Jeff Stahler for March 29, 2017

  1. Mel and linda 013
    Melki Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Even when Mar-a-lago is underwater, he’ll still be denying climate change.

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    old1953  about 7 years ago

    We are now two decades into the denial of global warming by the American right. It is highly unlikely to last another two decades. Obvious effects are beginning to make themselves felt.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Global warming has been going on since the last ice age.. thankfully. Land sinks.. ocean levels rise.. Our planet is a dynamic ball..

    Argue (and do something) about stopping the polluting of our planet.. but to stop the ever changing climate is like trying to stop the wind.. you can’t!

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 7 years ago

    Build a sea wall.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Alberta Oil not surprisingly, given the name, spouts crap. The effect of humans on global temperatures is demonstrable.

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  6. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 7 years ago

    Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Trump spent the day playing golf. Worse than W. We pay for Trump’s travel so he can fund-raise millions so Republicans can run on lies, then we pay for his golf. President Trump lost his first major piece of legislation while the Russian links keep piling up, but decided to play golf! President Trump played golf yesterday??? He even looks forward to playing golf with President Barack Obama someday. Trump should play golf with Democrats & opponents rather than his small group of friends. That way maybe the terrible gridlock would end. What kind of president doesn’t get playing golf after a cruel beheading ins’t the thing to do? Detached from reality he is. Who plays more golf, Tiger Woods or the President? My money is on POTUS. You win! Can U trick Trump into appearing for FBI questioning by telling him Golf is involved so you can do Country a favor& FIRE HIM! he does hit the ball pretty far for a 70 year old.

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    dflak  about 7 years ago

    A true patriot not only defends the land of his fathers, but also defends the land for his children.

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  8. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 7 years ago

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member about 7 years ago

    The one degree (Celsius) temperature increase does not sound like much, but that is because it is a global average. The Arctic regions are heating up much faster. Present sea level rise rate is about twice what it was a century ago, and that rate of rise can be expected to increase further.

    A 6 degree Fahrenheit change at Barrow, Alaska is about 3.3 degrees Celsius.

    And last year, parts of the Arctic were far warmer than that!

    Parts of the Arctic were an average of 11 degrees Celsius warmer than they were in the late 20th century as the region experienced “extreme record temperature anomalies”, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has said.

    The NOAA site mentions that some of the high temps were due to air moving in from the south. As with the “Polar Vortex” that brings very cold air to the the mainland US, this is because of weakening of the Polar Jet Stream, leading to it meandering both further north and further south than usual. This brings warm air to the arctic and cold air to the south. This weakening is because the temperatures in the north are increasing. So it is a positive feedback loop.

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    dflak  about 7 years ago

    News Flash: Trump did not play golf last weekend! He spent our money on another Trump-related enterprise.

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