Clay Jones for July 02, 2014

  1. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    This bit of political theater baffles me and I look to my liberal counterparts to explain it to me.

    Unemployment is now down to 7% give or take (Still high but not as bad as it was). But amongst First rung jobs the unemployment rate is much much higher and these are the jobs being sought out by African Americans and Hispanic American youth and young adults (Mr. Obama’s biggest support group). Why would they support Mr. Obama when he is willfully making it harder for the teens and young adults in their communities to find jobs?

    In fact, Mr. Obama has threatened to “Go it alone” if Congress won’t sign off on what he wants to do.

    If I were a Democratic congressman with a large urban population to please, I would scared to death of what Mr. Obama is trying to do and yet they seem to continue to support him no matter what.

    Don’t they teach Economics in the Inner cities.If the Supply of Labor goes up (Because all these “kids” will eventually be trying to join the job market), then the price of Labor goes down.

    But I guess they have been brainwashed into thinking that it is more important to swell the Democratic voter base then to rebuild the economy so that they can be successful.

    I don’t get it.

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  2. Missing large
    klr562  almost 10 years ago

    do away with birthright citizenship like the rest of the world has and watch in illegal population dwindle since the illegal mom’s and dad’s won’t be able to have those anchor babies anymore

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  3. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  almost 10 years ago

    @Tiger – Looking at all the People I see looking for jobs I would be inclined to agree with you and my gut tells me you are right. Unfortunately, the Obama apologists would throw a fit if I tried to use numbers that don’t come from MSNBC.

    The Economy is terribly bifurcated with people holding BS, MS or PhD degrees doing fairly well while those without a college education or BA, or MA struggling.

    Which again brings me back to my questions: If I were struggling to find an entry level job and being turned away and watched Obama inviting in all these low cost illegal workers – I would be pissed.

    Many companies are complaining that they can’t find college educated talent and lobbying their congressmen to let them have more H1 Visas. I say no to that also. I have a son attending Engineering school right now and I wouldn’t want him being undercut by workers willing to take whatever the employer will hand out.

    I think they should shut down work visa programs when the economy tanks and take care of citizens first. Then, when there is a real shortage (not the artificial one claimed by high tech) they can start letting workers in again.

    That would be fair for Investors and workers alike.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Most of the kids, and for that matter adults, are NOT coming in from Mexico, but further south, based on lies they’re told by “coyotes”.

    The biggest issue on “employment” in the U.S. now is that while it’s down into the 6% range, the continuing problem is folks with NO JOB SKILLS! Thousands of jobs are out there, unfilled, because there aren’t enough AMERICANS out there with the skills to fill them!

    My son just graduated, and has applied for several jobs now because he needs to get back to his home state now that he’s out of school. The jobs he’s applied to are a combination of using his school, or the skills he acquired in the Navy, and those Navy trained jobs pay MORE than his degree related jobs! He’d already have taken one of the jobs he was offered, but he wants to get out of California and return home.

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