Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 25, 2012

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  almost 12 years ago

    Exactly – not famous, but a “celebrity” someone know because the tabloids write stuff that she told them about, or they make up stories about instead of being known for actually doing something :)

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    SoItBegins~  almost 12 years ago

    “Are we being snarky or envious?”


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    Joecrow  almost 12 years ago

    I have to wonder WHO’S name is she putting in the autograph book?

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    Ottodesu  almost 12 years ago

    I reckon this is an appropriate arc “payoff”. At the other end of what we agree was the effort with the Quill saga.“Shallow vapid prettygirl gets what’s coming to her.”

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    greenbird  almost 12 years ago

    This is a high school girl that everybody is lusting after, right? Nobody thinks this might be a tad inappropriate?

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    bscan48  almost 12 years ago

    Y’ know I was going to say today “put Luann, Bernice, and Delta in Z costumes for Halloween”, but there is way too much message in today’s strip dangnabit.

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    DaJellyBelly  almost 12 years ago

    Miss Motel Six of Hoboken is just an attention seeker. She’d wallow with pigs in a sty if she thought that it would draw the media and the public!

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  8. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  almost 12 years ago

    “dopehead wack jobs”…….yes…..yes, that’s a good description. I think I like that.

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  9. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    Well, at least Tiffany has bucked up and is doing her contractual duties. Luann, Bernice, and Delta are just hanging around and making catty remarks….

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    ianm  almost 12 years ago

    Tiff keeps herself in shape and looks after her appearance. She deserves her day in the sun. But has anyone noticed that Luann is looking very nice in make-up and a tight top? Has she scrubbed up for the premiere, or is she in the market for a Quill replacement?

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    Vilyehm  almost 12 years ago

    The kid with the smile up to his glasses disturbs me. .I think he’s the son of that mad scientist in Tank McNamera.

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    BellsAndMotley  almost 12 years ago

    I am reminded of the time that Jayne Mansfield appeared on The Tonight Show in the early ‘60s. Host Jack Paar referred to her as “one of the most popular actresses in America.” Miss Mansfield corrected him gently: "Oh, no, Mr. Paar, I’m not an actress. I’m a movie star." Jayne was no dummy: she knew the difference between artistry and celebrity status. I suspect that Tiffany knows the difference too.

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  13. But eo
    Rakkav  almost 12 years ago

    Yes. (Logical answer, also an accurate one.)

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    Cofyjunky  almost 12 years ago

    “…richer than any of us.” Yah, Bernice, but still a public joke. No one actually respects someone like that.

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    Mordock999  almost 12 years ago

    Hmmm. Famous No-Talent, eh?

    Sounds Familiar.

    Okay, Tiff. Your next move is become a Guess Jeans Girl then marry a Gazillionaire who was old enough to be Your Great-Grandfather and SWEAR that Before he died he told You that he was gonna leave ALL his Money to YOU and NOT his Kids.

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    Liam Astle Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    And where is the creepy looking guy who wants to have Tiffany audition in the back of his van.

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    Plods with ...™  almost 12 years ago

    Oh. My bad. I thought that meant they were asleep.

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    Gerry Lee  almost 12 years ago

    Well Tiff, it’s not what you dreamed of, but it is a start. Don’t lose sight of your dreams!

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    sleeepy2  almost 12 years ago

    Youtube? More like Redtube.

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    prrdh  almost 12 years ago

    Well, the ‘awesome’ remark, which is probably directed at the Zs, probably qualifies. Not to mention the goofy grins. But it strikes me as a tad silly to talk about the ‘appropriateness’ of boys like the ones shown lusting after a girl their own age, even if she isn’t dressed like Tiff.

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    cdemattos  almost 12 years ago

    it started in junior high. if we weren’t lusting by senior high, then when?

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    TexTech  almost 12 years ago

    I may have missed a comment but did anyone else notice the several girls in the crowd along with the geeky guys? Apparently this character is a role model of the strong woman for some of these tween girls. And yes unfortunately, she is basically an object of desire and lust for the guys.

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    eocene82  almost 12 years ago

    How do we know Tiffany is the “no-talent” type? Because Luann says so? Luann is not exactly unbiased, here. All I can see is that even though Tiffany would love to be instantly famous, she’s also willing to take small steps and put in the hard work to get there, facing setbacks and disappointments and moving forward anyway despite having zero support from her friends. Which means that yes, she’s probably more likely to be more successful in the long run than Luann, who’d rather mope and whine on the sidelines.

