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  1. over 12 years ago on Chip Bok

    I agree that Bush and Cheney allowed all sorts of corruption in the DOD and MMS but to pretend that Obama isn’t another corporatist is foolish. He has stacked the FDA with Monsanto lobbyist and has allowed mountains of waste to go to his top campaign donors. He and any other pwerful Democrate are just as corrupt as any leader in the GOP. Don’t be so mislead so easily.

  2. over 12 years ago on Chip Bok

    Don’t be so partisan. It really sets you up to have only half the picture. No mess this big was started by one bought group of politicians. There was the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act written by Republicans and signed by Clinton. But the truth is both parties are bought by multinational corporatist that don’t care about our economy, or freedoms, just short term profits. But they do a great job of distracting us with petty partisan rants for the weak minded to latch onto. Distractions like defense spending vs populist spending while both are done with billions and billions of dollars of waste. Waste that equals profits for the puppet masters. But I’m sure

  3. over 12 years ago on Steve Breen

    The unifying theme seems to be get money out of politics. Money and politics is the root of political corruption. That is why our nations founding fathers put barriers up between the two. But the corrupt have deep pockets and have eroded the hard work of our founding fathers.Stopping this corporatist agenda of buying up politicians to manipulate tax codes and laws to stack the deck in favor of the most powerful UnAmerican multinational corporations is the message. Stopping the trillions of US dollars going overseas is the message. Restoring a real free market the way the founding fathers intended is the message. The founding fathers were pushed into the revolution because of the corporatist agendas of the bought parlament. Do any of the people claiming to support free markets know the difference between free markets and corporatism? If they did they would be out there supporting the protest not backing white collar traitors destroying our economy for short sighted profit.

  4. over 12 years ago on Matt Bors

    The Tea party is successful because it’s members don’t know the difference between free market capitalism and corporatism. They also don’t know enough about the history of the real Tea Party. Those real patriots were fighting British corporatism. The tax codes were manipulated to give the East India Trading company an advantage over small local business.

  5. over 12 years ago on Matt Bors

    These protesters need to understand that what’s best for multinational corporate conglomerate ececutives is what’s best for America. If these protesters really loved their counry they would be thankful for being laid off of work and having their retirement plans wiped out by short sighted greedy white collar criminals. They should also be thankful that those same executives get 5 and 6 figure bonuses for the way they successfully destroyed 40 yrs of retirement planning.

  6. over 12 years ago on Matt Bors

    “Frankly you only have two choices” paper or plastic, either way it’s a colostomy bag.

  7. almost 13 years ago on Matt Bors

    When is Bors going to make a comic about right wingnuts? Do they bomb an abortion clinic, or murder the children of their opposition party? Hmm What would Jesus do?