Rob Rogers for March 09, 2018

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    Argythree  over 6 years ago

    And lucky you, you can just flap your ears and fly away..

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    gammaguy  over 6 years ago

    “…even I have to go back to Washington.”

    You really should have to spend a few months — or even years — in an ICE detention center first, Mr. Sessions."

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  3. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 6 years ago

    The Republicans are for states rights – if the state is right. They want conceal and carry and abortion laws to transcend state lines. But they don’t like marijuana or immigration, so they cherry pick their rights. Seems like a real libertarian wouldn’t appreciate this administration much. But that’s what I thought about real conservatives and real republicans too. Maybe they are just opportunists who are happy they are “winning”

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    You actually have to have a grasp of history to understand WHY it’s generally believed that the Republicans believe in “States Rights” and why that is a very narrowly-defined term which can no longer be applied (if it ever could have) to Republican belief, generally.

    In the first half of the 20th Century, the Democratic Party was a “bifurcated” party consisting of “regular” democrats and “Southern” democrats. Just prior to the beginning of the 1948 electoral season, the “unelected” Democratic President, Harry S. Truman, announced that he was about to integrate the American Armed Forces! That meant that Southern states, if they wanted federal money from military bases in their states, would have to accept (shudder) Negroes on their bases, and those same negroes have the ‘right’ to wear the same uniform as the brave boys that defended America against the evils of Communism (and, yes, there really WERE people that screwed up in the head, back then!)

    Well the Southern Democrats weren’t going to take THAT lying down, so they broke away from the Democratic Party and formed the “States’ Rights Democratic Party”, usually known as the “Dixiecrats”, to run on the platform of “States Rights”! Now, they advocated for “the right of the states to have a ‘voice’ in the influence of the Federal Government in the affairs of the several states.”

    It should be noted here that the ACTUAL reason that Strom Thurmond, newly elected Governor of South Carolina and presidential contender of the Dixiecrats, was never hidden and was widely known as “let’s keep the ‘negroes’ in their place”! They ‘couched’ their campaign in the term, “State’s Rights” in an attempt to lure the ignorant and the gullible into voting for Governor Thurmond.

    The term, “State’s Rights” is still used, to this day, by what is today considered the Republican Party, and it is still just “code words” for a significant portion of that party, who understand the REAL meaning of the phrase, “State’s Rights”!

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 6 years ago

    California has an extra 6 billion dollars because they tax the people who have the money, the rich.

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    twclix  over 6 years ago

    @wellis1947… Very insightful comment. The wellspring of racism runs deep in the hearts of Americans. But the regressives are so insensate, they don’t even see it. Today, they can’t explain why Nazis are not very fine people or what the birther carp was all about.

    We may not lynch African Americans anymore. But we kill them and jail them relentlessly as the racist scourge of our original sin of slavery continues to echo throughout America.

    Truth hurts, people. But you can’t fix something unless you first acknowledge it’s broken.

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