Jim Morin for February 16, 2018

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 6 years ago

    A whole herd of hoppalong hypocrites.

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    wolfiiig  about 6 years ago

    Who needs decency when you have cash?

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    wolfiiig  about 6 years ago

    Who needs decency when you have cash?

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 6 years ago

    But, but, they know that with each tragedy, the NRA will need to give them more money to keep them bought and mouthing the familiar phrases.

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  5. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 6 years ago

    The GOP has their blood money. The GOP has blood on their hands.

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  6. Mel and linda 013
    Melki Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Sadly, he is not up for reelection until 2022, but plan to give as much money as you can to his opponent.

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    NRHAWK Premium Member about 6 years ago

    @JLOCKE: If you can’t tell the difference between an interest group that supports domestic terrorism and one that supports women’s healthcare, well then, you ‘re just a bona fide idiot.Yes, I know folks, he’s just a Ruskie bot but that had to be the stupidest remark I’ve read this year.

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    lopaka  about 6 years ago

    The NRA shops at politicians are us quite frequently

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    Nantucket Premium Member about 6 years ago

    JLOCKE, Planned Parenthood supplies birth control and LOTS of medical services to Medicaid patients. The NRA promotes NO regulation of guns, and they promoted the purchase of AR-15s that have become the choice for mass shootings. Many years ago they provided training but they realized there is far more money available from gun manufacturers and sellers than they can get from their gun owners memberships.

    Then you’re going to throw in the Sierra Club – WOW!

    There isn’t a comparison between the organizations.

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    babbie Premium Member about 6 years ago

    By my calculations, Marco got $191,000 from the NRA for each dead student at Parkland. And you thought he had no appreciation for the value of your kids.

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  11. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  about 6 years ago

    Too late. In 2016, the Democrats launched a vicious attack against a truly democratic Democrat, Alan Grayson, in favor of a Republicrat, Patrick Murphy. Then, faced with a choice between a Republican in Republican clothing, and a Republican in Democratic clothing, the voters chose the Republican clothing.

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  12. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 6 years ago

    One would think – but the GOP is excited about school shootings, so they keep electing people on the NRA’s leash.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 6 years ago

    NotJohnLocke fails to understand that it is his ilk that cause the US to lead all democratic, advanced nations in this sort of murder. How many times have the Swiss had to deal with a school shooting? The Swiss provide a working example of a well regulated militia. They also have a gun culture that is civilized.

    And does the Sierra Club spend $3,000,000 on any one CONgressman, much less several?

    I don’t think so.

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  14. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 6 years ago

    NRA washes Russian mob money and gives it to Republicans.

    The Russians know how to divide America and people like J Locke support them.

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    Bobbers Premium Member about 6 years ago

    The one encouraging thing I’m seeing this time is that the congressional prostitutes are getting called out with tweets, comments, etc. that point out how much money they are being paid by NRA. Let’s keep it up. Sorry if I am being repetitive. I think we must keep it up to have an effect.

    From my state:

    US Sen. Richard Burr $6,986,620

    US Sen. Thom Tillis $4,418,012

    The online OED has a very succinct definition for these folk:

    Prostitute: 1.1 A person who misuses their talents or behaves unworthily for personal or financial gain. As in: ‘careerist political prostitutes’

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  16. Pine marten3
    martens  about 6 years ago

    Not that JLOCKE has any interest in the actual data, but for those of you who do, this AFL-CIO website is a good source:


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    Nantucket Premium Member about 6 years ago

    JLOCKE, the NRA makes a lot of contributions, but it is true they are not at the top. However, they spend a great deal of money promoting guns, including their massive marketing campaign promoting the AR-15. They represent gun manufacturers and sellers, not gun owners.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 6 years ago


    Wellis1947 is correct, Ilk in this context means those of similar mindset. My ilk is that of the set of scientists who deal with real world data and who use the scientific method to reach verifiable conclusions about the state of the real world.

    Your ilk relies on the fantasy of a frontier more than a century past it’s expiration date.

    That means that I notice the difference in number of massacres committed here as opposed to elsewhere in the civilized world.

    It also means realizing that doing the same thing over and over again with no improvement in results is simply insane. Pious hope and prayer fails. Australia showed what real action can do.

    The Swiss prove that a well regulated militia works. The US, and numerous failed states demonstrate what happens when free reign gun possession rules.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 6 years ago

    How many children have died because of union lobbying and political contributions?

    How many children have died because of politician’s fear and toadying to the NRA?

    Stupid thinking is not what we need.

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  20. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 6 years ago

    Did Russia infiltrate the NRA? Did the NRA launder Russian money for Trump? If the answer to these questions is yes, then the problem of guns in America—and why we can’t seem to discuss it, address it or solve it–starts to make more sense.

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  21. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Did you ever wonder why it is so hard to get armed guards and locked doors in schools?

    NEA $45,000,000 per year to Dem politicians.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 6 years ago

    Guards and metal detectors may work to keep the gunman outside, but what happens when he calls in a bomb threat and picks off students as or after they leave the building? What are the guards doing then? Typically for the right, your comment does not provide a solution to the real problem.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 6 years ago

    The gun lovers solution is to burden our institutions with the cost of armed guards and security checkpoints. Yes, right now, some places do really need that. But if a school district is forced to cut teachers to have security people, is that really what is needed for a better America?

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    Nantucket Premium Member about 6 years ago

    ANDYLIT, Cruz pulled the fire alarm. Locked doors and armed guards can’t do anything about that. Banning the AR-15 and similar guns would be a better choice.

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