Tom Toles for June 08, 2016

  1. Caddy
    StCleve72  almost 8 years ago

    Now the GOP is telling Trump: shhh. How are we going to trick minorities into voting for us if you’re so up front with your bigotry? But really, why are they so concerned about him and the “Mexican” judge when he’s insulted the entire country and its people? Can someone explain this to me? I just don’t get it. Or do I?

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  2. Alexander the great
    Alexander the Good Enough  almost 8 years ago

    The Don has put Full Frontal Republicanism, with all of its duplicity, bigotry & hatred, hypocrisy, sexism/misogyny and proud pig ignorance, on uncensored display for one and all to see and “enjoy.” Much of the Republican Rabble has been hungering for, yea lusting for, unqualified validation of all that nastiness for years. Now they have it. tRump is going to be an impossible act to follow (I hope…), and he will almost certainly close the Republican show as we’ve known it. What will remain will be a deeply disparate, profoundly dysfunctional and unorganizable mob on the right.

    Gosh. It breaks my heart…

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    The Grand Old Party’s pandering to racists with the Southern Strategy has produced Donald Trump, a man whose father was so racist that Woody Guthrie wrote lyrics about Fred’s refusal to rent to blacks. The nut has not landed far from the tree.

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  4. Fredcrit enlarged
    Fredcritter  almost 8 years ago

    Tyrannosaurus rump.

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  5. Mel and linda 013
    Melki Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Don’t worry – Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell will keep the band playing until the ship sinks.

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    1941gko  almost 8 years ago

    Y’all keep forgetting to thank Rove and Reagan for the Donald phenomenon!

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    There is no best side.

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  8. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  almost 8 years ago

    They could at least try turning off the ice maker.

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  9. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  almost 8 years ago

    Only the one per cent get the life boats.

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  10. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    The Republicans jumped into action and passed legislation that there was not an iceberg. They also found spiritual scientists who could prove the iceberg was only 5 years old, not 100,000 years old so it couldn’t sink the ship anyway. They still played “Nearer My God to Thee” and then remembered they were religious so they checked everyone’s underwear and all of those people drowning below decks should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and breath oxygen.When the ship finally went down, it was announced that the GOP was better than ever, and all of the men pushed the women and children aside and started bidding on the life rafts. But no one actually made it off the ship, they all kept right wingin’ and bitter clinging’ to their lost ship, their proud clingin’ was what finally took down the ship.Later Fox reported the ship made it successfully to it’s destination but wooo boy you should see the DNC ship, it is so totally sinking because of TWO icebergs.

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