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  24. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  almost 12 years ago

    I saw the first panel – I laughed so hard I almost upchucked my doughnut.+Yes, envious and snarky both. And everybody seems to agree that so many celebrities are famous for “being famous” (read “nothing”). So why do those people sell so well? What is it about them that make people buy the supermarket rags and tune in to their TV programs? I’m surprised nobody has invented the word “Kardashianamania.” Any sociology majors out there who want to take a stab at this?

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    beachlvr Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I agree with those who feel that for all her shortcomings (many!) Tiffany is working hard to become an actress… go for it Tiff! Then you can pay for some therapy and have a classic Hollywood life.

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    Redhead55  almost 12 years ago

    In answer to the question, “Are we being snarky or envious?”. Yes! :)

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    tigre1  almost 12 years ago

    The entertainment biz…more competitive and underhanded than…well, just about anything I know. Except maybe real estate, and pro football. For every hundred thousand wannabees ONE makes it for one or two years of good pay…

    and for every ten thousand of those, ONE gets fairly big bucks. People don’t do that for the money, although later, once they’ve made a brand…aka “star quality” the life gets pretty well paid…real actors are very vulnerable psychology-wise.

    Something about too much pretending, I suspect.

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    yangeldf  almost 12 years ago

    you know, the Zeye costume is kind of skimpy, but when you look at that angry eye on her forehead it looks outright STUPID, I guess the designer never expected anyone to look at her face.

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    Doctor11  almost 12 years ago

    Nah, they’re probably in Hollywood and are doing the red carpet treatment with all the other big name people.

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  30. Mighty mouse
    Mighty_Mouse  almost 12 years ago

    So we have Luann who was lead in West Side Story, came #2 in a beauty contest that Tiff got #3, scored the most desirable guy that Pittsville had ever seen, while doing regular community service with children and elderly, is standing to one side while Miss Sacked Chamber of Commerce and Video Extortionist gets adulation for merely being eye candy. Maybe valid grounds for miffedness.

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    Corey Karvonen-Lee Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Adult males lust after females of all ages. The inappropriateness comes in when they act upon it. When I see real life Tiffany’s, I usually don’t lust as I see the fake. I usually lust after the plain jane girls who are real. Oh and teenage girls are often, not always catty.

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    kenhense  almost 12 years ago

    Tiffany is at her best – getting admired in the Wonder Woman attire. That might wind up the high point in her life. She won’t like working for a living…When she’s 19, Tiffany will give it up to some guy – get married – a kid – 160 lbs (end of story).

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  33. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 12 years ago

    As I said… high school girls compete! Luann with Tiff, Tiff with Luann. But here is something far more important…

    WORK DAY / PLAY DAYThe Luann Page on Wikipedia has great background on some of the characters & gives us sporadic readers soome history. BUT the descriptions seriously are out of date. Those of us who can be truthful and objective— let’s do our civic duty and update the Wikipedia page.

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    Popeyesforearm  almost 12 years ago

    The Geek Squad is drooling.

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    lance96816  almost 12 years ago

    Looks like Zeye is more popular than Sheri-st-louis.

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    REDROCKER51  almost 12 years ago

    LOL @ brdshtt

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  37. But eo
    Rakkav  almost 12 years ago

    I came in rather late but I assume it means those asking for autographs.

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    babsbybend  almost 12 years ago

    My girls went to a Barbie event at at big box store years ago. We knew she was a model, and she was a pretty, slender teen-ager, with waist long blonde hair. The girls got her autograph, which she signed, “Barbie”.

    So the only question left in this arc is, does Tiffany get kicked in the head or in the seat, this week or next? (She always gets kicked—it’s what Evans always does.)

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    wild0409  almost 12 years ago

    I would SO do Tiff! Then I’d move on to Luanne for a more practical gal that wouldn’t cheat on me like Tiff would… If I was a stupid cartoon character!!!

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    tegm  almost 12 years ago

    boy, I know every woman should dream and wish to be reduced to her body parts and sold like a prize winning cow!

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    nubianaries81  11 months ago

    Does this make Tiffany a Kardashian before we were forced to keep up with them?

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