Lisa Benson for October 20, 2012

  1. Missing large
    ConserveGov  over 11 years ago

    Other than the smoking ban this looks like an Obama dreamland.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 11 years ago

    It is amazing how much the population of California is shrinking.

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  3. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  over 11 years ago

    Ms. Benson must be ill. She forgot to slam Obama in this cartoon.

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  4. Mike profile1
    mikecronis  over 11 years ago

    Well done, Lisa. Those manditory energy bans for several hours in California where they just shut-off your power for several hours every day is pathetic.

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  5. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    So, the point of this ‘toon is that if we have no speed limit, no recycling, no fuel standards, no bike lanes or HOV lanes, everyone’s lives would be better? Would this mean we’d all have jobs? Am I missing something?

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    When visiting Germany I was told a joke…How do you make a German angry. Answer- change something.In the 1970’s Helmut Kohl passed some of the strictest environmental laws the planet had seen up to that point. Rivers were toxic, the Black Forest was defoliating and dying, it was like some parts of the USA are now. Germany turned it around. Alot of Germans were angry at the time. I’m sure they had plenty of signage to educate ppl what was being expected of them, but those signs are gone now. If we do what we should do to care for our nation and our world, it is going to make alot of people angry. But in time the signs depicted here will be gone too. We’ll simply do it because we know it to be the right thing to do. And we’ll have bluer skies, cleaner air/water, and greener forests as a reward for our patience and participation.Respectfully,C.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    What’s really funny is that from the 49’ers coming in to steal the gold, and land; well actually from the time of Serra killing off the natives to steal the land for the church, through the Reagan years of no taxes, and steal some more water(Owens Valley) and then on resources from other states, California has actually through most of its existence been the model for Gordon Gecko and glory to greed and unregulated Capitalism(which it really isn’t).

    That it’s supposedly the land of milk, honey, and liberals, like well, Walt Disney and the folks at MGM and Universal, branding with movies and media a totally false “reality”, for the whole nation actually, has been a rather ridiculous joke. Yup, folks conned by Mickey Rat.

    I’ll grant that North Beach and San Francisco represent a little take on the “liberal” side of thought, but folks don’t want you to consider Orange County, JBS, and yes, Disney again, for the most Fascist thought pool in the U.S..

    LIsa buys that castle from Fantasyland, just like folks who buy Mitten’s modern major general (electric) as being on the side of “the people”. HAR!

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  8. Scan0008b
    rogcbrand  over 11 years ago

    Did you hear that Obama claims that extremely high gas prices are due to the improving economy???

    So, if a republican is in office and gas prices are high, it’s because they are evil oil company stooges. But if a messianic democrat is in office it’s just a sign that he’s created a glorious economy and everything is good.

    Time after time, I am flabbergasted by the sheer gall of the left! Their hypocrisy knows no limits!

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  9. Qwerty01s
    cjr53  over 11 years ago

    Unlikely. There are a number of technologies that can replace the internal combustion engine. You don’t need to be afraid of the future. -—

    I like the Honda FCX Clarity best..Toyota has a number of vehicles on the market already.

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    memoryinuse2  over 11 years ago

    i cast my vote that way, but it’s up to DIEBOLD to decide who it actually is recorded for!

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  11. Marx lennon
    charliekane  over 11 years ago

    There actually isn’t much evidence that lower tax rates boost the economy.

    The experience of Bush II was positively negative.

    BTW, the economy prospers best under Democrats.

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    frodo1008  over 11 years ago

    Ima, you and some others here can not handle the truth, even if you knew just what it was!

    Truth? How about the simple fact that the economy of California is the eight largest in the WORLD, and far and away the largest in the US!

    The value of the agricultural products of the state of California alone, is more than the combined agricultural values of the next three states, put together!

    The people of the state of California pay $1.00 in federal taxes, and receive back only about $0.78 in federal benefits in return. Whereas such good southern GOP states as Mississippi pay a dollar, and receive back over $2.00 in benefits. So, just who is paying for who in the US anyway?

    The ports of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Long Beach do far more trade with other nations than all the other ports of the US combined. So I guess if we really listened to our super conservatives here that would like California to get out of the US (and strangely enough we have such people here). Thus leaving the economy of the nation in a shambles, while solving all of our fiscal problems in this state by charging large fees for those goods to go through California before they get to your local stores.

    Luckily for such people as yourself and other anti California types, we California moderates and liberals do not listen to such ultra conservatives either!

    If we are losing such a large amount of our population, then just why are we still the largest population of any state in the US?

