Clay Jones for October 21, 2023

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  8 months ago

    “The war” didn’t do anything… and certainly not kill the boy in Chicago. He was killed by the family’s landlord who had every reason to NOT kill him. Depraved and evil.

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  2. Missing large
    Hello Everyone  8 months ago

    It’s absolutely Horrible. Read Clay’s Blog for details.

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    admiree2  8 months ago

    Was there more information about that psycho? Member of the Orange Cult who listened to the demented one’s speech about reinstating the Muslim travel ban? Jewish? Just plain homicidal crazy?

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  4. Z76yv737q
    mysterysciencefreezer  8 months ago

    Where’s the “What about the violence in Chicago” crowd for this one?

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    Al Fresco  8 months ago

    One of many and it’s only Friday night (on the Left Coast).

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    GiantShetlandPony  8 months ago

    Not Chicago. Plainfield, Illinois a nice far west suburb of Chicago. I have a cousin and Uncle (her father) who lives in Plainfield. SNL’s Mellisa McCarthy is from Plainfield.

    Sadly, there is no place that is safe from violence.

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  7. A60d9b88 42df 4176 9e19 58ff3adf5129
    Cpeckbourlioux  8 months ago

    This as Israel reportedly gears up for a war that can last months, even years!

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  8. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  8 months ago


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  9. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  8 months ago

    It is horrifying that a 6 year old child is brutally murdered by a deranged psychopath. What is equally horrifying is that we live in a society where a lot of children are murdered or abducted each and everyday and normally law enforcement will not lift a finger and our MSM will not run with the story unless it happens in an opulent rich neighborhood or the missing child is the son or daughter of a public figure or a cop.

    A poor child from a migrant camp disappears here in FL and the pleas for help fall on deaf ears or the cops simply pass the buck, shrug their shoulders and say “He/She must have run away…” but if a child from a gated community where the houses run in the millions of dollars is abducted, well then you have the press and media making it their front page story, the cops put together task forces and get outside agencies involved, etc, etc. We Americans live in a society which consists of the haves and the have nots, and in a lot of ways it is not so different than what we see in war torn areas like Gaza, and other places where conflict has lead to so much suffering and anger and have systems set up where certain social castes gain lots of sympathy and attention whereas often the masses are ignored and left suffering.

    BTW, child abusers, traffickers and murderers; regardless of race, religion, political agenda, social standing or anything else do have a special place in he!! where they will be held to account for their misdeeds with beaucoup compounded interest! .

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    aristoclesplato9  8 months ago

    I see thousands calling for the death of all Jews in many cities and universities. Islamophobia is an issue, but so is antisemitism.

    Yet we see where Clay Jones sympathies lie along with many on the left who refuse to denounce the likes of Tlaib and her hate speech.

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  11. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  8 months ago

    ⇧ taking a bold stand for bigots…

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    Vidrinath Premium Member 8 months ago

    “I see thousands calling for the death of all Jews in many cities and universities. "

    Leaving out “and rural America”

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  13. Anarcho syndicalismvnnb   copy
    gigagrouch  8 months ago

    Plainfield, actually, Clay. Please don’t tar Chicago with that one.

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  14. Johnny w 2
    Tarzan & Redd Panda  8 months ago

    I wonder, would it have made the news, if it was just some poor boy of no specific ethnicity?

    Nope. This story was brought to you, by the same bunch who gave us trump.

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  15. 136061 pic
    Mike Baldwin creator 8 months ago

    Sadly, Dead on.

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    Grandma Lea  8 months ago

    Wars do not kill people; people kill each other and try to justify or cover their crimes by illegitimate reasoning.

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  17. H
    cherns Premium Member 8 months ago

    Lotta Islamophobia going around, e .g., www DOT cbc DOT Ca/news/canada/london/london-terrorism-trial-1.6997843

    Lotta antisemitism, too. I distinguish between Antisemitism Classic (Bankers’ plot, blood libel, Elders of Zion, &c) and what seems to be a “New” Antisemitism, based on Israel’s terrible treatment of the previous occupants of its territory. The latter is made more confusing by several factors, including the old antisemites who see it as an excuse for hating all Jews; by Israel’s proclamation that it is The Jewish State, representing and supported by all Jews worldwide; and the attempt to categorize all criticisms of Israel as antisemitism.

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