Prickly City by Scott Stantis for November 02, 2011

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    If conservatives weren’t so against education, maybe publicly-educated would be less of a pejorative.

    Besides, their math is just fine.

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    garfieldfan2222  over 12 years ago

    Hey darsan,

    I know you’re a big fan of the public education system, but when schools start bringing passing grades down to 50 or 40, even you have got to admit it’s a broken system. Oh yeah, and those unions that fight to keep some people employed who are hopelessly inept at their job. Tenure too, while originally a good idea, forces some schools to keep bad teachers and let good ones go when cuts become necessary. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about! I’m an assistant scoutmaster in the local troop and I’ve talked to the boys (most of them attend public school) and they all have complained about this problem.

    The government-run public education system is broken!! The sooner everyone realizes this, the better for all. Children who are home schooled or attend private school generally outperform public schooled children. Again, it’s not that the public-schooled children are less capable or intelligent, it’s that the government messes up most of what they get involved in, and the education system is a disaster!

    Parents need to get more involved, too. Parents should be allowed to choose what classes their children should take. And for crying out loud, somebody needs to stop “sex education” of 2nd graders! A representative in the Iowa legislature once read a bit from a 2nd grade level “sex ed” book and it was so detailed and so graphic that some of the members of the legislature couldn’t take it and left the room! HELLO, PEOPLE!!!!

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Looks like Kevin got crowded and also said a bad word!

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    Bob.  over 12 years ago

    The unions did their thing then got greedy and crooked. They need reform as much as any part of the system.

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    KPOM  over 12 years ago

    It’s because of unions that taxes are so high. Middle income people in New York city pay about 10% in income taxes to the city and state, mostly to pay for lots of duplicative services that other states provide more efficiently. College is unaffordable because universities keep hiring more “administrators” (in many cases to create positions for tenured “researchers” they can’t get rid of).

    Part of the reason our economy has been so dynamic until the recent recession was that our labor force was highly flexible (meaning its easy to hire and fire people). Today we’re left with idiocy such as we have in NYS where teachers are paid and personnel decisions made based on seniority rather than performance.

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    georgelcsmith  over 12 years ago

    I graduated from High School in the 60s, which was when public education hit its peak. Federal funds also began flowing to public schools in the 60s, and they have trended downward ever since. Public education was much better with local funding and administration.

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