    You know, I like most of we laid back hippies in California try not to bad mouth the other states of the union, every state has its great and not so great points. But I do grow tired of all the California bashing that seems to go on by not so well educated people from other states. And I would imagine other people in states such as Illinois also get rather tires of it as well!!

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    frodo1008  over 11 years ago

    Ima: There are towns all over the country that are filing bankruptcy for one reason or another, that is not exclusive to California by any means.

    I would far rather live in a state where people are more than wiling to live with nature and respect the environment of planet Earth that keeps ALL alive (even yourself). If that planet is so despoiled that it fails then we ALL simply get to die, and then who benefited from unbridled greed?

    As to the money, perhaps a little gratitude towards the hard working people of California instead of such contempt for them might just be in order.

    Or are you even capable of that??

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    California grew exponentially, with some of the worst land-use planning in the world, all orchestrated by the auto and oil industry. Ronald Reagan’s “anti-tax” policies, carried on even after he left to destroy the US economy started the real problems in the state. Business IS huge in California, the educational system has gone downhill, and tuition has continued to rise with the loss of tax support, just like the cities having problems.

    Texas has low tax rates, and the school system is just “great”, if you consider being able to write your name in cursive the “top grade” thesis, for a PhD. The influx of low wage workers has supported the economy there, where the government taxpayers funding defense, NASA, etc, hasn’t. Oh, right, they still get oil revenue, for now, shipping the product to China. Yup, great state, losing its agricultural base to extended drought, but of course, climate change as the result of fossil fuel consumption, has nothing to do with that.

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  15. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    ^Understand your point, but the Imperial Valley is having problems, as are other areas with “contamination” of water sources as a result of drought increasing the concentration of salts and other chemical contaminants. It’s also a large part of the midwest problem with the Ogallala aquifer, nitrates, etc.

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  16. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Very grateful for the correction from a witness on the scene. In the 80’s, Kohl was given alot of credit for Germany’s green changes, even tho your post caused me to shake my head and loosen another old memory. Wasn’t there a young woman who was the first member of the Green party elected in Germany that was key to your nation’s turnaround in the environment?My wife and I hope to return to Germany for a long visit. If so, I would be honored to buy the first round of beer. Thank you for the information you so respectfully conveyed. You kinda suck at being a Tyrant.with appreciation,C.

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  17. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    I was very sad when Reagan canceled the tax credits for solar panels and other green improvements after his inauguration. My wife and I were saving for the downpayment on panels when the credits expired. Jimmy Carter was right about that.C.

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  18. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Hello Harley,I did look and I talked to several contractors and consumer reports magazine had good articles.While there was a lot of shoddy products being sold to buyers who failed to do their homework, most of the higher end products with problems were improperly installed by people unfamiliar with the technology. Had installers been, oh here comes a bad word, regulated, these problems would have been reduced or removed.Respectfully,C.

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  19. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    When I first moved to this part of Virginia, eating fish caught in the James River was illegal because of how toxic it was due to pollution. Explaining how profiteering and lack of regulation and apathy among Dems and Repubs alike contributed to this would only annoy you. Time magazine had an issue a couple of years ago showing how instances of autism increase downstream and downwind from industrialized areas. We are poisoning the children you want protected from abortion in the womb. The ones born with toxins in their systems will require healthcare resources you do not wish provided.If you do NOT dream of blue skies, clean air, and pure water, you have no soul and I pity you. with great sadness,C.

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  20. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Twas born in the US in 1958, and except for three great weeks in Germany, have never left our borders. Lived in Louisiana, Mississippi, Indiana, and Virginia. For you to say the us environment isn’t dying is deceptive. A person with an inoperable cancer is considered sick, not dying, until that moment they are so bedridden as to indicate the end is near. There is a cancer in our nation’s body. You choose to ignore it as it fits your narrative. That mindset ignores all the good and wonderful job creating things we could do to save our environment. But, you and Ima seem to have the attitude of eat,drink and be merry. If you can’t taste the toxins, they aren’t there. Money first, God and Country after stock markets.The toxins are there, neighbor, I just hope you learn this truth before it is too late.Sadly,C.

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    Lamberger  over 11 years ago

    Now all we need is a new law banning signs. (It’s the Whack A Mole way!) Then California would be perfect!

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  22. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    I learned from my elders 1opinion. Gramps told me an intelligent person learns from their mistakes and a wise one learns from the mistakes other folks make. Took awhile for it to sink it, but, i’m getting there.Thanks for the reply, “old man” ;)C.

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    paytonb  over 11 years ago

    Apparently you didn’t watch the debate.

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    Quipss  over 11 years ago

    Canada, scandanavian countries, germany, switzerland but remember the world starts at 49N, 65E and ends at 25S, 125W.

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