The Fusco Brothers by J.C. Duffy for July 16, 2018

  1. Felipe
    Strod  almost 6 years ago

    S1, Ep18     18 Jan. 1958

    The Case of the Cautious Coquette

    Elaine is being threatened and blackmailed by her husband, Harry Pitkin, so she consults Perry. In a complex series of moves, Perry is sent on a wild goose chase to Elaine’s apartment, Harry ends up dead, and Elaine is charged with murder.

    So, I guess it is just a play on the name of the episode. Bummer. I was hoping for something more involved.

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  2. Sylvester1
    Nachikethass  almost 6 years ago

    @strod Once was not enough?

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  3. Popeye
    adrianrune  almost 6 years ago

    Mason often did things that would have resulted in a mistrial, gotten him disbarred, or even resulted in his imprisonment. He withheld information from the opposing counsel (attorneys are required to inform the opposition of any evidence or witnesses they are aware of, but are not required to outline their legal strategy), interfering in the investigations of law enforcement agencies prior to formal charges, etc.

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