Clay Jones for November 09, 2016

  1. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 7 years ago

    I see four possible reasons for this result:

    First: The pollsters got it more wrong than they did in 1949. There are reasons for that; they use landlines (which, ironically, was one of the reasons they got 1949 wrong).

    Second: We got hacked. Putin announced right away that he wanted full, normal relations with the US. Yeah, I’ll bet he does. I have to say that I think had that happened, the result would have been even more lopsided.

    Third: A lot of people lied about who they were voting for. This is disturbing, not just because they lied to pollsters, but because of what it says about the person they chose to vote for anyway – that people were ashamed.

    Fourth, and, I rather hope, the most likely: A lot of these votes were not votes for Trump, they were votes against the Establishment. All of it. That helplessness and being ignored drove a lot of people to say “well, we saw Bernie got screwed, and I know Trump’s a jerk, but at least he’s not part of the Establishment. Maybe he can mess with them for a while.”

    The fact that so many Americans could deceive themselves into voting for an admitted sexual abuser and proud adulterer, an alleged child rapist, an undoubted bully who takes pride in bullying people, a man who has cheated literally thousands of people of all walks of life but especially working people, a con man who couldn’t even say “you’re fired” directly to someone on a TV show (it was previously taped, really) — this is the truly concerning thing for this country. I am saddened, and anxious, for the future of this nation, my nation, the nation that created the Bill of Rights, which is now threatened.

    Trump has the chance now to make good on some of his promises. Let us hope he decides, for the first time in his life, to take a higher road.

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  2. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  over 7 years ago

    Its the end of the world as we know it. The mean people won. Say good bye to health care and hello to nuclear war.

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  3. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  over 7 years ago

    Life goes on. I’m sorry for the people who this will hit the hardest.

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  4. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Had Hillary won there would have been grid lock for the next 4 years given that the Senate stayed with the GOP. So.. now lets see how great and beautiful America will come. That health care plan.. that wall.. 4% growth.. a biased Supreme Court.. Lets see………….

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    Lexguy  over 7 years ago

    How about we return to a constitutional America where individuals EARN their way and get the government OUT of our healthcare, our business and our everyday life. If you all want socialism/communism move to one of those coutries!!

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  6. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 7 years ago

    The yuugest problem for Trump and the GOP will be how to meet the promises and the high expectations: the wall (paid for by Mexico), millions of illegals deported, safe inner cities, employment for all, off-shore production returned home, trade deals renegotiated, foreign countries paying for occupying U.S. military bases, lower taxes without skyrocheting deficits, lower health care costs – much room for huuge disillusionment.

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    WestNYC Premium Member over 7 years ago

    This will only be good for the cartoon industry.

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  8.  cid 001501c858be 864af8f0 0200a8c0 d50gr671
    denis1112  over 7 years ago

    Never Hillary.

    The Propaganda ministry’s effort to convince us that Hillary had won already and there was no use in voting for anyone else did not work.

    Thank the leaked emails that show the lefty news nerds in collusion with the DNC and the Hillary Campaign for that.It has been obvious to most of us for quite some time.Years and years in fact.

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    hippogriff  over 7 years ago


    Sore winners. Every time evil triumphs, they say get out of my country. I saw what happened in the 1970s. In the Lower Mainland (Vancouver area), there were some 2,000 deserters/evaders. In six years, I never knowingly met one (although admittedly that is not something you ask on first meeting). I know most current or former US citizens there were not in that category, because they were female, or mentioned conscript discharges, or overage like me. Yet, they were on the forefront of societal improvement and appropriate technology development. We lost a whole generation of the best and brightest. Some came back in the Carter amnesty, but most stayed to improve their new country. You may cheer the loss of another load of these resources, but I won’t, because I have known them personally.

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    snarkm  over 7 years ago

    I am mostly concerned about two topics, environmental protection/work against climate change (since Trump is a climate change denier and doesn’t seem to care at all) and second Women’s rights. Mainly the right for abortions, family planning, birth control etc. Pence’s radical and rabid stand against abortion has indirectly already caused an explosive HIV outbreak in Indiana last year and if Trump supports him in his agenda, which seems likely, more and worse is to follow. I wonder if in four years the USA will have similar laws as Poland and women have to go die from botched abortions in back alleys and hotel rooms again.

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  11. Dr coathanger abortions 150
    Teto85 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    They will blame the immigrants who are going back home or the Syrian refugees being deported. And there will be no one to cook their burgers or chicken or clean their toilets or blow leaves in their garden or empty their trash.

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  12. P1030246
    louieglutz  over 7 years ago

    it is quite clear that a lot of commentators do not understand what happened. parroting rachel maddow and CNN will just dig you deeper in the hole.

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    Stuz  over 7 years ago

    One of the many great things about the election result is that all those who tried so hard to bolster Private Citizen Hillary and weaken President-Elect Trump like this artist utterly, totally, and completely failed. This is wonderful!

    One of the reasons I voted for Trump was as a rebuke to the media who needs to remember that the real job of a free press is to hold ALL our politicians accountable and work for us, the citizenry. The free press is supposed to influence government by keeping it honest, not trying to influence the public to support a political party.

    Given the vigor that much of the media, like the artist of this piece had for propping up Private Citizen Hillary, I had no faith that they would do anything other than protect her regardless of what she did. That is unacceptable.

    At least with President Elect Trump, I can expect the media, and this artist, to endlessly be scrutinizing his decisions and actions and even though they will probably be doing it in order to get a Democratic President in 2020, at least indirectly, they will be doing their job, since most of these so called members of the “free” press don’t seem to have the ethical fortitude to rise to what they should be doing, working for us, the citizens, not for the DNC.

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  14. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  over 7 years ago

    “That guy! The Democrat who mops the Senate floor at night! HE DID IT!”

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