Tom Toles for June 07, 2016

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    Mugens Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    “supporters”. Excuse the typo…

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    hippogriff  almost 8 years ago

    leftwingpatriotThree million ahead, and the final super Tuesday and 15-20 million votes uncast. No wonder the military/industrial complex wants to wrap it up yesterday.

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    drkala  almost 8 years ago

    They are allowed to change registration if they want to vote. timing varies by state.

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    cdward  almost 8 years ago

    I voted for Bernie in the primary, but I’m content to have Hillary our nominee. Bernie has had such an influence in this primary season that it will be impossible for her to ignore his platform entirely. Trump will send us spiraling out of control.

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  5. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 8 years ago

    Closing ranks after the convention is soon enough, this does not have to be done before California. When Clinton gets the delegates, she gets the nomination. It is like we have never seen a primary race before.

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 8 years ago

    Not all states allowed Independents to vote. So how many millions could not for Sanders because of it?

    Sanders is not running for the independent nomination, he is running for the Democratic nomination. Sanders keeps talking about how he wants the US to be more like Sweden or Denmark. Please show me one democratic country in the world where political parties allow non-party members to participate in intraparty contests to select leaders and candidates.If one registers as an independent, one is saying he/she doesn’t identify or support any political party.

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  7. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 8 years ago

    I wonder how many people realize that if the Republicans had NO “winner take all” primaries, merely proportional top to bottom, Trump would be a bigger joke than he already is?

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    sonoferu  almost 8 years ago

    Can I change the subject? What is it in Bernie’s mouth? A pen? A cigar? It cant be just a purposeful mouth shape by Toles, like Trump’s huge pursed lips look. If it is all meant to represent Bernie’s mouth, what’s the meaning of it? I’m stumped

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    hippogriff  almost 8 years ago

    leftwingpatriotWhy the smokescreen? Uncast means not cast. In this case, it meant not cast because that election had not happened. Now that the election has happened, Greg Palast and others of that dwindling population of real investigative reporters are documenting other forms of “uncast”, such as page 49 of the election manual instructing election staff to give Sanders supporters ballots without presidential names on them. If they refuse those ballots and demand a “crossover” ballot (to which they are legally entitled), to take back the offered ballot and count the blank paper as voted. One such was Palast’s broadcasting partner. This is the most voter-suppressed election since the Voting Rights Act started being enforced by US Marshals in the south.

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