Mike Lester for September 13, 2016

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 7 years ago

    I may not agree with the cartoon but it is funny.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 7 years ago

    It is clear to me Trump is hiding a lot of stuff. If he was in perfect health, why wouldn’t he release a detailed medical report? Same with taxes, if he is so great he would not be so afraid to release at least the current year. He is a con artist with a background filled with scams and questionable deals and associates. I think the only reason he has so many people supporting him is because they are fed up with all our mostly useless politicians. They want to elect a bull in a china shop just to shake things up. He also has the support of the racists, and other factions who hate various other people.

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  3. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 7 years ago

    Lester is THE go to conservative hack of the toon business, him or Ramirez.

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    Kip W  over 7 years ago

    Lots of women go to work when they’re sick. They know they’ll be accused of faking it if they don’t.

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  5. Caddy
    StCleve72  over 7 years ago

    To Trump’s supporters: Trump holds you in utter contempt and always has. He considers us working people to be beneath him, suckers and losers who will stupidly follow him to gain his purposes and then tell them “you’re fired.” Or not pay them, or sue them. To him you’re just fools who will help him realize his grandiose vision of himself as some Nietzschean “superman.” Take a few moments to look up the words “egomaniac” and “narcissist.” His tax program will not “make America great” but benefit himself at your expense. To sum up, “Make America White” which is Trumps call to you is not going to be a viable solution to the problems that we all face. Is this my opinion? Yes but also his campaign manager’s, before she was on his payroll: “Conway stated that Trump had “actually built a lot of his business on the backs of the little guy” and has a history of “not paying contractors after [they have helped him] build something,” adding that “the little guys have suffered” because of Trump”. From the February 10 edition of CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello. And: “Conway praised anti-Trump messaging, saying it’s that “gotten better” because people are “starting to talk about victims of Trump University, victims of Trump in Atlantic City.” Conway also continued highlighting Trump’s hypocrisy in claiming that he is “for the little guy,” when really he has built his business “on the backs of the little guy.”” From the March 8 edition of CNN’s At This Hour. If you’re not happy with this news, don’t blame me, take it up with Kellyanne Conway.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Trump’s backers have been fantasizing about Clinton’s death and/or indictment for how long now?Desperation heaves from the GOP. Can’t win on the real issues, so just make up whatever.

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    denis1112  over 7 years ago

    I have had pneumonia,twice.It did not make me pass out.Either time.

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  8. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    Clinton has pneumonia and felt dizzy at the ground zero 9/11 remembrance. She almost passed out, and for a funny joke we see her here out on the mound. Presumably, that is enough for the funny jokester to have her replaced, but see she won’t give up the ball. Even though she has passed out, she still pushes forward and keeps a hold of the ball (this would be a strength were she a man)If you had depicted Trump and his health, he would be standing tall and proud, not anywhere close to falling over. Holding aloft his football proudly.

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  9. Wtp
    superposition  over 7 years ago

    It is sad to see fourth dimensional aware creatures that behave like three dimensional aware creatures that cannot comprehend that things said at a different time years or decades or centuries ago do not have the same meaning as they do now and without the proper context cannot be applied correctly.

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