Steve Benson for July 22, 2010

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Fair and balanced? More like mentally unbalanced, and has been for a long time with folks like Breitbart providing much of their material.

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  2. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^^ Ann Coulter, is that you?

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  3. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 14 years ago

    Breitbart deliberately and with malice aforethought edited a tape to make it show exactly the opposite of the unedited tape, and then peddled it. Go look it up.

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  4. Missing large
    rottenprat  almost 14 years ago

    Look it up? The ‘right’ refudiates research. They call ‘em as they wanna see ‘em.

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    CHURCH - It is very hard to talk about Fox News and Proof in the same sentence.

    The real villains are the rest of the media who, in their rush to fill their 24/7 hole just charged ahead.

    Also Obama and his staff were very wrong – at their level they have a duty to weather any fire storm while they find the truth.

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    MM I did not hear one word of complaint from you every time Michael Moore did exactly what you accuse Breitbart of doing Where were your complaints when Dan Rather actually faked data rather than just edited data? The left loved what they were doing as they were able to fool the public. It hurts doesn’t it? How do you thing the right felt when you did it to them? Turnabout is fair play.

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  7. L f895b092ccee8aa28fed3e6f8ecebd7f
    SoreJack  almost 14 years ago

    libertarian1 Turnabout is fair play.

    and an eye for an eye makes the hole world blind.

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  8. Img 1055 1
    halfabug  almost 14 years ago

    its a very simple story. the NAACP had the tape,ot was an NAACP meeting. they released it, edited. breitbart didn’t even have the full tape to edit. just blindly blame someone without the facts, um, that sounds kinda familiar. oriely was the first to apologize, he was the only one on fox that had to.

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  9. Catapult3
    SameAsOldFfred  almost 14 years ago

    Of course they’re not bright. Their feet are just happy…

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  10. Catapult3
    SameAsOldFfred  almost 14 years ago

    To paraphrase Frederick Douglass: “There is not a man beneath the canopy of heaven, that wants to know that screwing the rest of the world is wrong for him.”

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  11. Catapult3
    SameAsOldFfred  almost 14 years ago

    “…then again, some get off on that very concept.”

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  12. Tongueulence
    ReaderLady  almost 14 years ago

    This would make sense if there was a shred of truth to it.

    I guess I keep you on my list for nostalgiac reasons, remembering my undergraduate years. I still have the book you made with Bagley.

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  13. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 14 years ago

    For you right wingers that are allergic to the truth, here’s some more.

    Breitbart added captions to the video stating that she did this supposed racist deed in 2010 as a member of the USDA.

    The TRUTH is, she was recounting a story from the 80’s.

    How about that for editing? Hmmm?

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  14. Biker2
    biemmezeta  almost 14 years ago

    Know your facts. Ths White House fired her BEFORE FOX aired the video.

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    Libertarian1  almost 14 years ago

    ^ It is indeed strange the left wingers somehow ignore this basic fact. It is inconvenient.

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    Anywhichwaybutloose  almost 14 years ago

    Selective editing made Michael Moore millions. Why should he be the only one who get away with it? Oh, if you’re on the left, that’s always ok.

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  17. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Brietbart has long been editing stuff. What folks don’t recognize or admit is MOST of Rather’s documents WERE AUTHENTIC, Bush DID desert (read the UCMJ of the time).

    Just had an experience with a lawyer reading paragraph one of a document to make it appear his client was “right”. Pulled the document in its entirety, and paragraph 3-5 proved his client was ABSOLUTELY WRONG!

    It’s really important for the press, AND ADMINISTRATIONS to get ALL the facts straight before acting, as in staying out of Iraq, and NOT firing a woman who was simply saying the truth, when you heard all she had to say.

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  18. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 14 years ago

    go to this url and view the video of the ENTIRE SPEECH.

    “….the full tape…gets worse; it doesn’t get better! …..she hangs herself later on with the footage that Andrew Breitbart I believe did not have on his.” (website video clip)

    the “truth” Sherrod spoke was that she herself practised RACISM in her job…..she was a Black, and she deliberately chose to withhold full help to a White farmer.

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  19. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Faux lied. Again.

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  20. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 14 years ago

    The late, great Hunter S. Thompson is probably rolling in his grave. Thompson was an early advocate of what he called “gonzo” journalism but was part of a movement of journalists who did not pretend to be objective, but instead started from a clear, personal point of view. In his view, objectivity is impossible, so instead you should take an honest approach to subjectivity. Michael Moore has never hidden his views, his perspective, or his agenda. FoxNews claims to be “Fair and Balanced.” If they were honest, I would respect that. They are not. That is the difference.

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  21. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  almost 14 years ago

    Motive, you are one of the most intellectually dishonest poster here, so your opinion of Fox News in whole fits perfectly in line with your political proclivities - hardly an honest assessment.

    Fox has several liberal, if not outright leftist personalities, as opposed to the other ‘news organizations’ who woefully lack points of view other than the leftist pooooop.

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  22. Think
    tpenna  almost 14 years ago

    ^ Wow. A more wrongheaded assessment of character I have seldom seen, petergrt. Are some of the liberal posters here intellectually dishonest? Sure, just as are some of the conservatives and libertarians. But is motivemagus among them? Absolutely not. Your suggestion is absurd on its face!

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  23. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    MM hits the real point. EVERYONE is entitled to speak their political (or other) viewpoints, as long as they identify it as THEIR OPINION!

    What Fox does is mask propaganda as “news”. The same with scum who take comments out of context, and display them as the “entire story”.

    Most networks, even Fox, have the occasional “personality” that stands up on the liberal side. It’s like a small oasis in the Sahara however, refreshing, life sustaining relief from a desert of waste, heat, and sand, shifting and dangerous to all who travel.

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  24. John adams1
    Motivemagus  almost 14 years ago

    ^Why, HOWGOZIT? It’s true.

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  25. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  almost 14 years ago

    No its not, and neither is your pooop about Fox - it turns out that Fox didn’t even mention Sherrod, on any program, until the WH has fired her, when it actually became news.

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  26. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Actually, just spoke yesterday as a matter of fact to a retired (recently) Brigadier General who served Army and National Guard (not Texas) for 30 years- his view– Bush deserted- records were clear, but expunged. When you’re gone for 20 days and refuse to return on orders to report- AWOL, over 30 days gone - desertion. On Cheney, it wasn’t all his deferments, but his statement “I had better things to do”- a coward and arrogant about it. Two perfect clowns the right-wing should be the first to hang out to dry, and won’t.

    As stated repeatedly, truth is truth, and the “righties” don’t have a right to invent their own, whether on Fox, Limbaugh’s show, or here. Yes, the issue makes me VERY angry considering the bloodthirsty and dangerous to our troops nature of these two cowards. So, well, there.

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  27. Prr
    Loco80  almost 14 years ago

    I still only know of one President who actually fled the country. Yup, the same guy who wouldn’t inhale, but liked girls who swallowed.

    Back to the ‘toon, though. I actually got a laugh out of the artwork. The two-headed serpent is funny. My questions are these - If everybody admits that the firing happened before the story was aired, what is the fuss about, and second, knowing the opinion that the liberal side of the population has of Fox News, why would they even WATCH it to begin with?

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  28. Ink
    Ink-adink-adoo  almost 14 years ago

    The crime was not in what was said – it was in editing to make her say something different.

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