But she owns a black cat and her dog eats the “treats” out of the litter box…
A giant realistic looking cockroach costume wouldn’t go well in that neighborhood
I think a single egg costs more than a piece of candy nowadays.
I always hated pennies as Halloween handouts.
Who you vote for is “kept secret” – but who you are, where you live and how often you voted in past elections is public record
Since most people are lazy good for nothings, then yes, motivation, drive and ambition would be considered abnormal
Diary Queen Soft Serve
Kids remember which houses gave out free toothbrushes instead of candy the previous year. No one’s going to be knocking at your door tonight
Authentic Mexican food, like Authentic Chinese food, is a myth in most locations. Most of the foods like fortune cookies, pizza and chimichangas didn’t originate from their “native” country
Two musical notes tells me that the ride lasted for as long as the kids could sing the first half of the first verse of Old MacDonald had a farm
But she owns a black cat and her dog eats the “treats” out of the litter box…