Tom Toles for May 19, 2015

  1. Alexander the great
    Alexander the Good Enough  almost 9 years ago

    I dunno. I can’t decide if what the Republicons have going is a klown kar or a bowl of corny flakes. As for Hillary, one cheer. Anyone think Bernie could actually do it?

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    And what were those Rumsfeld idiocies again? Jeb could just putting all his dad’s stuff on Rummy!

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    cdward  almost 9 years ago

    What do you mean “back to anarchy?” It wasn’t anarchy till we got there.

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    frodo1008  almost 9 years ago

    Glad to see you get rid of your clownish icon, it was demeaning, even if appropriate. What (in your total hatred of president Obama) it was that he wanted to do exactly was what the generals (who almost always want more war of course, how otherwlse could they continue to be employed at such great jobs?) were recommending. But, at the same time the then government of Iraq insisted upon our having our soldiers come under the power of their Muslim Courts. I can not even imagine that even you could begin to think of just how much hatred for president Obama such a deal would have generated!!

    So, he had absolutely no choice but to totally withdraw our troops according to the agreement between the administration of GW Bush and the Iraqi government of that time. And that IS the truth, even if you can not handle it!!

    And now, I would imagine that just perhaps with these barbarian ISIL (or ISIS depending upon just what news you are viewing at the time) seeming to constantly be winning more and more of the country of Iraq, just perhaps these dame Iraqi governmental fools might think otherwise about our soldiers in their country!

    Everybody in the west at least seems to be totally (and with at least some justification) against these ISIL barbarian types. But, they do not seem to even care, and just go on winning one battle campaign after another. Why, I wonder?

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  5. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Yeah, and they told BOTH Bushes the same thing. But Bush one did the same thing, took us out. And then Bush II stuck it back in again. This is BUSH’s mess, don’t dump it on Obama.

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    Christopher Shea  almost 9 years ago

    And Dubya was told by the Army Chief of Staff that it would take several hundred thousand soldiers to keep order in Iraq after the invasion. But he “knew better.”

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    King_Shark  almost 9 years ago

    Actually, of course, it was the blood soaked Republican war criminal George W Bush who signed the Status of Forces Agreement promising to withdraw all troops from Iraq by Dec 2011. And it was the blood soaked Democratic war criminal Barack Hussain Obama who – contrary to hoods promises, just as in the case of his promise to close Guantanamo – tried to the last minute to continue occupying Iraq. And the Iraqis have long been saying that ISIS is just a ploy to justify the reoccupation of their country. They are almost entirely correct.

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    Kip W  almost 9 years ago

    Yeah, we should have just dumped all that silly rhetoric about letting Iraq be a democracy and letting their elected officials run things, and just outed ourselves as an occupying empire. That’s what some guy on the internet would have done!

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    JEB was a founding member of PNAC, with Cheney and Rumsfeld, he advocated for regime change in Iraq in the ’90s. As the founders said, “all we need is a Pearl Harbor Event to invade Iraq.” PNAC is not dead, the name has been changed to protect the embarrassed and guilty to the “Foreign Policy Initiative”. The Neocons are still the steering force in the GOP.

    Question, why isn’t anybody asking JEB about his membership in PNAC?

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    seablood  almost 9 years ago

    Hallerburton somehow controls him

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    joe-bobst  almost 9 years ago

    Bernie, who?


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  12. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 9 years ago

    To quote Nobel laureate Paul Krugman:But truth matters, and not just because those who refuse to learn from history are doomed in some general sense to repeat it. The campaign of lies that took us into Iraq was recent enough that it’s still important to hold the guilty individuals accountable. Never mind Jeb Bush’s verbal stumbles. Think, instead, about his foreign-policy team, led by people who were directly involved in concocting a false case for war.So let’s get the Iraq story right. Yes, from a national point of view the invasion was a mistake. But (with apologies to Talleyrand) it was worse than a mistake, it was a crime.

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    oneoldhat  almost 9 years ago

    they need to be asked not about the past but how they will fix bho mess

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    feverjr Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    We do know the “yellowcake papers” were forgeries, so who forged them? Was it Michael Ledeen, who said, “every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business” and his boss Doug Feith, both neoconservatives with PNAC and both were founding members in the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. Why did Cheney push so hard to keep the origin of the forgeries secret and try to discredit Joe Wilson’s attempt to find out the truth? So we do know the PNAC members take care of each other and JEB was a member.

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    kaffekup   almost 9 years ago

    The cons are so cute, giving Obama so much more credit for being able to fix Iraq than their boy, W.

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  16. Dr suese 02
    Tarredandfeathered  almost 9 years ago

    Why does everyone persist in Spelling it wrong?it’s Not “JEB”..It’s YABB – Yet Another Bushie Boy. .

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    oneoldhat  almost 9 years ago

    dear liver the recession aint over

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