Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for January 17, 2023

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    brwydave Premium Member over 1 year ago

    And this proves what?

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 1 year ago

    How much of that was caused by giving wealthy people tax cuts they didn’t need, nor deserve?

    It’s also funny, that it’s not an issue when Republicans are in charge. Of course, that’s because Democrats won’t hold the American people hostage when it comes to paying America’s bills, in raising the debt ceiling. Something they did during Orange Traitor’s presidency.

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    baroden Premium Member over 1 year ago

    And yet, under the Biden administration, the budget DEFICIT went down this last year. This is one of the first steps in debt reduction.

    Also, Trump was responsible for the largest run-ups of debt in US history due to unfunded tax cuts to the wealthy.

    Go away, Goodwyn.

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    Kurtass Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Debt reduction is easy, don’t put the expenses on the books, like 2 unfunded wars.

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    The Nodding Head  over 1 year ago

    So you sat on this toon for the four years of The Mini-Brained Molecule’s misrule?

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    cbellmerit  over 1 year ago

    Speaking of wealthy people, check out for a graphic of net worth distribution. If their net worth was a stack of $100 bills the average American would not have a stack higher than their shoe. A billionaire would have a stack higher than the orbit of the space station.

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    Radish the wordsmith  over 1 year ago

    So therefore its OK if the Republican House of Insurrection holds the USA hostage until their outrageous demands are met.

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    ChristopherBurns  over 1 year ago

    True. We’ve had 40 years of deficit spending – started by Reagan. Republicans don’t mind spending when they are in office – to quote VP Richard Cheney: “Deficits don’t matter”. However, when Democrats are in office they howl about spending.

    Of course their cure is to cut things like Social Security or Medicare, anything they can spin as “welfare”. Some how it never occurs to them that we should raise taxes on the people who make the most money. Or cut defense spending, which is where a lions share of your income taxes goes to.

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    jader3rd  over 1 year ago

    So let’s roll back the 2017 tax law and start collecting taxes from the rich again.

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    Local 574 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Global capitalism is dying, you idiot cartoonist! Markets have been shrinking since 1971, and they’re never coming back. This is the decade of war and revolution. BUILD THE UNIONS, amigos.

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    DrDon1  over 1 year ago

    Best that can be said is that Goodwyn did keep his colors within the lines…

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    preacherman Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I seem to remember Al’s prez, Dump, saying that the US Debt wasn’t a problem and we shouldn’t even worry about it. Certainly Repubs don’t worry about it while they jack up spending with much borrowing and tax cuts to the wealthy. But, let Dems get any power then the US Debt is their problem and their fault, or so goes the Repub line.

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    braindead Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Republican “math”.

    “So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state. There’s no way I lost Georgia. There’s no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes.”


    Goodwyn did not give the slightest sh!t about increasing the deficit — and the debt — when Trump was in office.

    It is just another ‘issue’ to weaponize and LIE about.

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    davidthoms1  over 1 year ago

    Al, who cares? The US dollar is no more a real thing than is bitcoin. If the stock-market crashes, and a few trillion dollars are wiped off the books, where did that money go? The answer is nowhere, because it didn’t exist in the first place. Since there isn’t a single soul in Government who plans on ever paying the debt back, it does not matter how much it is.

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    lawguy05  over 1 year ago

    Demoncrats don’t care that they are pawning the debt off on my children and grandchildren – they absolutely do NOT care.

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    Rich Douglas  over 1 year ago


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    ragsarooni Premium Member over 1 year ago

    And your point is? Doesn’t china already own most of the world’s debt?

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    Alice Brady Premium Member over 1 year ago

    And the fingerprints of both parties would be found on it, regardless of how the R party wants everyone to believe that they had nothing to do with it.

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    Gary Williams Premium Member over 1 year ago

    As Cheney said of Reagan “deficits don’t matter.”

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    Al Goodwyn creator over 1 year ago

    If everyone’s to blame for the U.S. debt, then no one’s to blame, then we’re to blame.

    We have a system of government that’s better at promoting excessive spending than it is at being fiscally responsible. Who would want to jettison the favorite uncle who teaches us how to make bad decisions. Except that in the real-world, nieces and nephews eventually, hopefully, grow up to know better since the consequences are more quickly recognized.

    Negative legislative consequences from too much spending don’t hit us until further down the road. Plus, we don’t understand a trillion, we like our guy working (spending) for us, and we can’t vote to oust your guy because they don’t represent us. In short, our system perpetuates spending and spending big.

    As far numbers in the trillions, 34 doesn’t seem so big until you add 12 zeros behind it. And a string of digits that long just looks like computer code.

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    thight1944  over 1 year ago

    Well, we could fill our congress with intelligent, fiscally responsible humans who have the interest of the country and constituents at heart instead of just getting elected so they can get cash under the table from anyone that offers…

    Okay, I’m cynical. Humans, unfortunately, are flawed – and I’m thinking we deserve what we get. Yeah, I voted (sigh).

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    canuckulator  over 1 year ago

    i am a fan of your “political observations”, but – if you can’t fit your ideology onto a bumper sticker, then liberals just won’t grasp it.

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