Michael Ramirez for September 24, 2016

  1. Wllyblly
    Wlly Blly  over 7 years ago

    And if we all say the magical phrase “radical Islam” three times, it will disappear.It’s still hard to believe this idiot would make a cartoon like this to the admin that actually GOT Bin Laden.

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    Comicsfan222  over 7 years ago

    wtf does this even mean?Ramirez getting lazy again?

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    Flash Gordon  over 7 years ago

    Don’t forget radical christianity whose adherents murder the doctors who provide the full range of services to women.

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    6.6TA  over 7 years ago

    Completely wrong. Whatever happened to:

    “Editorial cartoons should be smart and substantive, provocative and informative …” ???

    Mr. Ramirez, you included the “provocative”. Whatever happened to the “smart”, the “substantive” and the “informative”?

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    Odon Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Everything Obama has done to defeat/kill terrorists over the past 7 years means nothing because he doesn’t use the term “radical islamic terrorists.”So you want a war of questionable wording instead of economic and deadly action?

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    rmtonkavich  over 7 years ago

    What about Putin, Assad, and so many others, they are not terrorizing countries under the guise of Islamic Religion. Like giving Terrorism a Different Name, will Unlock the Door to Removing the Scourge. Get real….

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  7. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    Take a look at the body count on both sides. How many ISIL are dead on the battle field? How many American soldiers? How are we in that death grip of terrorism? How many did “Radical Islam” kill in New York? I’m so sick of right-wing PC language, only a party who followed W into Iraq would think calling the enemy by a silly name would defeat them. Iraq will only take a week, but that rag-tag bunch is going to take over the world. It is hard to take the Republicans seriously. cough bin laden cough

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 7 years ago

    Radical Death Dealing Christians are the giant invisible elephants in the room. None will call them at all. They are the “good” terrorists. Some go into our military to fulfill that and the USA is four square behind them.

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    VEJETE  over 7 years ago

    As usual Michael, brilliant!

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    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    Obama has constantly pointed out that ISIL is an enemy band of thugs, radicals who defy the laws of Islam actually, the killing of innocents is strictly and often forbidden in the Quran and elsewhere in Islam. Christianity is based on Judaism (as is Islam) and that is the source of so much violence, hate, and outright murder, as exemplified in the book of Joshua, and other “brave” warriors like David, who actually used the equivalent of a .45 APC against Goliath, not a mere shepherd’s tool. (The Romans both used and feared the sling as one of the deadliest weapons, and far outside the range of a sword or spear.)

    That Obama doesn’t brand all billion and a half Muslims as terrorists, like Trump keeps implying, is what upsets Ramirez and others on the “right”, who are so wrong on almost every issue of morality, ethics, and truth.

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    Night Gaunt: as you’re probably well aware, “Jihad” means “struggle” and could be applied to evangelical Christians as rightly as to Jews and Muslims seeking to maintain, or spread their “one true” religions. The violent times of Mohammed, and his betrayal by the Jewish leaders at the time, led to that particular animus. Of course Faisal in Britain with Lawrrence after WW II pointed out that ARABS and JEWs, not to be confused with Islam and Judaism, ARE members of the same tribe of Abraham, and SHOULD be with each other, not fighting each other, but Balfour and Peel folks didn’t win that argument to divide Palestine to two states in ‘22 and potentially end the conflict we still see today. 1948 and events of Israeli aggression, and land seizures since the creation of “modern Israel” by the UN, haven’t helped any.

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    Geezer  over 7 years ago

    Whatever happened to:“Editorial cartoons should be smart and substantive, provocative and informative …” ???Those who think Mr. Ramirez’s cartoons fail to meet that standard are free to draw their own cartoons and demonstrate, by example, what a proper editorial cartoon should be.

    Are three question marks thrice as interrogative as one?
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    lonecat  over 7 years ago

    Ramirez is consistently mendacious.

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    Dtroutma  over 7 years ago

    I don’t condemn all “Christians”, just the narowminded, bigoted, hypocritical ones.

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    clayusmcret Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I don’t blame all Muslims, just the 10% worldwide who kill or try to kill Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and everyone else they can manage killing. Of course many of the other 90% who do nothing to stop the killings are growing tedious to feel warmly about as well.

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    Geezer  over 7 years ago

    This cartoon clearly does not meet that standard.If I beg a question often enough, does an opinion become a fact?

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    HarlieM  over 7 years ago

    Meadow muffins!

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    diverleo  over 7 years ago

    Stop trying to excuse Islam by comparing it to Christianity. Islam is the problem now. Everyone knows. Ban Islam in Western countries. Muslims will not assimilate. Oppose Islam at every opportunity.

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    Geezer  over 7 years ago

    Still waiting on an answer from the Christian verses.Don’t hold your breath. The regular trollbots are better at evading questions than at answering them.

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