but the story is the same if you don’t want to be ruled by the Christian Confederate Nazi Republicans do something about it.

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    lonecat  almost 6 years ago

    What bothers me most about the Red Hen incident and Maxine Waters comment is that they are a distraction from what really counts. When you’re strategizing protest, you have to see the big picture. First and foremost, don’t do anything that makes your opponent look like the victim. The victims here are the families that have been separated. Keep them in the spotlight.

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  10. Athiestsymb
    lobo1939  almost 6 years ago

    On the day, Monday, while Maxine Waters was advocating that we voice our opposition to Trump’s officials, in SCarolina, Trump staged a rally to gin up his base, a woman was screeming at CNN reporter Jim Acosta “Get the f*** out of here.” The crowd chanted, “Go Home.”Sarah was treated politely at the Red Chicken. Trump’s followers were attacking the first amendment to which Trump as always makes no effort to protect but does so himself.

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    ne7minder  almost 6 years ago

    There was an orchestra at Auschwitz. Prisoners played classical music as they unloaded the trains because it kept the arrivals calm as they were directed to the delousing showers. Civility really is a gift to the Nazi’s then and to Dump and his followers today.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    We have ALWAYS had two standards for “appropriate” behavior here in America – especially since the Second World War. The Republicans have adopted the “us vs them” philosophy, more often than not and I must admit to a relative lack about Democrats prior to 1972, because, until that time, I was a Republican!

    Like so many people that have recently “bailed” from the G.O.P. recently because of Donnie’s overtly racist and bigoted “White Nationalist” statements, I left because “Tricky” Dick was openly “inviting” the racist and bigoted Southern Democrats to help him “oppose” the Racial civil liberty policies of the ‘real’ Democrats!

    So, at LEAST from the time of Richard Milhous Nixon, the Republicans have supported a philosophy of “Whites are better than Browns or Blacks”, and, NOW, from Donald John Trump on down, they follow a policy of “I can say ANYTHING I want, but YOU have to be polite and civil in response!” The President of the United States mocks, demeans and lies about ANYONE he wants, but WE must remain “civil” and polite!

    To which I reply, “Bullshit!”

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  13. Quill pen
    Yontrop  almost 6 years ago

    I’m not sure I agree with her tactics, but it’s not about defending “civility”. It’s about defending democracy. Matt should know that. (His two previous cartoons were right on. )

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    gene06825 Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    To Matt Wuerker—You are usually funny and on the mark, but you missed this one big-time. Or bigly. Trump is clearly a dictator wanna-be. He’s not even trying to hide that fact. Trump and his henchmen and moronic supporters are looking to steamroll both the Constitution and the Dems, all the time. If the Dems just take all of this lying down, it’s like sheep being led to the slaughter. Dems / liberals / progressives need to FIGHT BACK. Things are getting very grim. Fighting back in a “civil” way against a clear and present danger like Trump isn’t going to help matters any. I pretty much guarantee you that if Trump passed some sort of executive order to cancel prez elections and simply declare himself Prez-for-Life, virtually all of the Republicans in Congress would support him, and so would his base. It’s pathetic, and it’s outrageous, and now people are making some sort of huge deal about Maxine Waters, which is ridiculous. Fck Trump, and Go Maxine!

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  15. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 6 years ago

    People should protest politicians and people in the administration at POLITICAL EVENTS. Forcefully, yes, but peacefully, without question. Maxine Waters was already extremely polarizing (only partly her fault) before this. Trump’s base CHEERED her exhortations. (And, yes, I know Trump lied about them. What else is new?) Let’s be careful, people. A Harley Davidson isn’t the only thing that backfires.

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