Clay Bennett for April 04, 2016

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    feverjr Premium Member about 8 years ago

    NC is run by Duke Energy, which has polluted every stream in the state. They have no money for enforcement of environmental laws or for cleaning it up while they’ve lowered the corporate tax rate from 6.9% to 4% in the last two years. But they think they can check birth certificates of everyone using a bathroom in the state. Yeah, they’ve got their priorities “straight”.

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    Motivemagus  about 8 years ago

    I am ashamed of my former home state’s legislature. Fortunately, there are many people fighting this appalling action, but the state is so thoroughly gerrymandered that it’s damn near impossible to even move out some of these ignorant, mean-spirited yahoos.Given that over 120 CEOs (including of Apple, PepsiCo and many others) have objected, we’ll see if the Governor and the legislature back down soon. They’re still lying through their teeth about the intent of the bill, but no one sensible is buying it.

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    Crabbyrino Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Congrats Clay! Are Pulitzers on one particular cartoon or a body of work? You are one of my faves on GOCOMICS. Keep on lampooning—we need your voice.

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    Odon Premium Member about 8 years ago


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    cocavan11  about 8 years ago

    I think “First in Flight” refers to the conduct of numerous Confederate soldiers in various Civil War battles, routs, etc.

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    ARodney  about 8 years ago

    The plus is that the law is clearly and unambiguously unconstitutional and won’t last the month. The minus is that conservatives no longer even care, and spend all their time and energy attacking the weak. Hate trumps Americanism.

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    dre7861  about 8 years ago

    Nicely done!

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    Coopersdad  about 8 years ago

    Proud to live in Charlotte; ashamed to live in NC.

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    ms-ss  about 8 years ago


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    hippogriff  about 8 years ago

    Bruce4671Democracy (literally "the rule of the people) includes all the people, with rights to the minority that the majority may not infringe – see the Constitution, specifically the whole of the Bill of Rights, not just selected parts (such as omitting the militia part of the second and the People part of the tenth). What you describe is polyarchy, the rule of the majority with no regard to the rest. The founders of this country called it “the mob” and feared it as much as Lord North’s Hessian mercenaries.

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  11. Wtp
    superposition  about 8 years ago

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    Don Winchester Premium Member about 8 years ago

    All the LIbs are SOOOOOO worried that that the LBGT’s will have their rights violated by not being able to use the restroom of their choice. But I haven’t seen ONE Lib worried about the children that will be exposed to someone taking advantage of the situation…

    And this is only ONE of many stories you can find that has happened because of this perversion!

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    markjoseph125  about 8 years ago

    So, you’re down with repealing that amendment, and reinstating slavery, so long as 51% of the people support it?But the liberals do not respect the process of amending the Constitution.That’s amusing, coming from a conservative. In fact, you can make that same sentence apply to conservatives by simply removing the words “the,” “process,” “of,” and “amending”.Except for the second half of the second amendment, of course.

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    Bob Murphy Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Nice stinger of a cartoon. Good job.

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    markjoseph125  about 8 years ago

    Conservatives always say they would have supported what, two generations later, is the social norm. But, they didn’t when they had the chance. Though the situation of black people in America nowadays is not ideal, it’s (a) a lot better than it was in the 1950s, and (b) perhaps not as bad as the discrimination against muslims and LGBT people (I’m tempted to add atheists to the list here). If so, those are the people with whom you should be siding, and aren’t. But, in two more generations, you (generalizing) will be. Or will at least say that you would have.

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    manteo16nc  about 8 years ago

    Liberals love to prescribe ‘tolerance’ for others, as they have so little use for it themselves.

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    Kaizer66  about 8 years ago

    N. Korea is democratic in name only and we have a representative republic based in a constitutional democratic process. Either too few people paid attention in civics and US History or they are no longer teaching it. Perhaps what you want is a Vulcan republic where the good of the many outweigh the good of the few or one.

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    hippogriff  about 8 years ago

    markjoseph125Where have atheists been threatened with death? Kept out of the Boy Scouts is about the most severe I have seen, and a lot of more organized religions are restricted by them.

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    markjoseph125  about 8 years ago

    You’re funny. I’m completely surrounded by conservatives—most of my family and acquaintances. I know more fundamentalist christians than you ever will.But, I see you’ve played the “changing hearts” card. (1) Have you ever heard of the Overton window? (2) So, I guess you’re against the NC bill? I notice that right-wingers never seem to have any trouble with big government so long as it is directed toward the people of whom they don’t happen to approve.

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    markjoseph125  about 8 years ago

    Hmm, no comment to my response to the “when are atheists threatened with death” post. I’m not surprised. But, just in case someone ever comes back here, here’s yet another murder of an atheist by a religious mob. Funny how you never see atheist mobs killing christians or muslims…

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