Tom Toles for June 02, 2014

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    Yontrop  almost 10 years ago

    The cartoon does not adequately depict the mess, but that probably would be impossible.

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    Doughfoot  almost 10 years ago

    The expansion of health access to all citizens will create a shortage of doctors, especially in places like the VA where pay is relatively low, and workloads immense. If we want good and prompt health care for our veterans we’re going to have to spend more than we have been, and use the money to expand staffs, it is that simple. Civilian medicos are often poor as understanding veterans and their peculiar medical needs. Sending veterans out to find their care in the civilian market may be necessary, but is not the best solution. The rising demand for doctors that comes with expanding coverage and an aging population should result in an increase in supply, if classical market economics work. In this case however, the demand is more elastic than the supply chain, and it is going to take some policy changes to increase the supply of doctors. To fail to do so, or (worse) to withdraw coverage from people to reduce demand, would be reprehensible.

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    Doughfoot  almost 10 years ago

    Thanks! I wondered how people got bold into their texts.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Maybe we need to ask these guys to resign? I would like to see the managers who cooked the books sent on there way also.

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  5. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  almost 10 years ago

    “Well for the record:U.S. Senators Who Voted to Filibuster VA Hospital Funding in February”.Thanks for the record..Unfortunately, I can’t vote against a one of these filibuster mavens. Not one of them is in my State or voting district. On the other hand, I’m happy to say that mine is not on this list.

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    klr562  almost 10 years ago

    Lets keep this election year stunt in prospective here are the results from a 2013 vote

    164 Democrats Vote Against Funding Veterans’ BenefitsHJ Res. 72Vote summary: 264-164. Failed (required 2/3 majority).This bill would have restored funding for American veterans’ benefits. The 164 Democrats listed don’t think veterans’ benefits are important enough to pay for. •Andrews •Bass •Beatty•Becerra •Bishop (GA) •Blumenauer •Bonamici •Brady (PA) •Brown (FL) •Brownley (CA) •Butterfield •Capps •Capuano•Cárdenas •Carney •Cartwright •Castor (FL)•Castro (TX) •Chu •Cicilline •Clarke •Clay •Cleaver •Clyburn •Cohen •Connolly •Conyers •Costa •Courtney •Crowley •Cuellar •Cummings •Davis (CA) •Davis, Danny•DeFazio •DeGette •Delaney •DeLauro •Deutch •Dingell •Doggett •Doyle •Duckworth •Edwards •Ellison •Engel •Enyart •Eshoo •Esty •Farr •Fattah •Frankel (FL) •Fudge •Gabbard •Garamendi •Grayson •Green, Al •Green, Gene •Grijalva •Gutiérrez •Hahn •Hanabusa •Hastings (FL)•Higgins •Himes •Holt •Honda •Horsford •Hoyer •Huffman •Israel •Jackson Lee •Jeffries •Johnson (GA) •Johnson, E. B. •Kaptur •Kelly (IL)•Kennedy •Kildee •Kind •Kirkpatrick •Kuster •Langevin •Larsen (WA) •Larson (CT) •Lee (CA) •Levin •Lewis •Lofgren •Lowenthal •Lowey •Lujan Grisham (NM) •Luján, Ben Ray (NM) •Maloney, Carolyn •Matsui •McCollum •McDermott •McGovern •McNerney •Meeks •Meng •Michaud •Miller, George •Moore •Moran •Nadler •Napolitano •Neal •Negrete McLeod •Nolan •O’Rourke •Pallone •Pascrell •Pastor (AZ)•Payne •Pelosi •Perlmutter •Pingree (ME) •Pocan •Price (NC) •Quigley •Rahall•Rangel •Richmond •Roybal-Allard •Ruppersberger •Ryan (OH) •Sánchez, Linda T. •Sanchez, Loretta •Sarbanes •Schakowsky •Schiff •Schwartz•Scott (VA) •Scott, David •Serrano •Sewell (AL) •Shea-Porter •Sherman •Sires •Slaughter •Smith (WA) •Speier •Swalwell (CA) •Takano •Thompson (CA) •Thompson (MS) •Titus •Tonko •Tsongas •Van Hollen •Vargas •Veasey •Vela •Velázquez •Visclosky •Walz •Wasserman Schultz •Waters •Watt •Waxman•Welch •Wilson (FL) •Yarmuth

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    ConserveGov  almost 10 years ago

    The VA mess is simply ObamaCare on a smaller scale.Just wait until the government controls everybody’s healthcare(single-payer,which is the stated goal of Democrats), then we will all experience the horrors of a gov. bureaucracy deciding when you get to see a doctor and what care he can provide to you.

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    klr562  almost 10 years ago

    You always seem give the democrats a pass. The Democrats only bring issue like this to the table during elections and have a proven record for underestimating the cost of programs. the typical Democrat solution is if it broken throw more money at it instead of actual solutions. it been that way for the last 40+ years.

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  9. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  almost 10 years ago

    “There’s also a list of Dems who voted against funding. If any are yours, will you vote them out? Nah, Dems are safe from your wrath.”.Only if the other choice is a republican. I am not a Democrat, nor am I affiliated with any other party.

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  10. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  almost 10 years ago

    “Dems are safe from your wrath.”.Interesting how you insert your voting method into this and attribute it to me. I vote for the candidate that I feel will represent me the best. Republicans have shown time and time again, they are not out for you, me, any of my family, or neighbors. They are out for the 1% and themselves. I don’t believe any republican can or will represent the majority of their constituents.

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