Lisa Benson for January 20, 2015

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    Mneedle  over 9 years ago

    The result will be that Atwood year degree will become what a high school diploma is today. Many high school grads must take remedial courses before going on to college because the high schools are no longer teaching the needed skills and knowledge.Also, I would argue that we really need to have more people trained in the trades so that we can have people who can fix things.

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  2. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  over 9 years ago

    No, like good socialists, whatever they propose does not apply to them.

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Benson, Zipi and DGF999, since this is a raise in capital gains tax, then Obama WILL be paying more in taxes also.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Throughout history when most of the wealth becomes concentrated in a very small segment of the population and the majority are very poor, it is only a matter of time until civil war erupts. Corporations pay very little of the tax bill and the majority of the “tax breaks” go to the top. The big difference is rich have more than enough money to spend on anything they want. The Koch brothers have something like eight multimillion dollar homes scattered across the country. The poor don’t have enough money to put food on the table every night. The middle class has been loosing ground for decades. If that continues it is just a matter of time until they get tired of writing their congressmen and take matters into their own hands.

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    3pibgorn9  over 9 years ago

    Wouldn’t do a thing. Human nature would not change.

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  6. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 9 years ago

    I really need to moves Benson’s comic down to the bottom of the list. She’s really too much going first. Bleh.

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Why should I pay a higher rate than Mitt Romney and hedge fund managers? I WORK for a living while they play with investments.-And you really need to lose the Obamaphone thing – it was the Reagan phone then became the Bush 43 cell phone.

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    DrDon1  over 9 years ago

    Looks as if Benson and most of the “fiscally conservative” commentaters have no problem with the fact that one-third of the 100 most profitable American corporations pay their CEO more than they pay in federal taxes. The notions that corporate taxes are too high and that the rich pay too much in taxes are cruel jokes!

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  9. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  over 9 years ago

    @crosspatch – If it is so noble to pay these taxes (as you suggest) because they go to education, then everyone should be honored to pay the additional taxes.

    I have two problems with your post:1) While some, I dare say a small, portion of these increased taxes would go towards noble ends. It always seems like an enormous portion goes to waste, fraud and abuse. A better taxing body would be state and local authorities where there is better oversite of how the money is spent.2) Everybody points to the 1% and says – They can afford it so tax those rich bastards. I want more government but I can’t won’t pay for it but I could have all the government money could buy if I could just tap into my neighbors’ savings and earnings.

    If you want to raise taxes – Convince EVERYONE that it is important to raise taxes and EVERYONE that they should have to pay more not just the other guy who you see has having more money then he/she deserves.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Simply put, “fat cats” get that way by feeding off the middle and lower classes, and more than 80% have INHERITED their positions, or been granted them by “sugar daddies” in that uppper class, and yes, that includes most in Congress, including Obama and many “Democrats” and “liberals”, not just Republicans or “conservatives”. Yes, “Pea” to site the Army version, “it’s not what you know, but who you blow”, that gets way too many ahead in our society, and others around the world.

    We have stocks and investments and pay capital gains, at very low rates. Which, stocks are to bild business, today, a “stock” may be traded four times, in LESS THAN A MINUTE! Electronic “trading” is a sham, and ripoff. ANY stock held less than six months to a year returning a profit, should pay capital gains at 80%, not 8% or even 18%. Keep a stock for over five years, and capital gains drops to 5%. That rewards folks for leaving their money in and depending on dividends from progress in the companies, not “stock market roulette”.

    I built my own garage, started cooking in my folks restaurant at age 6, worked lots of jobs to get through schools, can repair cars, helicopters, airplanes and tractors/ or small engines. I can drive a snowplow, or with my degrees, understand what makes it snow, or not, and analyze biological and chemical data that tells me how “fat cat” profits ARE destroying the environment and the planet. Sociology, biolology, lilnguistics, and “medical” training tells me how things work, whether molds to manitee, middle class, or “fat cat” movers and shakers in societies, and tribal interrelationships from around the world, Hutu, Kikuyu, Jew, Navajo or Cherokee, even Germans and Vietnamese. (some through personal relationships over years.)

    I respect science, carpenters, mechanics, religious leaders who PRACTICE what they preach if it is GOOD FOR SOCIETY, and reserve the right to NOT respect “leaders” in politics, relgions, or “business” who do NOT work for the good of ALL in society. War is not only “Hell”, it is also national, ethnic, or religious BULLYING and horror, sometimes it’s even the well-armed “minority” attacking the majority. THAT is back to the toon, where America stancs economically and socially today.

    That dude isn’t about to be thrown into the pit to be fed upon, but to FEED!

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  11. Earth
    PainterArt Premium Member over 9 years ago

    So Lisa Benson believes the middle class have dug their own hole.

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  12. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    “These taxes go into our Education System..”.I have to agree with SFCGaTor on this one.Our congressmen can, and will spend any tax money on whatever they please. Do you think that all the tax they collect on gasoline really goes into our roads & bridges? Now the feds, and states want to raise the gas tax again with the same lame excuse, and we’ll get the same lame results.

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    WaitingMan  over 9 years ago

    Republicans are fond of supporting a ‘fair, flat tax’. Well, of course they are. A flat tax would give the R’s just what they want. A massive tax cut for the wealthy and a massive tax increase for the poor. Every Republican’s wet dream.

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    Jason Allen  over 9 years ago

    “Spoken like a true communist, Lenin and Stalin would be so pleased.”Communism: The Republican boogieman of choice since 1917!

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  15. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    1. Sales taxes hit the middle and lower income folks the hardest, and most unfairly.

    2. “Flat tax”? If it’s 20% and someone earns through actual WORK $50,000, take away 20% and they’ve got $40,000 left. If they earn $50,000,000 on “capital gains”, you take 20% of that which they did NO labor for, and they still have $40 MILLION left! Whose “buying power” is reduced the most with respect to food, shelter, and those “market items” that keep small business and even corporations running?

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