
adrianrune Free

Living in Iowa

Comics I Follow



By Foxo Reardon


By Charles Schulz
Peanuts Begins

Peanuts Begins

By Charles Schulz


By Tony Cochran
One Big Happy

One Big Happy

By Rick Detorie


By Rob Harrell
Andy Capp

Andy Capp

By Reg Smythe
Back to B.C.

Back to B.C.

By Johnny Hart


By Mastroianni and Hart
Bottom Liners

Bottom Liners

By Eric and Bill Teitelbaum
The Born Loser

The Born Loser

By Art and Chip Sansom
Bound and Gagged

Bound and Gagged

By Dana Summers


By Dan Thompson
Close to Home

Close to Home

By John McPherson
Brewster Rockit

Brewster Rockit

By Tim Rickard
Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes

By Bill Watterson


By Mike Baldwin
The Duplex

The Duplex

By Glenn McCoy
F Minus

F Minus

By Tony Carrillo


By David Waisglass and Gordon Coulthart


By Jef Mallett
The Flying McCoys

The Flying McCoys

By Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy


By Bill Amend
FoxTrot Classics

FoxTrot Classics

By Bill Amend
Frank and Ernest

Frank and Ernest

By Thaves
The Fusco Brothers

The Fusco Brothers

By J.C. Duffy
Free Range

Free Range

By Bill Whitehead
Get Fuzzy

Get Fuzzy

By Darby Conley


By Jim Unger
In the Bleachers

In the Bleachers

By Ben Zaehringer
Jane's World

Jane's World

By Paige Braddock


By Robb Armstrong
Last Kiss

Last Kiss

By John Lustig
Maria's Day

Maria's Day

By John Zakour and Scott Roberts


By Brad Anderson
Moderately Confused

Moderately Confused

By Jeff Stahler
Luann Againn

Luann Againn

By Greg Evans


By Greg Evans and Karen Evans


By Jim Meddick
Nancy Classics

Nancy Classics

By Ernie Bushmiller
Non Sequitur

Non Sequitur

By Wiley Miller
Off the Mark

Off the Mark

By Mark Parisi
Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine

By Stephan Pastis


By Brian Crane
Prickly City

Prickly City

By Scott Stantis
Reality Check

Reality Check

By Dave Whamond


By Leigh Rubin


By Allison Barrows


By Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly
Speed Bump

Speed Bump

By Dave Coverly
Strange Brew

Strange Brew

By John Deering
Stone Soup

Stone Soup

By Jan Eliot
Wizard of Id

Wizard of Id

By Parker and Hart
Wizard of Id Classics

Wizard of Id Classics

By Parker and Hart
Working Daze

Working Daze

By John Zakour and Scott Roberts
9 to 5

9 to 5

By Harley Schwadron
9 Chickweed Lane

9 Chickweed Lane

By Brooke McEldowney


By Tom Wilson & Tom II

Recent Comments

  1. 38 minutes ago on Luann Againn

    Exactly. When I was “a kid” being grounded meant you couldn’t leave the house (except for school or in the company of one or both parents) and the only communication with peers, if they called or showed up at the door, was a brief statement saying you were grounded and incommunicado until the grounding period ended. Excessive communication detailing the situation could lead to the “sentence” being extended.

  2. about 1 hour ago on Shoe

    Thanks. Either hadn’t heard of or remembered Biden using the term.

  3. about 22 hours ago on Shoe

    Tfg? The f**king grifter?

  4. 2 days ago on Bottom Liners

    Better to plagiarize from a factual source than to pull “facts” (aka sh*t) out of your a$$ like Dummy Donnie.

  5. 3 days ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Yes, Calvin, he does know a logical course of action. Send you bed even earlier so you don’t have time to do these surveys and charts.

  6. 3 days ago on Close to Home

    My maternal grandma could grasp assorted hot items on the stove top or from the oven and rarely used oven mitts. Of course she grew up on a farm and had about a quarter-inch of callouses (or so it seemed to me) from doing a lot of manual labor over the years on her palms and palm side of her fingers.

  7. 4 days ago on Frazz

    Reminds me of my cousin who moved into a new housing development and kept complaining about the wild life, especially deer, being on his property. He didn’t think it was funny when I pointed out to him that from their viewpoint he was on their property as they had been there longer.

  8. 4 days ago on Bottom Liners

    Yes. A picture of a man consoling one of his granddaughters at the funeral of her father, his son, is so much worse than a picture of a man on a bed hugging and kissing his adolescent daughter. A daughter dressed in a black mini dress and fishnet stockings at the time, and who he later said he would “date” if he could. His definition of date probably being to “grab her by the p*ssy” as he frequently said of women. Ain’t that right, Puteshestvennik? (I’ve used a name more fitting of a Russian troll.)

  9. 4 days ago on Adam@Home

    The difference could be the odds of becoming an older boy. A cousin knew I hated spiders and dropped a large (fake) one in my lap one time. He outweighed me by about fifty pounds at the time, but I still managed to knock him over and was in the process of literally kicking the sh*t out of him when my brother pulled me away. Left some nasty bruises, including a black eye. I expected to catch heck for it, but my aunt said he got what he deserved for being a jerk all the time.

  10. 5 days ago on Speed Bump

    Raspberries come in four different colors. Red, black, purple and a yellow with pink tinge. IMO the black and purple taste better (personal preference for the black ones). Never had enough of the yellow ones for form an opinion, only having eaten a few one of my grandparents’ neighbors grew when I was very young.