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  1. about 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    Amen Tom!

    I will just finish with this:

    To LateToTheGame-

    You obviously have a view of the world that just doesn’t match with facts. I encourage you to do some real investigation. Nothing I can write will influence your world view.

    “Social Security is a fine design”? To the unfunded tune of 50+ TRILLION? Don’t take my word for it – go investigate. Bernie Madoff’s was a piker compared to this ponzi scheme

    To Danialsangeo

    I, like you, have no use for the ruse of the TSA – what I waste – you win on that one . I will also say the DHS is another boondoggle. I am confused, if these are bad, why would we want MORE bureaucrats getting deeper into our lives?

    To Dale

    Everyone has their opinion – my belief is that GWB did a good job until last fall. It was at this point he lost my support. History will tell …

    To Anthony 2816

    No, I do not hate my country, but I hate and will fight those that will try to destroy it. The reason I am hear carrying on this discuss.

    So if I believe in my heart he will fail, that is ok – as long as I don’t vocalize it? You are very deep – your insights were rewarded. Well, my insights tell me what is going on is wrong. But that will not stop it. If I feel it’s wrong, I must take a stand, like all in this thread. Unfortunately, too often a double standard is used.

    All I want is for folks to use there head, read, invetsigate and make INFORMED decisions. I love Mr Toles’ drawing – not because I always agree with is politics, but because he sometimes makes me look beyond mine.

    Thanks to all for the great posts!

  2. about 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    “Epic Failure”?

    You will excuse me if I disagree – I lived through Mr. Carter’s Presidency and I remember it very well …

    However, for 8 long years I heard nothing but nastiness coming from the opposition. “Bush is stupid, Bush is a Liar, Cheney is Hitler”, yada, yada, yada. I find it a bit disingenuous that we in the opposition must be quiet or be accused of hate mongering.

    Mr Obama has no experience – none – zero – zip. He and his party are moving very quickly to take over as much as they can while at the same time laying down smoke screens for cover. Hope his policies fail? Certainly! I have no desire for the government – Democrat or Republican – to be running my life. The President and his party are working very hard to make that come true. I would hope for failure from ANY President moving in the direction Mr. Obama is going.

    Social Security is the model for all that is coming our way. If you cherish freedom and liberty, you too should be hoping for his failure in regard to these policies.

    If on the other hand you want to climb on the cart while others pull hoping for a free ride – feel free to do so. Just remember, at some point there will be no one left to pull that cart …

  3. about 15 years ago on Tom Toles

    So “Anthony 2816”. Never secretly hoped GWB would fail did ya? Give it a rest and come back to reality :)

    Oops - forget the point of posting - love TT