Nick Anderson for September 09, 2016

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    He’s the best! At lying about what’s on tape with a straight, er, sorta’ face.

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  2. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  almost 8 years ago

    How is it that the media does not notice that tRump is a bald faced serial liar and this is continuous! Most of the commenters here at go comic’s have noticed this and the cartoonists have definitely noticed it.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    I think people support Trump because our current politicians are so ineffectual. Nothing gets done and everyday there is another scandal about someone in government getting caught with their hand in the till. They just want to elect Trump to get even and throw a monkey wrench into the system. They know he lies and they know he will be a bull in the China shop. Unfortunately I think they also way underestimate the damage he can do.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Everyone knows the system is broken. With Hillary you are likely going to down the same road. With the Trump.. you have a snake oil salesman selling change. On the one hand this has an appeal to see just how effective this snake oil can be.. On the other hand.. there is a very real risk of thing going bad.. real bad. The broken system is beyond the capacity of either candidate to fix. The media is what is driving the polarisation and encouraging it in the name of ratings. Free speech.. is a double edged sword.. and, at the moment the likes of Fox news, right wing radio and social media is wielding it well.

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    "It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Trump is a putz, Let’s not forget that one carpetbagging former United States Senator from New York voted FOR the invasion of Iraq, which she now states was a mistake. Don’t like the hypocrite socialist (for everyone but his 3 house owning self) Bernie Sanders, but at least he was consistent in his value set.

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  6. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  almost 8 years ago

    You got it. Everyone knows that the carnival barker is a fake, but the crowds love them.

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  7. Icon face rock
    ForALaugh Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Trump is a serious threat to the US. I commend Anderson for showing a bit of Trump’s nonsensical spew that gets his angry white lower middle class male Fox viewing, Limbaugh listening racist supporters into a state where they are willing to support a man who will make things a lot worse than they’re having it right now.

    I have yet to see a plan come from this orange clown about how he’s actually going to accomplish any of the wonderful, biggest, and greatest things he claims. He’s going to work with his good buddy Putin, he’s going to stop China from taking our jobs, he’s going to increase our military spending even more (talk about a welfare scam) and the talk goes on as he vacillates from one extreme to another, sometimes in one sentence.

    If the US enacts strong protectionist laws, then all the cheap stuff that we stuff into our homes, yards, cars, etc. will not be affordable to many Americans unless they’re willing to work for Chinese wages. Think the current minimum wage is low? Wait until your wages go down enough to make the crap here, that so many feel they must have. We already spend more on the military than the rest of the world combined. Obviously if we spend more yet, America will be greater?

    I could go on, but it’s pointless until the Ailes/Rush crowd stops ingesting this crap and starts actually believing in facts instead of the propaganda that they’re being fed by these very un-American, self serving entities.

    What needs to be done to make America greater than it already is, is education and training of the workers who are losing their jobs to underpaid Chinese workers. This can be done by the jobs being created by implementing a new technology economy powered directly by the sun. We need solar panels covering nearly every parking lot, on the roofs of most buildings and incorporated into any new construction. These are jobs, lots of jobs, to do this. We need to cap this population bomb that has happened. The planet can’t sustainable support over 2 billion people living like we westerners live. We now have nearly 8 billion on the planet that want all the crap the west has. This does not compute folks. We currently have the biggest threat facing humans on this planet that we’ve ever had and that is global warming due to fossil fuel consumption. This is being clouded over by non-facts being presented by the Republican party and this clown they’ve created to run for America’s top office. He’s an entertainer, not a statesman. He will not fix your problems.

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  8. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    To call him a flip-flopper would imply he had a position to begin with. He just opens his mouth and a truth spray comes out. The Republicans have to listen closely because as he speaks reality around him changes to conform to what he is saying. He was in favor of Iraq and he was against Iraq and not one of his supporters has a problem with this strait-talking waffle maker. But the next panel is him going back on his previous statement, because Clinton has been very succinct and truthful about her presidential campaign.

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    NickelAlloy  almost 8 years ago

    In the USA, if you dig deep enough, everything traces back to our national religion- money.

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    Richard's Potato Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    @Alberta-oil & papasan173It is certainly clear that Trump is a snake-oil salesman. I just worry that he’s always selling more snake than oil.

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  11. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    I hate teleprompters.. I love teleprompters.There is still one thing he has not waffled on, his hatred and bigotry. No matter how much he pivots, his underlying racism is still there.

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  12. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    Trumpy is now speaking using two teleprompters, and he’s just as clueless about facts as ever, but at least not shouting irrationally. OOPS, he’s winding up for, well, now praising the black community, and bringing jobs back, that MEXICO is taking? Oh, now we’re getting inner city kids into charter schools of their choice, private or religious, home schooled or whatever, paid for with tax dollars, Mr. Trump??

    Yep, those failed “government schools” that landed us on the moon, have us planning a mission to intercept an asteroid, find anti-viral for Zika, like we found meds for AIDS/HIV, or provided the data that shows climate change is real and human caused. Oh, right, that’s why our schools have failed.

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    Kip W  almost 8 years ago

    The cartoon above shows about three minutes of where Trump dances on the issues.

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  14. Official state of new hampshire tartan
    Moxie  almost 8 years ago

    theres a word. I forget what it is. A word for a person who panders to popular opinion, who promises everything people want to be told. Theres a word… not just ‘politician’, not just demagogue, not just populist…I surely do wish I could remember that word

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