Tom Toles for March 31, 2009

  1. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member about 15 years ago

    When is Obama’s vacation? I bet it won’t be the entire month of August like Bush took!

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  2. Tom13
    tomcib  about 15 years ago

    W was on holiday for 8 years.

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  3. Jw avitar
    jaydubya58  about 15 years ago

    T.C.- Got that right! All he did was phone it in, Cheney took the messages & said “Here’s what he told me to do.”

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  4. Avatar
    WillBerry  about 15 years ago

    YO - Boys, it’s 2009, President Bush43 is back home in Texas. It is now the turn of The Great Impostor to have the spotlight. Or low-light. And the operative question is when is T.G.I. going to stay in Washington long enough to actually do some real work? Like keeping his campaign promises for a centrist, bipartisan and transparent government?

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  5. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 15 years ago

    Heh, it’s so easy to spot the Rush-lovers in the comments.

    They’re the ones that want America under Obama to “fail”, just like Rush does.

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  6. Shocking
    vaxman  about 15 years ago

    So “Anthony 2816”. Never secretly hoped GWB would fail did ya? Give it a rest and come back to reality :)

    Oops - forget the point of posting - love TT

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  7. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I never hoped that Bush would fail, and did not rejoice as his failures mounted. Against all expectations, I nevertheless HOPED that his economic plans would ease poverty, that his foreign policy would bring peace, and that “No Child Left Behind” would improve our schools. Am I to be considered “negative” merely for pointing out, after the fact, that he HAD failed by any reasonable yardstick?

    Obama’s plans are ambitious and long-range, and after less than THREE MONTHS in office it’s too soon to tell whether he has been or will be as effective as we hope. If, in 4 years, I think we could do better, then I’ll vote against him, at least in the primary. As long as the Republicans keep nominating nightmares like Bush/Quayle, Bush/Cheney, and McCain/Palin (I like McCain, in fact, but Palin was a deal-breaker), then I will cast my vote in whatever way seems most likely to keep them where they can do the least damage.

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  8. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 15 years ago

    I never hoped Bush would fail.

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  9. Tardy
    LateToTheGame  about 15 years ago

    I for one always hoped that Bush-43 would start succeeding. Starting at about 8 months into his first term, he began a legacy of epic failure.

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  10. Shocking
    vaxman  about 15 years ago

    “Epic Failure”?

    You will excuse me if I disagree – I lived through Mr. Carter’s Presidency and I remember it very well …

    However, for 8 long years I heard nothing but nastiness coming from the opposition. “Bush is stupid, Bush is a Liar, Cheney is Hitler”, yada, yada, yada. I find it a bit disingenuous that we in the opposition must be quiet or be accused of hate mongering.

    Mr Obama has no experience – none – zero – zip. He and his party are moving very quickly to take over as much as they can while at the same time laying down smoke screens for cover. Hope his policies fail? Certainly! I have no desire for the government – Democrat or Republican – to be running my life. The President and his party are working very hard to make that come true. I would hope for failure from ANY President moving in the direction Mr. Obama is going.

    Social Security is the model for all that is coming our way. If you cherish freedom and liberty, you too should be hoping for his failure in regard to these policies.

    If on the other hand you want to climb on the cart while others pull hoping for a free ride – feel free to do so. Just remember, at some point there will be no one left to pull that cart …

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  11. Tardy
    LateToTheGame  about 15 years ago

    Yes, vaxman, I say that allowing bin Laden to demolish the WTC was an epic failure. It is clear that Bush had ample warnings, but dropped the ball when it came to acting on those warnings.

    As for your rallying cry that socialism is our future, give me a break. The only people buying that schtick are the same ones selling it. Social security is a fine design, though, as any large program, it does require occasional tweaking. The problem was that Reagan, Bush-41, and Bush-43 all preferred to see it fail rather than to perform “routine maintenance”. Dubya went so far as to use timelines of infinity and life span projections of 150 years to show that it was “untenable”.

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  12. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 15 years ago

    I disagree with vaxman. I do not hope for any president to fail because, if the president fails, the United States fails.

    Bush failed. We failed. But we don’t give up. We have a new President now and we can pick up the pieces. It won’t be easy. It won’t be cheap.

    But for those that fear that it’s the Democrats who are going to make government “run your life”, answer this question for me:

    Which party created the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Agency?

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  13. 009 8a
    MaryWorth Premium Member about 15 years ago

    vaxman says: “So “Anthony 2816”. Never secretly hoped GWB would fail did ya?”

    Trouble is Bush never secretly failed… it was always out in the open!

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  14. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 15 years ago

    No, Vaxman, I never “secretly hoped GWB would fail”. To hope that would mean I would hope my country would fail.

    Hoping my country would fail just to hurt our President is reserved to America-haters like Rush Limbaugh. I don’t hate my country like that…do you?

    I saw that GWB would fail. And my insight was “rewarded” with watching my country fail around me.

    I now hope Obama will succeed in resurrecting my country after the eight year attack of Bush.

    So what do you want, Vaxman? Do you want our country to recover from Bush?

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  15. Tom13
    tomcib  about 15 years ago

    Cool. Got a pretty lively exchange over seven words. E pluribus unum! Cheers!

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  16. Shocking
    vaxman  about 15 years ago

    Amen Tom!

    I will just finish with this:

    To LateToTheGame-

    You obviously have a view of the world that just doesn’t match with facts. I encourage you to do some real investigation. Nothing I can write will influence your world view.

    “Social Security is a fine design”? To the unfunded tune of 50+ TRILLION? Don’t take my word for it – go investigate. Bernie Madoff’s was a piker compared to this ponzi scheme

    To Danialsangeo

    I, like you, have no use for the ruse of the TSA – what I waste – you win on that one . I will also say the DHS is another boondoggle. I am confused, if these are bad, why would we want MORE bureaucrats getting deeper into our lives?

    To Dale

    Everyone has their opinion – my belief is that GWB did a good job until last fall. It was at this point he lost my support. History will tell …

    To Anthony 2816

    No, I do not hate my country, but I hate and will fight those that will try to destroy it. The reason I am hear carrying on this discuss.

    So if I believe in my heart he will fail, that is ok – as long as I don’t vocalize it? You are very deep – your insights were rewarded. Well, my insights tell me what is going on is wrong. But that will not stop it. If I feel it’s wrong, I must take a stand, like all in this thread. Unfortunately, too often a double standard is used.

    All I want is for folks to use there head, read, invetsigate and make INFORMED decisions. I love Mr Toles’ drawing – not because I always agree with is politics, but because he sometimes makes me look beyond mine.

    Thanks to all for the great posts!

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  17. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 15 years ago

    Vaxman, you seem to be confusing thinking someone will fail, and hoping they would fail.

    Thinking someone will fail is just making a judgment call.

    Hoping they fail, when in order for that to happen the whole country has to fail, is beneath contempt…yet not only did Limbaugh say that, but he refused to recant it.

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  18. Tardy
    LateToTheGame  about 15 years ago

    Investigate it yourself, vaxman. Please, please, please point to a real source that mentions 50 trillion. All I’ve found is “Yahoo! Answers” and YouTube.

    I guarantee that whomever fabricated such a number, if they even attempted to back it up, relied on timeline projections to infinity. Guess what? If I bought a gumball a day for infinity, I would spend more than a zillion dollars.

    When Bush-43 claimed that SS would fail, he used lifespans of 150 and retirement ages of 65: You know, the American dream of working for 35 years and then retiring for 85 more. Right! Even that was not enough, so they didn’t just look at projections over the next 2 or 3 decades, no! They ran the numbers until the year ∞.

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